3 Famous Aztec Art pieces
The Aztec Calendar The Aztec stone Calendar is probably the most famous sculpture in the Aztec Art history. The Calendar stone weighs an AMAZING 22 metric tons and is 12 feet in diameter. The face of the Sun God can be found in the centre of the stone. Circular bands symbolizing the heavens and the days are located around the face.
The Aztec sign for homeland Aztecs were travellers so they didn’t have a based home. Some say they were born in the seven caves. And they’re Gods had told them that when they see an Eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in it’s beak that it would be they’re homeland. They saw this in the swamp lands so they obeyed they’re beliefs and built a man made island in lake Texcoco. It was one of the most civilised city in the whole world. They invented: Causeways Sewers Popcorn Chewing Gum Hot chocolate Antispasmodic medication
Head dress mystery This headdress is said to be worn by the great Monctezuma II. Monctezuma's headdress, probably worn when he met Cortés. Originally a helmet of gold topped with 400 feathers, the feathers were pushed into bamboo tubes and using a thread made of cactus fibres. Montezuma II's headdress was made from the feathers of over 250 birds. Cortés has the gold melted and the head piece sent to Charles V of Spain.