Challenges and Opportunities in Halal Industry By: Dr. Shahid Raza Chairman Bio-World Forum Presented at Halal Research Council Conference Held at Expo Centre, Lahore - Pakistan
Objectives Management efficiency Export facilitation Trade diplomacy Import strategy Reducing cost of doing business
Challenges Demand of Growing Industry Role of Chambers & Industry Role of OIC Govt. Role
Opportunities Muslim countries Different products that come exported under Halal Brand Role of Chambers & Industry Role of OIC Govt.Role
Recommendations/Proposals There should be a recognized body in Pakistan which should operate with below given mission and objectives. OBJECTIVES: i) To assist and facilitate the Development of Halal Industry and Processes in Pakistan. ii)To assist and Facilitate Capture a Sizable Share by Pakistani Producers in International Halal Market. iii)To Develop Halal Standards for Food and Non-Food Items. iv)To Continuously review requirements of international market and modify national policies to fetch maximum benefits for Pakistan. ROLE: i)Halal Certification. ii)Registration of Foreign Certification Bodies. iii)The “Halal Sector” Regulatory Authority in the Country.
Recommendations Awareness Programs – Seminars and workshops – Consultative sessions
Conclusion RECOGNITION OF PAKISTAN IN GLOBAL HALAL ARENA 21 st Century Government Role Chambers & Industry Role PPP