Rotary International District 6860 Thomas V. Greene, Governor District Conference Birmingham Marriott, Birmingham, Alabama April 10-12, 2014 As of March 26, 2014 CELEBRATE ROTARY THROUGH SERVICE
District 6860 Conference TimeActivityDate: Apr 10, :00PM-6:00PMGolf & other activitiesBill Harwell 3:00PM-6:00PM 4:30PM-5:30PM Arrival & Check-in Governor’s Reception For President’s Representative & PDGs Registration Team DG Tom Greene 5:30PM-6:30PM 6:30PM-9:00PM 9:00PM-11:00PM Governor’s Reception Home Hospitality Hospitality Suite DG Tom Greene North Shelby-Inverness Club
District 6860 Conference Plenary Session 1 Time:Activity:Friday April 11, :00AM-11:00AMWelcome, Registration & Check-inCheck in Hotel Lobby- Registration Team 10:00AM-11:30AMInteract Annual MeetingMary Jean Sanspree 11:30AM-1:30PMOpening Plenary Luncheon Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Lunch UAB Musical Extravganza Introduction of RI President’s Rep Keynote Speaker Tom Milford Award Vocational Service Awards Hosted by DG Tom Greene DG Tom Greene DGE Jerry Shepherd DGN Pat Cross Dr. Henry Panion DG Tom Greene Hatton Smith DG Tom Greene & Awards Chair Pat McTamney
Plenary Session 2 TimeActivityDate: Friday April 29, :30PM-1:45PMBreakHave you made your Bookmark yet? 1:45PM-2:30PMBirmingham Rotaract 10 th Anniversary Celebration Panel: Mike Mahon-Co-founder of BHM Rotaract; Henry Long, Pres: ; W. John Smola,II Pres: :30PM-2:45PMRotary PresentationPRID Mark Maloney 2:45PM-2:50PMBoiling & BraggingDG Tom Greene & Phil Williams 2:50PM-3:00PMRLI GraduationDG Tom Greene & PDG Bo Porter
Plenary Session 3 TimeActivityDate: Friday April 11, :00PM-4:45PMRotary and Water Guest Speak- Carolyn Meub Panel: Rotary Clubs of Gardendale, Birmingham Sunrise, Florence, Decatur and Boaz 4:45PM-5:00PMAwards- Literacy, Community or Vocational Service, International Service Awards DG Tom Greene & Awards Chair Pat McTamney 5:00PM-5:30PMVisit the Club DisplaysHave you made your Bookmark yet? 5:30PM-6:45PMHospitality Suites
Plenary Session 4-Dinner TimeActivityDate: Friday April :00PM-9:30PMDinner Invocation Welcome Introduction of Guests Introduction of President’s Rep- Gene Davenport PRIVP Ken & Lynn Schuppert Awards-Presidential Citation, Family of Rotary Entertainment-Birmingham Southern Jazz Ensemble DGND Gary Andrew DG Tom Greene PDG Dennis Brooks DG Tom Greene & Awards Chair Pat McTamney 9:30PM-TillHospitality Suites
Plenary Session 5 TimeActivityDate: April 12, :30AM-9:15AMMemorial ServiceDGE Jerry Shepherd & PDG Bill Johnson 9:15AM-9:30AMBreakDid you make your Bookmark yet? 9:30AM-10:30AMDistrict Business Meeting COL Voting Resolutions Annual Statement of Finances &DGE Budget On To Sao Paulo, Brazil DG Tom Greene DGN Pat Cross PDG Ty Robin DG Tom Greene & DGE Jerry Shepherd DGN Pat Cross 10:30AM-11:00AMInteract PresentationPDG Mary Jean Sanspree 11:00AM-11:30AMAwards-Youth service, Interact/Rotaract, RYLA Awards Strategic Planning Foundation Giving EREY Award Star Club Greatest Total Contribution DG Tom Greene & Awards Chair Pat McTamney
Plenary Session 6- Luncheon TimeActivityDate: April 12, :45AM-1:15PMLuncheon Invocation Introduction of Guests Guest Speaker- Dr. Amit Roy, IFDC Polioplus Awards-District Citation, Membership,Public Relations AG Sue L. Mitchell AG Deborah Bell Paseur PolioPlus Chair John Beard DG Tom Greene & Awards Chair Pat McTamney 1:15PM-1:30PMPresident’s Rep - Closing Remarks Presentation of Gifts to PDG Gene Davenport & wife Closing Remarks PDG Gene Davenport DG Tom Greene 1:30PMAdjournment