Order of Operations PEMDAS (Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction) By Nick Schmidlin
Order of Operations O Grade: 7 th O ODE Standards: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients O ISTE Standards: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. O Students will participate in the creation by answering practice questions at the end of each example.
Menu O Parenthesis Parenthesis O Exponent Exponent O Multiplication Multiplication O Division Division O Addition Addition O Subtraction Subtraction O Video Video O Review Review O Sources Sources
Parenthesis Definition: indicate separate groupings of symbols in mathematics. Example: O (5-3)=2 O 15+(12+3)=30 O (54+16)-20=50
Practice O 5+(6+4)= O 12-(3+9)= O (7+14)=
Exponent Definition: a symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised. 4^2=16 4x4=16 Example: O 12^2=144 O 3^3=27 O 5-2^3=3 With Parenthesis: O (12-4)^2=64 O (9+2)^2=121
Practice Exponents Exponent and Parenthesis 4^2= 7+5^2= 2^2= (12-6)^2= 10+(20-10)^2=
Multiplication Definition: a mathematical operation, symbolized by a × b, a ⋅ b, a ∗ b, or ab, and signifying, when a and b are positive integers, that a is to be added to itself as many times as there are units in b; the addition of a number to itself as often as is indicated by another number. Example: 3x2=6 (4x3)=12 (8x1)^2=64
Practice 5x6= 9x3= (2x6)= (6x2)^2= (4x3)^2=
Division Definition: The operation inverse to multiplication. Example: 12/6=2 2x (12/4)^2=18
Practice 21/3= 100/10= 25/5= (25/5)^2= (10x2)/20=
Addition Definition: The process of uniting two or more numbers into one sum. Example: 12+2=14 2+2=4 (2+2)^2=16 3/3 x(2+2)^2=16
Practice 2+2= (8+5)= (6+6)^2= 12/6 x (8+2)^2=
Subtraction Definition: The operation or process of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities. Example: 8-2=6 (10-5)=5 ((16-4)^2)+2x(8/2) =152
Practice 10-5= (12-6)^2= ((5+5)^2)x(3/3)=
Ways To Remember Cons: O Remembering what each letter represents. Pros: O Easy remembering the order to solve.
Review O PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) Example: ((5+5)^2)x(3/3)=
How Will I Use This O At the store. Expenses O At school. Math class O Microsoft office. Excel
Sources: O O researchmaniacs.com O justindrawingdead.com O Dictionary.com