CASE/CMC/SIC Workshop: The Social Sector Job Search September 28, :15pm Classroom C Social Impact Club Use your business skills to create a better world. C areer M anagement C enter
2 Objectives of Presentation In this presentation, we will: Introduce you to the social sector and the social sector job search process Equip you with some tools for pursuing a social sector job/internship Identify helpful resources for social sector career planning Provide an opportunity for socializing with like- minded classmates We are here to share practical tips, identify helpful resources, and answer your questions!
3 Overview Opening (5 min) Overview of the Social Sector (10 min) Proactive Job Search Process (15 min) Recruiting Research Resources A Few Pointers (10 mins) Questions (20 min)
4 Where Do You Stand??? Seeking summer internship or job? Considering social sector? Preparing resume & cover letter? Preparing for interviews? Searching for potential employers? Determining function? (finance, marketing, fundraising, general management, etc.) Determining field? (social services, environment, arts, international development, etc.) Other?
5 The Social Sector Organizations with a primary purpose to create social value Comprised of nonprofit, for-profit, hybrid, and cooperative organizations Vary along the following dimensions: Degree of commercial activity Types of activities Fields/Areas of focus See handout, “A Brief Guide to Understanding the Social Sector”
6 The Social Sector (cont’d) Types of Activities Provision of good or service Research and dissemination of information (advocacy, education, public awareness) Provision of funding and/or technical assistance to other organizations Strategic consulting for the nonprofit sector Fields/Areas of Focus Arts and culture Community development Education Environment Philanthropy Health Care International Aid & Economic Development Social Services
7 Example of organizations that hire MBA interns Venture Philanthropy/Philanthropy Common Good Ventures (SY Mark McKeag) NewSchools Venture Fund Acumen Fund Packard Foundation (SY Sarika Sangwan) Social Sector Change/Consulting The Bridgespan Group – Bridgestar Foundation Strategy Group Community Wealth Ventures (unpaid) Mission-Based/Social Entrepreneurship KaBOOM! (FY Tom Mitchell) Bright Horizons Family Solutions REDF portfolio companies-Golden Gate Community (SY Avani Khanna) For more examples, see MBA Nonprofit Connection (current listings on CASE website)
8 Related Fields Government/Public Sector Resources: Careers in Government, USA Jobs, The World Bank, The Congressional Budget Office, Duke’s Sanford Institute Socially Responsible Business Resources: Business for Social Responsibility, Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, World Resources Institute, Net Impact, Social Venture Network
9 The Job Search Process Timeline Fall/Early Winter: Focus on Research Winter/Spring: Targeted Outreach Jan-May: Summer Internship Listings Ongoing: Full-time Job Listings Don’t panic! Many social sector organizations don’t hire for summer or full-time jobs until spring.
10 The Job Search Process: Recruiting Very few social sector organizations participate in SIPs, on-campus interviews or official resume drops Exceptions: National Parks Business Plan Initiative, Bridgespan, Self-Help Open summer and full-time positions are listed in Career Compass Most Fuqua students find their social sector positions through off-campus search
11 The Job Search Process: Research Focus on fields that interest YOU education, environment, arts, youth development, economic development, etc. Identify a “job search buddy” who is interested in same/similar field, if possible Conduct web research Take advantage of Fuqua and general social sector resources Conduct informational interviews with alumni and other professionals in field
12 Career Resources Fuqua Resources CMC CASE Social Impact Club General Social Sector Resources Financial Resources
13 Fuqua Resources: Career Management Center Open summer and full-time positions are listed in Career Compass as job postings Career Advising: One-on-one appointments with Mary Beck White-Sutton Career centers of other Duke programs (Dual-degree students or via Mary Beck) MBA Nonprofit Connection Summer and Full-time Job Postings Archive on CASE website Career Advising by Referral
14 Fuqua Resources: Career Management Center
15 Fuqua Resources: CASE Case Website Students section, “Career Planning”Career Planning Numerous resources & links CASE Resource Library “HBS Guide to Careers in the Nonprofit Sector” “Wharton Net Impact Career Handbook” “From Making a Profit to Making a Difference: How to Launch your New Career in Nonprofits” Other relevant books and periodicals Career Advising One-on-one appointments with CASE staff
16 Fuqua Resources: Social Impact Club Career Events UNC Career Forum (Oct 28) Net Impact Conference (Nov 10-13) SIC Week in Cities, Wash DC (Jan 9-13) Career Fair at Kenan-Flagler (Late January?) Speakers, brown bag lunches, seminars, alumni networking events Career Fellows, SIC members and other Fuquans Handout on student profiles Spreadsheet in Career Compass with FY & SY experiences Sample resumes and cover letters in Social Impact Club folder on G: drive
