Equality Information and Tenant Satisfaction Adam Payne, ARP Research 11 October 2012
Outline What is STAR? STAR equality data Using STAR data in relation to equality Where to get more info?
What is STAR?
STAR = Survey of Tenants And Residents Flexible approach to surveying tenants & residents, within certain constraints Allows social landlords to compare satisfaction Guidance is free of charge Available to all
Build your own survey Starting point is the core satisfaction and demographic questions Seven core satisfaction questions covering: Overall satisfaction Quality of home Neighbourhood Repairs and maintenance Listening to views and acting on them Value for money provided by rent Value for money provided by service charge
Build your own survey Core questions are basis for comparisons using HouseMark benchmarking Optional Housemark Resident Involvement benchmarking includes comparisons by age, ethnic group and disability Add to the core questions with: Set optional questions from STAR questions Your own questions
STAR in Wales Core questions allow comparisons across Wales or UK wide Wales section of STAR questions contains questions related to Welsh regulatory delivery outcomes STAR in Wales questions can be compared through Housemark’s PI Tracking
STAR Equality data
STAR equality data Standard demographic questions based upon the census: Exact age for every household member Gender for every household member Day to day activities of a household member limited because of a health problem (aligned to DDA definition) Sexual orientation Ethnic group of tenant (and partner) Religion
Combining existing data with STAR Good quality tenant profile data can be linked to satisfaction data without asking again STAR surveys are usually confidential survey research which has a specific data protection category Personally identifiable data (e.g. name and address) must be removed at the earliest point in the process Running profiling and surveys as one combined exercise is not recommended
Survey methods - inclusivity As long as it’s statistically robust and representative, STAR can be done by: Post Telephone Face-to-face Online (as a supplement) It is important to make your survey accessible so include: Options to complete in another language Options for those with impaired sight Individual contact with vulnerable residents Top ups to target under represented groups
Using STAR data in relation to equality
Descriptive data In the absence of other profiling data, can provide an indication of demographic make up However, typical 40-50% response rate means this is no substitute for full profiling Can ask specific questions regarding improvements (e.g. adaptations, support needs, contact preferences)
Cross tabulations Explore key questions by equality groups to identify differences in satisfaction
Compare priorities to satisfaction Disability In top 3 priorities Satisfaction Repairs Listen to views Neighbour hood Value for money Quality of home Kept informed No disability In top 3 priorities Satisfaction Repairs Listen to views Neighbour hood Value for money Quality of home Kept informed
Further insight A key driver analysis (regression) can identify factors most associated with overall satisfaction for different equality groups
Common errors Be aware of small sample sizes! Calculate error margin of results Test for statistical significance Look at all points on the scale Be aware of confounding variables: Overall satisfaction by religion Overall satisfaction by religion & age AgeChristianOther Up to 3464%66% 35 – 5975%74% 60+86%82%
Explore further Many of your results will not be statistically significant, but may still point you in the right direction Other results will tell you what, but not why! Follow up with detailed surveys, focus groups or simple one-to-one conversations Utilise other evidence and sources of knowledge within the organisation
Where to get more information
Guidance documents STAR features: outlines the framework STAR questions: full listing of core, optional and demographic questions Running STAR: detailed guidance on how to carry out a survey Also available: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) List of Suppliers Sign up to alerts for changes
Contacts HouseMark office: Mobile: ARP Research Office: Mobile: