Masahiro Komatsu - Nagoya University JAPAN First SHIP workshop, June 2014, Zürich 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 1
Nuclear emulsion Emulsion scanning system Performance of Emulsion chamber Emulsion gel and production Conclusion 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 2 DONUT in construction
Tau neutrino source B(Ds ) is first measured by emulsion experiment CERN WA75. (Prog. Theo. Phys. 89: ,1993) Tau neutrino detection First observation of tau neutrino interactions by Fermilab E872 DONUT. (Phys. Lett. B504: ,2001) First tau neutrino appearance in oscillation by OPERA. (Phys. Lett. B691: , 2010) 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 3
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2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 5 AgBr crystal : size 0.2 – 0.3 micro meter in diameter. Charged particle produce latent image, developing process make Ag grain visible. MIP ~35 grains / 100 micro meter
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 6 125mm 100mm Plastic base (205 m) Nuclear Emulsion (44 m) Cross section Nuclear Emulsion (44 m)
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 7 3 dimensional coordinate X,Y,Z Micrometer accuracy Intrinsic accuracy is sub micrometer Depending on readout system Multiple and different readout can be done. Track slope X, Y mrad accuracy depending on base thickness We can choose on purpose CHORUS interface film used 800 m thick base
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 9 Conceptual design by K. Niwa in mid. 70s. First system construction in First application to real experiment in CHORUS (CERN WA95) Advanced version was developed by T.Nakano and applied to DONUT, OPERA and will be applied to future experiments.
Give counter shift TV-camera Penetrating Track Sum and Discriminate Tomographic 16 Images 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 10
20 years ago, for CHORUS. We made big decision to change future emulsion scanning. 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 11
TS(TTL) 1983 NTS(CPLD) 1994 UTS(FPGA) 1998 S-UTS (FPGA) Running HTS (GPGPU) Developing Speed in cm 2 / hour ×100 ~2000m 2 /year ~20m 2 /year ※2※2 ※1※1 ※ 1 Area of each layer ※ 2 Area of the films 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 12
Computers with GPU board Optics Sensor & Camera High-speed precision stage X Y Z HTS /6/10-12First SHIP Zurich
Resolution : ~420nm N.A. : 0.65 Light source : G-line (436nm) Magnitude : ×12.2 F.O.V : 5.1 (H)×5.1 (V)mm #of image plane 6 (by Beam splitter) Weight : 90kg Total length : 844mm 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 14
Divide FOV into 72 parts. Need the sensor of 2M pixel and 340fps. Specially ordered Mosaic Imager 15 5mm ×6 F.O.V. of HTS ~0.2mm S-UTS 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich
Objective lens Illumination Beam splitter 1 Camera1 Camera2 Camera6 5mm 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 16
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 17
camera objective Z stage XY stage Stop’n’Go motion: keep X-Y axes holding steady while Z performs data-taking stroke 15 images taken while objective moves downwards: optical tomography m.i.p. tracks tan <1 (limited by processing power) highly ionizing particle tracks, 4 coverage (used in CHORUS, not used in OPERA) Z 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 18
Continuous motion: X (Y) axis moving while Z performs saw-tooth motion 30 mm overlap between views 21 31 images / stroke Angular acceptance on moving axis virtually unlimited, bound by overlap on steady axis Tracking algorithm has no intrinsic limitation (4 version also exists for horizontal tracks) ±72 degrees! 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 19
Passing to new 4Mpix camera and 20x objective will allow to triple the field of view area keeping the pixel size at the same value which will allow to use already existing image processing modules. The speed of Camera Link interface is a limiting factor here New (from 2013 on the market) 4 and 12 Mpix cameras and frame-grabbers with CoaXPress interface permits factor of 3 band increasing. The scanning speed in this configuration reach 300 cm 2 /h First SHIP Zurich /6/10-12
It is possible to split optically the data coming from microscope and send it to 2 or 4 cameras, each with independent processing chain. This gives the liner gain in the scanning speed proportional to the number of heads. Image processing chain to be multiplied: FramegrabberGPU + CPU Camera First SHIP Zurich /6/10-12
1200 cm 2 /h means 1 m 2 in 8.5 hours Japanese HTS will be 9000 cm 2 /h (= 7.5 (see later) Ok (2012) New ideas to test 1-2 years R&D required 10 years ago Now installed HW is tested HW is available R&D First SHIP Zurich /6/10-12
Bulk emulsion Fermilab E531, CHORUS Emulsion as an imaging device ECC (Emulsion Cloud Chamber) DONUT, OPERA Emulsion as a tracking device 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 23
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 24 ECC : Utilized in cosmic-ray exposure Discovery of Charm in 1971 (K.Niu) Prog. Theor. Phys. 46 (1971)
