Ernesto Saldana, Preschool California Lisa Kaufman, Santa Clara County Office of Education John Porter, Franklin-McKinley School District Jeff Sunshine, Packard Foundation July 14, 2010 Silicon Valley Leadership Group Education Committee Creating a Tipping Point: Leveraging Opportunities in Early Learning for the Silicon Valley
Page 1 Santa Clara County P-16 Strategic Vision for Student Success Franklin McKinley Children’s Initiative (FMCI) Early Learning Master Plan SJ Educare -Kindergarten Transition Program -Screenings -Family Resource Centers County Local (District) Intensive Strategy
Page 2 FMCI (our vision for the end of the Pre/K-12 pipeline) “Global Learner Student Passport” Graduate * College Prep curriculum (meet CSU/UC Requirements) College Prep curriculum (meet CSU/UC Requirements) No remediation in college (pass placement test in 11th or 12th grade) No remediation in college (pass placement test in 11th or 12th grade) Complete one year of college (on a community college campus/ or Advanced Placement courses) Complete one year of college (on a community college campus/ or Advanced Placement courses) Internationally designed school-to-careers program Internationally designed school-to-careers program Career Internship (Summer before 12th grade) Career Internship (Summer before 12th grade) Speak two languages fluently Speak two languages fluently * US Department of Education Innovation in Education Grant Award Winner
Page 3 Franklin-McKinley Children’s Initiative The Franklin-McKinley Children’s Initiative (Phase 1) seeks to coordinate existing educational, health, social service, housing, neighborhood and economic development efforts to provide a comprehensive community development approach to improve student achievement, and reduce the level of poverty for families in the Santee neighborhood area in San Jose, California. The Franklin-McKinley Children’s Initiative (Phase 1) seeks to coordinate existing educational, health, social service, housing, neighborhood and economic development efforts to provide a comprehensive community development approach to improve student achievement, and reduce the level of poverty for families in the Santee neighborhood area in San Jose, California.
Page 4 YBHS College Connection Academy Rocketship Charter School Bridges Academy 7-8 Charter School Santee School SUCCESS Academy FRANKLIN-MCKINLEY CHILDREN’S INITIATIVE (FMCI) Comprehensive 0-5 services Comprehensive 0-5 services Model Pre-School for every child Model Pre-School for every child Schools of choice Schools of choice Academic Interventions Academic Interventions (Saturday, After school, Summer) Housing/rental assistance Housing/rental assistance Neighborhood improvements Neighborhood improvements Safe and secure streets Safe and secure streets Financial counseling/micro loans Financial counseling/micro loans Credit Union access Credit Union access Adult education and job training Adult education and job training Career/employment services Career/employment services Family and parent counseling Family and parent counseling Foster child placement stability Foster child placement stability Gang prevention services Gang prevention services After-school/Saturdays After-school/Saturdays Music/Arts Music/Arts Post-secondary financial assistance Post-secondary financial assistance EDUCARE SITE Needs, Assets & Promise Cornerstone Charter School
Page YRS OLD BABY COLLEGE 3-4 YRS OLD EDUCARE (MODEL ECE) YRS OLD DISTRICT PORTFOLIO: SCHOOLS OF CHOICE ACADEMIC SUPPORT & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL LEARNER PASSPORT GRADUATE INTERVENTION LITERACY APPL MAT.* New MATH CURRICULUM STEP-UPALGEBRA SVEF / ALearn CollegeConnection Academy/ Academy/Career Academie s Interventions After school/ SaturdaysSummer INTERNSHIPS Evergreen Valley College SQA** ALTERNATIVE ENERGY * APPL MAT = Applied Materials Foundation ** SQA = Scottish Qualification Authority (UK) Cradle to College & Career Pipeline: The Franklin-McKinley Children’s Initiative
Page 6 Strategic & Effective Public-Private Partnerships: The Silicon Valley Educare Model “These public-private partnerships are the only way we’re going to get there. If we continue to point fingers, if we continue to work in silos – when adults fight, kids lose. It takes adults putting egos aside, putting aside historical differences, and saying, ‘Let’s figure out a better way to do it.’ This – Educare – is a better way to do it and it’s starting to become a real national model.” -U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
Page 7 Educare: A Community Partnership The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and First 5 California are leading Educare development in three communities in close collaboration with the Susie Buffett Early Childhood Fund, the Ounce of Prevention Fund, and the Bounce Network of Educare Centers. Each Educare school in California will be a public-private partnership involving local philanthropy, the corporate sector, a Head Start/Early Head Start provider, school officials, the local First 5 agency, Preschool California, and others who partner in new ways to narrow the achievement gap for children in their community. Educare of Omaha at Kellom
Page 8 Thank you! Silicon Valley Leadership Group (408) Brett Barley Preschool California (323) Ernesto Saldaña Vickie Ramos Sign Up for Updates on Early Childhood Education at