The Mission Staff Assembly serves as the official organization of the Clark Atlanta University Staff The Purpose To have a well-informed staff knowledgeable of the University’s policies and procedures, rights and responsibilities
Notable Accomplishments in Annual Opening Workshop Basket Give-a-way Sponsorship for Homecoming Tailgating Tent 5 – Book $200 during the Fall Semester Thanksgiving Baskets to the Greater Atlanta Community Christmas Toys and Food Baskets, too. Staff Development –”Coping with Change” led by and for staff members $ for the Gap Scholarship Fund 6 – $250 Book Stipends and 5 – $200 Gift Cards via Follett Book Store during the Spring Semester Annual Opening Workshop Basket Give-a-way Sponsorship for Homecoming Tailgating Tent 5 – Book $200 during the Fall Semester Thanksgiving Baskets to the Greater Atlanta Community Christmas Toys and Food Baskets, too. Staff Development –”Coping with Change” led by and for staff members $ for the Gap Scholarship Fund 6 – $250 Book Stipends and 5 – $200 Gift Cards via Follett Book Store during the Spring Semester
Our Meetings and Activities We will meet every other month this academic year. We will have activities each month. Our committees will be at the forefront of our spirit of commitment and success of our organization. Our yearly dues will continue to support : Student book stipends, Quarterly birthday celebrations, Sympathy during bereavement, and so much more!
STAFF ASSEMBLY PresidentMs. Gay-linn E. Gatewood-Jasho (Alumni Relations) Vice PresidentMs. Susan W. Gibson (Enrollment Support Services and Student Retention) Recording SecretaryMs. Carla Sumerlin-Elder ( Enrollment Support Services and Student Retention) Corresponding SecretaryMr. Mason W. Hurst (Financial Aid) Business ManagerMs. Cynthia Williams (Human Resources) ParliamentarianMr. Clemon T. Jackson, Sr. (Human Resources) Representative to theDr. Georgianna Bolden University Senate (Sponsored Programs) Representative to theMs. Veda Jackson University Senate (Graduate Studies) Ex-officio Member Mrs. Phyllis McCrary of the University Senate ( OITC) O FFICERS
A PPOINTED O FFICERS S TAFF A SSEMBLY C OMMITTEES Financial SecretaryMs. Sharon Corry (OITC) HistorianMs. Monique Baucham (Office of Planning, Assessment and Research) EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER Chair: Ms. Glenda Gooden (English Department) Cochair: Mr. Mason W. Hurst ( Financial Aid) FUNDRAISING Board Driven HEALTH AND WELLNESS Chair: Ms. Janet Singleton (Student Health Services) Cochair: Mr. Daryl Jacobs (Athletics)HOMECOMING Board Driven INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES Chair: Ms. Sharon Corry (OITC) Cochair: Ms. Gail Shields (OITC) A DVISOR Mr. Aristide J. Collins, Jr. (Vice President for Institutional Advancement and University Relations)
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Chair: Dr. Belinda Oliver (Center for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Development) Cochair: Mr. Jesse Hightower (Grants and Contracts) Cochair: Ms. Martha Edwards (MBRS/RISE/Biological Sciences) Cochair: Ms. Cynthia Cook (School of Business) STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK Chair: Dr. Georgianna Bolden (Sponsored Programs) Cochair: Ms. Yolanda Tonic (Undergraduate Studies) STAFF DEVELOPMENT Chair: Ms. Ernita B. Hemmitt (Career Planning and Placement Center) Cochair: Ms. Aundrea Sturdivant (Human Resources) STAFF MENTORING Chair: Ms. Susan W. Gibson (Enrollment Support Services and Student Retention) Cochair: Ms. Phyllis McCrary (OITC) STAFF NEWSLETTER CoEditor: Ms. Lashun Lanier (Chemistry Department) CoEditor: Ms. Katrina Scott( Center for Theoretical Studies of Physical Systems) CoEditor: Ms. Joyce Outler (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs) e S TAFF A SSEMBLY C OMMITTEES
“I T ’ S ALL ABOUT US – A U NIFIED S TAFF ” If anyone asks who the CAU staff is, we know that we do not have to sing the backup chorus from Michael Jackson’s Earth Song which states “What about us?” We can tell him or her as we proclaim…