A step-by-step tutorial by Auckland Libraries 2011 Chinese Digital Community.


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Presentation transcript:

A step-by-step tutorial by Auckland Libraries 2011 Chinese Digital Community

Contents -A-About the website (slide 3) -B-Browse the website (slide 8) -S-Search the website (slide 18) -R-Register for free (slide 22) -A-Add an item – topic, image, video etc (slide 27) -E-Edit an item (slide 36) -L-Link items (slide 41) -G-Groups – join or create (slide 44) -D-Discuss or comment (slide 53)

About the website - What is the Chinese Digital Community - Who is it for - How can you use it

Chinese Digital Community An online community created by the New Zealand Chinese Association (NZCA) and Auckland Libraries. Web address:

What is it for? To preserve the heritage of New Zealand’s Chinese community To provide future generations with an online archive about the Chinese who lived and contributed to the development of New Zealand To share Chinese culture

Chinese Digital Community Who is it for? Those who wish to provide, share and store information on the website that is related to New Zealand’s Chinese heritage. How can you use it? Join for free Contribute in the form of a –Topic (e.g. text article, personal story) –Image –Video –Audio, etc Discuss i.e. add a comment Join/create a group (choose to create a public or private group)

Browse the website Browse by - featured items - tags - category

In your web browser, type in y.org.nz. Click on any of the six featured item boxes to read / view image, article etc. y.org.nz

You’ll see the item plus any related links and images

See also Latest 5 topics and license settings on the homepage

Tags = labels given to articles, images, videos, etc. E.g. try clicking on the “Harry Fong” tag

The ‘Harry Fong’ tag will give you a list of Harry Fong items

Click on “Browse”

You get to select from the category options, e.g. Sport & Recreation

Click on the title for more details

If you want to look at photos, click on the thumbnails

The default size is medium. You can also see the small, large and original sizes.

Search the website

Otago To search the website, type a keyword or phrase in the search box. Try typing “Otago” then click “Go”

You’ll see a list of results related to Otago. Scroll down to see rest of page.

Click on the title to read the full story

Register for free

On the homepage, click on ‘Register’ to sign up

Fill out the form, scroll down to continue

Choose a preferred license. Read more about each license by clicking on ‘View license’. Selecting the default setting means people are allowed to download, alter and distribute your stuff as long as they credit you and use the same license as yours. Type in the security code. Tick this box to agree to the terms and conditions. Click on Sign up.

You have signed up successfully. Your name will be displayed here.

Add an item Eg. Topic, image, video, etc

To contribute a topic, image, video etc, click on “Add Item.”

(1) Select where you want to add your item (site or group). If you’re entering the Favourite Family Recipe comp, add your topic or image to the Chinese New Year 2011 group. (2) Choose item type e.g. topic, image, video etc

Select a privacy setting. Type in the title of your image. Scroll down the page.

Write a description for your item. Select the privacy setting for your item. Scroll down.

Add a tag(s) separated by commas. Upload item. Click on category dropdown, select a category, e.g. Social Life & Customs.

If you wish, select a sub-category e.g. Events & Festivals Scroll down

The default setting for location is “on” and “Auckland”. But you can drag the red balloon to another location on the map or switch this function off by ticking ‘Don’t record a location’.

Select a preferred license setting. The default setting means people can download, change and distribute your stuff but they’ll have to credit you and use the same license as yours. Now click on Create.

Edit an item Eg. Topic, image, video, etc

For example, here is an image with a typo! To make changes, click on ‘Edit’.

Make your change(s).

Click on ‘Update’ when you’ve finished editing.

Typo has been corrected. Note: the website is a wiki so you’re allowed to edit other people’s stuff – as long as you sign in first.

Link an item Eg. Topic, image, video, etc

(1)Make sure you’re logged in (2)Go to an item (topic, image etc) (3) Click on ‘Link existing’ under Related Items

Let’s try to link some images to a topic: (1)Click on ‘image’ (2)In ‘Search for…’ box, type in ‘food’ (3)Click ‘Search’ (4)In the pop-up box, tick the images you want from the selection. (5)Click add, then close the pop-up box. (6)Refresh your page and you’ll now see image thumbnails in the ‘Related Links’ box.

Groups Created by people with a common background or similar interests. - How to join or create your own group

Click on ‘Groups’

There are two types of groups – private and public. (1) To join a private group, click on ‘Request membership’ OR (2) To join a public group, click on ‘Join’

You get instant membership to public groups, e.g. Chinese New Year For private groups, you’ll be ed a confirmation once your application has been approved.

To create your own group, click on ‘Add Group’

Then select one of two group profiles

1) Give your group a name, e.g. ‘Chinese Librarians’ 2) Select one of three options to set who can add, edit items, e.g. only group members 3) Scroll down

1) Select one of four options to set joining policy, e.g. Request Membership. 2) Click on “Create” to create your group.


Discuss or comment

Say you’d like to make a comment / add feedback about an item you’ve found. Click on “Discuss” to add your comments.

1) Give your comments a title 2) Write your comments here 3) Add tags 4) Scroll down to see rest of page

Set categories, location (or “don’t record a location”), then make sure you ‘Save’

Comments were added successfully!

Some useful links Help About

Thank you This powerpoint was created in January 2011