Remote Rural Mobility Solutions and the Creation of a Rural Transit District Linda K. Cherrington
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Topics for Discussion Transit in Texas Rural Transit Services How is Rural Transit Funded? How is Rural Transit Organized?
Transit in Texas Regional Transit Authorities Dallas DART Houston METRO San Antonio VIA Austin Capital Metro Fort Worth The T Corpus Christi RTD County Transit Authority Denton County Municipal Transit Depts. El Paso Sun Metro Laredo El Metro
Transit in Texas Small Urban Transit 30 transit systems Rural Transit 39 transit providers
Rural Transit in Texas Characteristics Largest Rural Transit by Land Area Panhandle Community Services 25,749 sq mi West Texas Opportunities 23,360 sq mi Smallest Rural Transit by Population South Padre Island 1,425 population Webb County 17,535 population Rural Transit in Areas of Lowest Population Density Concho Valley 3.69 persons/sq mi
Why Transit in Rural Communities? Access to Basic Necessities Medical Social Services Essential Shopping Improve Quality of Life Personal Business Family Recreation Advance Economic Opportunity Jobs Education
Population Served by Rural Transit Seniors Persons with disabilities Persons without limited economic resources Families Persons in remote areas
Rural Transit in West Texas El Paso County Services in El Paso County outside El Paso Sun Metro Fixed Route General Population Commute services to connect with Sun Metro Area 809 square miles Population 31,157 in 2000
Rural Transit in West Texas Permian Basin Rural Transit District Provider is West Texas Opportunities, Inc. Services in 17 counties Demand-response General population Sub-regional dispatch centers Area 23,360 square miles Population 166,056 in 2000
Funding Rural Transit in Texas Federal Section 5311 Funds for Rural Areas State of Texas Public Transportation Funds Local Funds
Federal Funding for Transit
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA-LU) Six-year funding policy Revisions to Urbanized Area Formula Funds Revision to Section 5311 Rural Area (Non-urbanized) Formula Apportion 20% of funds to land area Increased funding New Formula Funding Programs for Transit Growing States and High Density States Program New Freedoms Program Alternative Transportation in Parks
Section 5311 Rural Areas Rural Areas Under 50,000 Population Formula Funds Population (80%) Land Area (20%) Set aside 15% for intercity bus, 2% for Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Eligible Uses Capital projects including preventive maintenance Eligible 80/20 federal/local match* Operating expenses Eligible 50/50 federal/local match* Administrative and planning expenses 80/20 federal/local match* Local match is any non-federal source of match
Section 5311 Funding Allocation to Rural Areas Federal Funds to the Governor of each State Governor of Texas designates TxDOT as responsible state agency Funding formula established by Texas Transportation Commission
Indirect Sources of Federal Funds Rural Community Advancement Program Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants Independent Living Programs Medicaid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Community Services Block Grants Developmental Disabilities Grants Welfare to Work Grants Workforce Investment Act Programs
State of Texas Funding Public Transportation Fund Health and Human Service Programs
Public Transportation Fund State Funds for Public Transportation Small Urban Areas Rural Areas Subject to Biennium Funding from Texas State Legislature Allocation Historical Trend Continued Revised by Legislation 2003
Public Transportation in Texas Significant Legislation House Bill 3588 revamped Texas Department of Transportation responsibilities House Bill 2292 revamped organization of health and human services programs TxDOT has responsibility for all public transportation funding Administration of programs not consolidated
State Funds for Transit in Texas Responsibility delegated by the Legislature to Texas Transportation Commission in 2003 Texas Transportation Commission named Public Transportation Committee (PTAC) to advise on funding formula PTAC recommended goals and objectives for funding transit Includes Rural Federal and State Funding Allocation
PTAC Goal #1 To improve access to public transportation in Texas in a fiscally responsible manner. Support transit to provide basic mobility for dependent populations in all counties using obtainable resources Provide incentives for local investment to support public transportation Encourage service enhancements to support economic opportunity, job access, cleaner air and congestion mitigation by encouraging transit as a mode of choice Improve awareness of the availability of services to increase the utilization of transit.
PTAC Goal #2 To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public transportation services. Recommend state funding formulae that reward efficiency and effectiveness Recommend changes to current policies that will result in improved efficiency, effectiveness and utilization Recommend enhancements to processes used to obtain and verify performance data Recommend programming of capital investments to support managing assets (vehicles, facilities) for enhanced utilization, safety and reliability
PTAC Goal #3 To improve cooperation and coordination of services. Recommend state funding formulae that reward coordination of services Support changes to legislative and administrative codes to resolve barriers or remove constraints to the coordination of services Ensure implementation of the recommendations from the Regional Services Planning (RSP) initiative to coordinate public transportation services
State Transit Funding Allocation State Transit Funds 35% Urban Systems Needs 100% population Performance 65% Rural Systems Needs 75% population 25% land area Performance Federal 5311 Funds, too
Funding Formula Performance Indicators 33% local $ / expense 33% rev. mi. / expense 33% riders / rev. mi. Rural Performance
Sources of Local Funding Transit generated revenues Private sector General revenue Bonds for capital Non-traditional Impact fees, parking fines Special districts Economic development sales tax Federal programs that take on a local veil Community Development Block Grants
Sources of Local Funding (continued) Dedicated sales tax Regional Transit Authorities Municipal Transit Departments County Transportation Authorities Eligible: Funding through Regional Mobility Authorities
Organizing for Rural Transit in Texas Rural Transit Districts Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 Political subdivision of the state that provides and coordinates public transportation Eligible to receive funds from State via TxDOT Single County or Multicounty New rural transit district Join an existing
Things to Consider Goals for Public Transportation in Your Area Service Plan Provider Local Funding Challenges Opportunities
Questions? Contact Linda Cherrington TTI