17 Fuqua Resources: Financial Resources CASE Summer Internship Program Financial assistance for summer internships with nonprofit, nongovernmental or public organizations Provides matching funds up to $5,000, with total combined cap of $10,000 from CASE and hiring organization Funded by Give a Day* campaign and Wachovia Foundation Managed by CASE (contact Matt Nash) Applications accepted on a rolling basis * Great opportunity to get involved! Students raise money from classmates, Fuqua community, and corporate sponsors/others to supplement the salaries of first years with nonprofit summer internships
18 Fuqua Resources: Financial Resources (cont’d) Class of 1990 Internship Award For students taking internships with nonprofits, public agencies, or small to medium businesses Applied as tuition deduction in fall of second year Amount depends on endowment earnings: historically between $ ,000 total Divided amongst students at committee’s discretion Managed by financial aid office Watch for announcement in spring; decisions made around end of classes
19 Fuqua Resources: Financial Resources (cont’d) Class of 2001 Loan Forgiveness Fund For Fuqua alumni working full-time in nonprofit, non-governmental, or government jobs eligible up to 10 years post-graduation Covers Fuqua loans Sliding scale based on income Managed by CASE (contact Matt Nash)
20 General Social Sector Resources Bridgestar: Free membership, access to information on the sector and full-time job postings The Chronicle of Philanthropy: Independent Sector: Idealist: Guidestar: Information (mostly financial) on most nonprofits MBA Career-Focused: Net Impact: See handout, “Internet Resources for Social Sector Careers”
21 Tips & Pointers Advice from Second Years Advice from CASE & CMC Staff
22 A Few Words of Advice Pro-Active Approach to Career Research Network, network, network! Classmates, alums, friends, family, CMC, CASE, MNC, guest speakers, Net Impact, professors and lecture series at other Duke schools Find the right fit You – personal interests; relevant skills Organization – willing to commit resources; understands value of MBA Take advantage of CASE/Fuqua/Duke resources
23 A Few Words of Advice Effective Resumes and Cover Letters Know your audience! Not limited to 1-page, standard “Fuqua format” Demonstrate passion for and understanding of mission and activities Highlight volunteer/social sector experience Avoid business jargon (test with non-MBA friend) Address specifically how your skills/experience relevant to the particular job for which you are applying On resume, streamline description of for-profit work experience that is not directly relevant
24 A Few Words of Advice Social Sector Involvement Social Impact Club Volunteer Mentored internships during the year Coursework – classes as well as projects focused on social sector/social issues Independent studies Sensitivity to Cultural Differences Approach the sector with humility and respect
25 Social Impact Club Use your business skills to create a better world. C areer M anagement C enter
26 Resources for Networking Fuqua Alumni Directory Duke Connect: Undergraduate Graduates Click on “Duke alumni” Go to “Resources” and Click on “Duke Connect” below Duke Connect, click on “Alumni” login: duke password: alumni Pre-Fuqua Employment Report Go to CMC Career Compass and then to “Identify Contacts”
27 Resources for Networking (continued) LinkedIn: leading professional online network tool Leverage the power of the Duke MBA Program group network Accelerate your career research and networking Know more than a name--view rich professional profiles Let other group members know what you have to offer to them Limit your network searches to other Duke MBA Program Members Professional Associations American Society of Association Executives Society for Nonprofit Organizations Independent Sector Association of Fundraising Professionals Alliance for Nonprofit Management BoardSource Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
28 Researching a Specific Organization Website Annual Report Business Plan or Strategic Plan Accreditation Documents (some industries) Wise Giving Alliance national charity reports (Better Business Bureau) Charity Navigator reports on financial health of major nonprofits
29 Informational Interview: Strategies for Success Rapport — what do you know about the contact? Questions — what are your learning objectives? Stories of Accomplishment — connect to industry/target Time — begin and end on what was agreed Request Contacts — 2 contacts from your list of companies Follow-up — 24/48 hours or written note + contacts
30 What do you see as developments in this field, company, industry? Areas of greatest opportunity? Expansion? Markets/Products? Greatest needs--- currently IT + Security + Regulatory + International Informational Interview: Key Questions What are the key talents of people who are successful in this field? Typical mistakes that prevent people from entering this field? Personal advice about entering this field? What do you do to keep up-to date and build your network?