A Demographic Profile of Current EVC Students Spring 2007 EXHIBIT_10-K
Who Are We? A Demographic Profile of EVC July 3, 2007 Office of Research & Institutional Effectiveness San José/Evergreen Community College District
EVC Student Enrollment (Headcount) Summer 2006: 5,482Summer 2006: 5,482 Fall 2006: 10,916Fall 2006: 10,916 Spring 2007:11,586Spring 2007:11,586 Summer 2007:5,457 (7/2)Summer 2007:5,457 (7/2) (At same date in Su06):5,009(At same date in Su06):5,009
EVC Enrollment by Gender (Spring 2007) Men: 5,35046% Women:5,94651% Declined to State:2903%
EVC Enrollment by Ethnicity: (Spring 2007) Number Percent Latino/a3,33929% White1,81516% Vietnamese1,74015% Filipino1,063 9% African American 580 5% Indian 282 2% Chinese 262 2% Unknown/Not indicated1,19610%
EVC Enrollment by Age (Spring 2007) Number Percent Below % ,09218% ,76532% ,45312% ,66914% ,33711% Above % 45%
SJECCD Demographics Year-Old Student Enrollment is Increasing This reflects high school recruiting effortsThis reflects high school recruiting efforts EVC has increased by nearly 300 students in this age group since 2000EVC has increased by nearly 300 students in this age group since 2000 Continued high school outreach will be criticalContinued high school outreach will be critical East Side Union High School District is the largest feeder districtEast Side Union High School District is the largest feeder district
EVC Enrollment by Full-Time/ Part Time Status (Spring 2007) Number Percent Full Time 3,91334% Part Time7,67366%
SJECCD Demographics9 Full-time student enrollment increased 21% between Spring 00 - Spring 06 % Full Time EVC Enrollment by Full-Time/ Part Time Status (Spring 2007)
EVC Enrollment by Time of Day Attended (Spring 2007) Day 9,73452% Evening 1,99911% Evening 1,99911% Day & Evening 6,99137% Day & Evening 6,99137%