First SHIP Zurich 25 Detection of ν τ CC in DONUT All tracks in the Scanning region ( 4179 tracks ) Reject passing through tracks (420 tracks remained ) Reject Low momentum tracks (114 tracks remained ) Vertex detection : Neutrino interaction and decay of short lived particles Interaction Point Decay Point of neutrino 2014/6/10-12
26 Alignment position RMS distributions Tracking efficiency distributions 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 27 Momentum measurement in DONUT ECC Consistent result with momentum measured by spectrometer. Momentum measurement by multiple scattering. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A574 (2007)
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich cm 12.5 cm 7.5 cm 10 X0 neutrino The OPERA target consists of 150’000 ECC bricks. Total 105’000 m 2 of lead surface and 111’000 m 2 of film surface (~ 9 million films) Total target mass ~ 1.2 kton 57 OPERA films, 56 lead plates 1mm 0.3mm Lead plate (CS) 20 μm mip electron ~ 100 keV sensitivity 30 grains/100 μm high dE/dx tracks from nuclear evaporation NIM A556 (2006) 80-86
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 29
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 30 Track measurement accuracy better than 1 micrometer and 1-2 mrad. Momentum measurement by Multiple Coulomb Scattering Both angular and coordinate methods 20~30% accuracy Topological analysis to detect short lived particle within a mm Emulsion can detect decay parent. Very strong for 1-prong decay. Particle ID Electron and gamma identification by EM shower Electron – gamma separation Extreme two particle separation to identify e-pair Hadron ID by its re-interaction dE/dX is also applicable for low momentum proton.
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 31 * Momentum measurement by the Multiple Coulomb Scattering method in the OPERA lead emulsion target New J.Phys. 14 (2012) * Momentum measurement of secondary particle by multiple Coulomb scattering with emulsion cloud chamber in DONuT experiment NIM A574 (2007) * Electron/pion separation with an emulsion cloud chamber by using a neural network JINST 2 (2007) * Charge identification of highly ionizing particles in desensitized nuclear emulsion using high speed read-out system NIMA556 (2006) * pi / p separation at 1.2-GeV/c by an emulsion cloud chamber NIMA516 (2004)
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 32 Sulfur : 200 GeV/nucleon
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 33 A box contain 2030 films Films prepared by “Fuji film” for OPERA 9,000,000 films : 4500 boxes : 112,500 m 2 FUJI accept order more than 3,000 m mm 100mm
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 34 5,000 m2 is only 5% of OPERA From year 2015, OPERA will be in dismantling stage OPERA film has “refresh” capability All OPERA film has been refreshed to erase uncorrelated cosmic tracks accumulated while in production. We need to investigate refresh capability for 10 year old films. 30 degree 98% R.H. 3 days
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 35 Started Nuclear Emulsion R&D in Nagoya (2010~ ) With the help of retired engineers of FUJI film. ( KUWABARA, TSUYUKI) Modern Emulsion Gel production machine was introduced. R&D of OPERA Type Gel by NAGANAWA → Normal use. (Neutrino exp., Radiography) R&D of Fine Grain Type Gel by NAKA, ASADA → Dark Matter detection
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 36 Nuclear Emulsion Gel Production System Nagoya University ~1kg/lot Capable to produce m 2 /year
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 37 Type Sensitivity [grains/100 m] BG [fog grains/ (10mm)3] OPE206(Nagoya ) 41.5± ±0.3 OPERA (Fujifilm) 35 ~ 3 Nuclear Emulsion produced in Nagoya High Energy Electron 2010 Sept.: Reached to the quality better than OPERA film NAGANAWA KUWABARA
2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 38 More than 20 years of experience CHORUS : Large scale neutrino event analysis (150k events) DONUT : Tau neutrino detection in ECC OPERA : Largest emulsion experiment ever built. Large enough scanning power Japanese HTS provide 2,000m 2 /year 10 ESS is more than one HTS Emulsion film production FUJI film accept order for more than 3,000m 2. We need to investigate re-use of OPERA film. We are capable to produce better film than OPERA. Current production capability is m 2 /year.
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2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 41 Tau event in DONUT ECC
Fermilab E531,E653, CERN WA75 analysis has been done with these systems. Up to 1994, we used these systems for emulsion analysis. 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 42
Multi-tracking: recognize tracks in a wide, tunable angular range, allowing also on-line detection of interactions Strongly software-oriented systems, possibly running the same code on different HW configurations – cheap systems enhance sharing expertise and know-how Modular structure allows plugging in specific algorithms for specific data-taking conditions (fog, single/double-coated films, distortion, etc.) Data processing and event reconstruction software shares algorithms and classes with the DAQ system BUT Storage formats independent of algorithms (allow independent off-line SW) Sy Sal = System of Salerno 2014/6/10-12First SHIP Zurich 43