Graphic Equalizer Table By Jose Lerma
Main Idea The main idea of this table is to display the frequencies of any sound or audio input, either by microphone or by AUX connection. Frequency is measured in Hz of which is displayed over a Frequency spectrum. Measuring frequency usually calls for Fourier transformer, but in order to do Fourier Calculations sound first has to pass through a analog to digital converter.
Main components There are four main components to this project. These components are the audio input, AD converter, Fourier Transform, and the Displaying of the sound. Audio input AD converter Microchip/Fourier Calculations Display
AD converter A analog to digital converter is a device that takes a continuous physical quantity and converts it to a digital number that represents the quantity amplitude. These conversions are done periodically, of which the result is a sequence of digital values. These values have been converted a continuous time and continuous amplitude analog signal to a discrete time and discrete amplitude digital signal. ADC is defined by its bandwidth, which is the signal to noise ratio. After this process is done the Fourier Transforms calculations can be done.
Fourier Transform Fourier transformer is the mathematical transformation of signals between time domain and frequency domain. This can be simplified by calculations of a discrete set of complex amplitudes, which is called Fourier series coefficients
RGB Led Table This sound or music will then be displayed on a RGB Led table which will show the range of frequencies. The table will have 31 columns of LED’s of which each column will be assigned to a certain range of frequencies. The max frequency detected will be 10 KHz. Lower frequency on the left and higher frequencies to the right – – – – – – – – 7500
Other Project Aspects Other Aspect I would like to incorporate in this project would be to put a Proximity Sensing section on the table that would detect a user swipe. This swipe would turn the table on an off.
The Table View and Functionality
Graphic Equalizer Table View
On IndicatorSleep Indicator The green light indicates when the table is currently on and in use. The red light indicates when the table is currently in sleep mode and not in use, but the table is still on. On and Sleep Mode Indicator
MicrophoneAUX hookup There will be two types of functions the display music. 1.A Microphone that will catch any sound made around the table 2.AUX that will display Audio Hook ups
There will also be a proximity sensing section on the table that turns the table on and into sleep mode. The table will automatically be in sleep mode when the table is on, but when you wave your hand over the proximity sensor the table will than get out of sleep mode. This will turn the green light on in the top corner. Another Indicator that the table is on will be a flash of the table when the table turns from Sleep mode to on. In order to turn the table back to sleep mode the user will wave hand over proximity sensor. Proximity Sensor
The Main section will consist of 12 LED high by 31 LED wide. Each column will display a certain range of frequencies. As the frequency increases in sound so will the number of LEDS lighting up in each column. LED Displaying section
Audio input AD converter Microchip/Fourier Calculations Display Circuit Board The Audio device, microphone or AUX hookup, and the AD converter will both be connected to the microcontroller, Audrino Uno, of which all the Fourier calculations will be done. Then the microcontroller will be connected to a circuit board. The circuit board will be connected to all the Leds, the display.
User Profiles
The Musician As a Musician I want to be able to see what kind of frequencies a song has in it. So that I know what frequencies can be put into and taken out of a song. With this I can remove un wanted frequencies in my songs and place new frequencies that will better satisfy my listeners.
The DJ As a DJ I want to display my music So that I can draw the attention of my audience more to my music. With this I will draw in more people with by giving my audience a visual of my music.
The Common User As a regular individual I want to see the frequencies in certain songs and or sounds. With this I will know what frequencies I can and cannot hear along with giving me the ability to interacted more with my music.
Given there is music to be played When a person wants to see the frequencies. The user can plug music into the graphic equalizer and see the frequencies in a song Scenarios 1
Scenario 2 Given someone cannot hear certain frequencies. When a song or sound is being played. Then a user can see the range of frequencies being played
September 3(2) Have the table built and all led’s installed September 17(4) Milestone 1 – Connect all lights to the circuit board and have circuit board connected to Arduino board. (LED Test Case) October 1 (6) Have the proximity sensoring section working and have most code for the display written. (Proximity Sensoring Test) October 13 (8) Milestone 2- have he display working with little bugs in the program. (Frequency Test) October 29 (10) Fix all the bugs in the program November 12 (12) Presentation- have all parts working and ready for presentation. (Final Test) November 26(14) Work on Poster board; hopefully have at least started on the poster board. December 10 (16) Poster- Have poster board finished and ready for presentation Project Plan Outline