Music and MATLAB Arianne Ferare employ a random walk to generate a musical melody harmonize the melody with randomly generated yet appropriate chords and notes
Chord Progressions-- the basics PROGRESSIONS IN MUSIC Chords are comprised of any combination of three notes (a triad) Progressions generally begin on the tonic chord (from the triad do, mi, sol; or 1, 3, 5) Progressions generally end on a predominant- dominant-tonic cadence (from the ii or IV triads to the V triad to the tonic) Melody should move in stepwise motion up and down and avoid leaps for better flow Harmony should consist of chords that fit with the current melody note Harmony usually split into four voices, each with distinct vocal ranges: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass The “leading tone” (ti, or 7) must resolve to 1/do in the soprano CODING PROGRESSIONS IN MATLAB Define the different notes that may appear in each triad (I, ii, IV, V, vi, vii o ) in terms of the notes of the scale, 1-7 or do-ti I has 1,3,5; V has 5,7,2; etc Assign a vector for each voice and triad combination that corresponds to that voice's range (may have more or fewer octaves) Generate soprano starting note via random selection from tonic soprano vector; generate soprano melody via random walk (unless its value corresponds to leading tone, in which case it must go up) Given soprano note, select randomly one of the two or three triads containing that note and assign other voices values from their corresponding vectors for that triad End with ii or IV triad, followed by V then I