SnVYSA Referee Clinic FIFA – Laws of the Game Charlie Gifford – Referee Coordinator Ed Eldredge – FIFA Referee, Grade 6 District II rep, EKCSRA Assignor
Law 1 – Field of Play Refer to dimensions on Handout U12 and U13 may play on larger fields than 50yds. x 90yds. McDonald Park, Centennial, Snoq. Ridge Field Markings are normally present upon your arrival.
Law 2 – The Ball U6-U8 – use a #3 ball U9 - U12 use a #4 ball U13 - #5 Ball (Full Size) Home Team provides game ball Check for adequate pressure and quality Ok to use a ball from visiting team if home team cannot provide Back-up balls should also be checked
Law 3 – Number of Players Refer to Handout U6-U7: 3 (no goalie), U8: 4, U9: 5, U10: 6, U11: 9 Substitutes must wait for referee’s signal prior to entering field Injured players not subbed may re-enter during dynamic play if not subbed (with referee’s permission). Sent Off (Red card) players may not be replaced, team plays 1 player short Enter/Leave field without permission (caution) Goalkeeper sub procedures – must ask, check for goalie subs at halftime
Law 4 – Players’ Equipment Shin Guards are mandatory – must be covered with socks to keep in place Matching shirts – color Part of Pregame inspection No Jewelry, no Casts – no exceptions except medical alert (taped down) You “can” send a player off for equipment or jewelry removal during dynamic play. Player must ask to return. Goalkeepers’ shirt color – different
Law 5 – The Referee Safety is #1 Enforces the Laws Advantage Call (Law 12) – up to 3 seconds! May change decision only “before” restart – get the call right! Referee is the only Timekeeper A Player bleeding or with blood on uniform must leave match and get bleeding stopped Coaching – when and where – not next to goal Coach Behavior – dismissal / warnings
Law 6 – The Assistant Referees Not Applicable in Association Play May use Linesman/Volunteers at U11 to U13 to signal ball out of bounds only Role is assistance – referee call is final Only flags direction on balls out of play Do Not Flag Offsides Do Not Flag Fouls *Review their role in Pre-Game
Law 7 – Duration of Match Refer to Handout/Quick Reference Guide Half time is 5 minutes Extending time – Subs, Injury, wasting time Must extend time for Penalty Kicks if clock expires (U11 – U13) Don’t start and stop your game watch – its too easy to forget to restart it
Law 8 – Start and Restart of Play Coin Toss (start or overtime) Kick-Off (forward!) – 1 st / 2 nd half Yardage from ball – use center circle radius Referee signals – whistle 2 nd touch by same player (Indirect FK) Scoring U6–U10 (cannot score) vs. U11 and up (can score) on kickoff Drop Balls – procedures Move out to closest spot on goal area line
Law 9 – The Ball in and Out of Play All of the Ball over all of the line Simultaneous touches – best guess, note direction/spin of ball, signal with confidence! Goal posts, corner posts and referees are in-play Play the referee’s whistle!
Law 10 – Method of Scoring Quiz Can you score against yourself on a ? And what’s the proper restart?: Goalkick? Throw In? Kick Off? Free Kick?
Law 11 - Offside Definition: An offside position exists when a player is in the opponents' half of the field, nearer the opponents’ goal line than the next-to-last opponent, and is ahead of the ball. Offside position, and participating in play You cannot be offside: On your own defensive ½ of the field Throw ins, Corner Kicks, Goal Kicks
Law 12 – Fouls and Misconduct No Slide Tackling in association play – restart is Indirect Free Kick (IFK) For U12 and higher teams playing as guests in another association, that association’s rule applies (e.g. Eastside YSA allows slide tackling) Slide Show
Law 13 – Free Kicks Indirect Free Kicks (IFK) For U6-U9 levels, all free kicks are indirect Ball must be touched by another player before it can go into the goal Arm signal: straight up in the air until ball is kicked Direct Free Kicks (DFK) For U10 and higher levels – physical contact foul Arm signal: pointing at 45 degree angle towards the offensive team’s goal until ball is kicked Distance away for defending players: center circle radius
Law 14 – The Penalty Kick Location of the foul and not the ball to signal: blow whistle and point at the penalty mark Player positioning on kick All players except kicker and goalie outside penalty area including the penalty arc (10 yards) Signal – whistle (mandatory) Keeper – on line facing field Can move sideways before the kick, but not towards kicker Kicker – one continuous motion, no fakes Encroachment penalties
Law 15 – Throw In Location – within 1 yard of where the ball left the field over the touch line Signal: Point at 45 degree angle in direction of the throw for offensive team Legal Throw Can it Spin? When is it in play? Not in play? Opponent distance – 2 yards What’s the restart if you throw it in your own goal? Opponents goal?
Law 16 – The Goal Kick Refer to Field Layouts Handout U11 and up has Goal Area and Penalty Area. U6–U10 just goal area line across entire width of field Position ball anywhere in goal area For U6-U10, encourage placement on the line to ensure ball leaves goal area Opponent Positioning – all outside area Ball must leave the goal/penalty area before being touched by another player –if not, allow a re-kick
Law 17 – The Corner Kick Ball Placement In Play when ball moves No player is in a offside position until after the initial touch/possession by 1 st player