Module 7 Lesson 8 Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among shapes.
Multiply by 6 PATTERN SHEET 2 minutes End
Equivalent Counting With Units of eight2 eights3 eights4 eights5 eights6 eights7 eights8 eights9 eights10 eights eight163 eights325 eights487 eights649 eights80 82 eights244 eights406 eights568 eights7210 eights First let’s count to 10 by ones. Now let’s count up to 10 groups of 8, or 10 eights. Now skip count to 80 by 8. And for a challenge, let’s alternate between numbers and units of 8. Start with units of 8. And now alternate starting with numbers.
Shade Rectangles of Equal Area Draw a rectangles with an area of 6 square units, with one row :
Shade Rectangles of Equal Area Draw a rectangles with an area of 6 square units, with one row : Draw a rectangles with an area, but with 2 rows:
Shade Rectangles of Equal Area Draw a rectangles with an area of 8 square units, with one row : Draw a rectangles with an area, but with 2 rows:
Shade Rectangles of Equal Area Draw a rectangles with an area of 12 square units, with one row : Draw a rectangles with an area, but with 2 rows:
Concept Development Today we are going to make Tangrams. These are small polygons that we can put together to form larger polygons. You will need: Problem Set 7.8 A piece of white copy paper Scissors Baggie to save the shapes you create for tomorrow’s lesson For this activity it is extremely important that you wait for instructions before taking each step. Please watch the teacher model what you need to do before doing it yourself. Do NOT cut anything out before receiving the instructions and watching the example.
Concept Development old the short edge of your paper so that it lies flush along the long edge of the paper. Cut off the extra strip of paper and recycle it. What shape is your paper?
Concept Development Unfold your paper and cut out the two triangles as I cut out my triangles. Keep BOTH triangles, and draw and label them on Problem 1 on your Problem Set. When I folded my paper down the diagonal line that goes through the middle of the paper, what shapes did I make?
Concept Development Which smaller shapes is the big triangle composed of? Next take ONE of your triangles and fold it in half to make two equal sides and crease it. Then open the paper and cut along the fold. Draw and label these new shapes on Problem 2 of your Problem Set.
Concept Development Crease along the top fold and open the triangle back up. Cut along the horizontal crease like this. What shapes did we make? Now take the second big and fold it in half to make two equal triangles, but do not cut it. Open it back out and fold the top point down to meet the bottom of the line you made when you folded. Like this: Draw and label these new shapes on Problem 3 of your Problem Set.
Concept Development Take the trapezoid and fold it in half. Cut it along the fold. Now you have two of what shape? Draw and label these new shapes on Problem 4 of your Problem Set.
Concept Development Take one of the new trapezoids and fold the longest point in. Make the long point meet the opposite corner and then crease it. Open it up and cut along the fold. Now you have what shapes? Draw and label these new shapes on Problem 5 of your Problem Set.
Concept Development Use the last trapezoid. Put its longest side at the bottom, with the right angles to the left. Fold the bottom left angle up to meet the diagonal corner and crease it. Then open it up and cut along the fold line. What shapes did we make this time? Draw and label these new shapes on Problem 6 of your Problem Set.
Concept Development You are now done making polygons. Your job is to put the pieces back together to form the large square we started with.
Can you recreate these shapes? Or create some objects of your own?