Modeling Negative Power Law Noise Victor S. Reinhardt Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems El Segundo, CA, USA 2008 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May , 2008
Page 2 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Negative Power Law Noise Gets its Name from its Neg-p PSD But autocorrelation function must be wide- sense stationary (WSS) to have a PSD But autocorrelation function must be wide- sense stationary (WSS) to have a PSD Then can define PSD L X (f) as Fourier Transform (FT) over of R x ( ) Then can define PSD L X (f) as Fourier Transform (FT) over of R x ( ) t g = Global (average) time = Local (delta) time dBc/Hz f -1 Log 10 (f) f -2 f -3 f -4
Page 3 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Neg-p Noise Also Called Non- Stationary (NS) Must use dual-freq Loève spectrum L x (f g,f) not single-freq PSD L x (f) Must use dual-freq Loève spectrum L x (f g,f) not single-freq PSD L x (f) Loève Spectrum Paper will show neg-p noise can be pictured as either WSS or NS process Paper will show neg-p noise can be pictured as either WSS or NS process And these pictures are not in conflict Because different assumptions used for each Will also show how to generate practical freq & time domain models for neg-p noise Will also show how to generate practical freq & time domain models for neg-p noise And avoid pitfalls associated with divergences
Page 4 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Classic Example of Neg-p Noise – Random Walk Integral of a white noise process is a random walk Integral of a white noise process is a random walk But starting in f-domain But starting in f-domain Can write So Because Will show different assumptions used for each picture so not in conflict Will show different assumptions used for each picture so not in conflict Not WSS White Noise V o V -2 -- 1 1/j Is WSS? t v -2 (t) Random Walk f-domain Integrator
Page 5 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt A Historical Aside — Random Walk 1 st discussed by Lucretius [~ 60 BC] 1 st discussed by Lucretius [~ 60 BC] Later Jan Ingenhousz [1785] Traditionally attributed to Robert Brown [1827] Traditionally attributed to Robert Brown [1827] Treated by Lord Rayleigh [1877] Treated by Lord Rayleigh [1877] Full mathematical treatment by Thorvald Thiele [1880] Full mathematical treatment by Thorvald Thiele [1880] Made famous in physics by Albert Einstein [1905] and Marian Smoluchowski [1906] Made famous in physics by Albert Einstein [1905] and Marian Smoluchowski [1906] Continuous form named Wiener process in honor of Norbert Wiener Continuous form named Wiener process in honor of Norbert Wiener Random Walk 2 (t g ) t g
Page 6 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Generating Colored Noise from White Noise Using Wiener Filter Can change spectrum of white noise v 0 (t) by filtering it with h(t),H(f) Can change spectrum of white noise v 0 (t) by filtering it with h(t),H(f) H(f) called a Wiener filter NS picture NS picture Starts at t=0 WSS picture WSS picture Must start at t=- for t-translation invariance Necessary condition for WSS process Wiener filters divergent for neg-p noise Wiener filters divergent for neg-p noise Need to write neg-p filter as limit of bounded sister filter to stay out of trouble LoLo H(f) |H(f)| 2 L o (f) Wiener Filter
Page 7 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Random Walk as the Limit of a Sister Process Sister process is single pole LP filtered white noise Sister process is single pole LP filtered white noise In WSS picture v -2 (t) = for any t In WSS picture v -2 (t) = for any t Need sister processes to keep v -2 (t) finite True for any neg-p value VV V0V0 -- 1 1/j 1/1/ Sister Filter h (t-t’) 0 t’ t |H (f)|-dB 0 Log(f) -1
Page 8 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Even When Final Variable Bounded (Due to HP Filtering of Neg-p Noise) Intermediate variables are unbounded (in WSS picture) Intermediate variables are unbounded (in WSS picture) Can cause subtle problems Sister process helps diagnose & fix such problems In NS picture v -2 (t) is bounded for finite t In NS picture v -2 (t) is bounded for finite t But v -1 (t) (f -1 noise) is not But v -1 (t) (f -1 noise) is not Sister process needed for f -1 noise even in NS picture to keep t-domain process bounded v -2 (t) -- WSS Picture of Random Walk t v -2 (t) 0 NS Picture of Random Walk
Page 9 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Models For f -1 Noise The diffusive line model The diffusive line model White current noise into a diffusive line generates flicker voltage noise Diffusive line modeled as R-C ladder network In limit of generates f -1 voltage noise with white current noise input
Page 10 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Sister Model for Diffusive Line Adds shunt resistor to bound DC voltage Adds shunt resistor to bound DC voltage Not well-suited for t-domain modeling Not well-suited for t-domain modeling Because Wiener filter not rational polynomial
Page 11 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt A Historical Aside — The Diffusive Line Studied by Lord Kelvin [1855] Studied by Lord Kelvin [1855] For pulse broadening problem in submarine telegraph cables Refined by Oliver Heaviside [1885] Refined by Oliver Heaviside [1885] Developed modern telegrapher’s equation Added inductances & patented impedance matched transmission line Adolf Fick developed Fick’s Law & diffusion equation [1855] Adolf Fick developed Fick’s Law & diffusion equation [1855] 1-dimensional diffusion equation following Fick’s (Ohm’s) Law is diffusive line Used in heat & molecular transport
Page 12 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt The Trap f -1 Model is More Suited for f & t Domain Modeling Each “trap” independent white noise source filtered by single-pole Wiener filter Each “trap” independent white noise source filtered by single-pole Wiener filter Sum over m from 0 to M Sister model (M ) 0 > 0 M 0 M < Well-behaved in f & t domains For 0 0 M becomes f -1 noise For 0 0 M becomes f -1 noise 00 00 MM V 0,m V 0,0 V 0,M V -1 ● ● (L 0 same for all m)
Page 13 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt A Historical Aside — The Trap Model Developed by McWorter [1955] to explain flicker noise in semiconductors Developed by McWorter [1955] to explain flicker noise in semiconductors Traps loosely coupled storage cells for electrons/holes that decay with TCs 1/ m Surface cells for Si & bulk for GaAs/HEMT GaAs/HEMT semi-insulating (why much higher flicker noise) Simplified theory by van der Ziel [1959] Simplified theory by van der Ziel [1959] Flicker of v-noise from traps converted to flicker of -noise in amps through AM/PM Flicker of v-noise from traps converted to flicker of -noise in amps through AM/PM
Page 14 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt A Practical Trap Simulation Model Using Discrete Number of Filters Trap filter every decade Trap filter every decade ±1/4 dB error over 6 decades with 8 filters Can reduce error by narrowing filter spacing Can reduce error by narrowing filter spacing Error from f -1 = ±1/4 dB +1/4 -1/4 dB L (f) Log(f) dB L -1 (f)
Page 15 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Other f -1 Noise Models Barnes & Jarvis [1967, 1970] Barnes & Jarvis [1967, 1970] Diffusion-like sister model with finite asymmetrical ladder network Finite rational polynomial with one input white noise source 4 filter stages generate f -1 spectrum over nearly 4 decades of f with < ±1/2 dB error Barnes & Allan [1971] Barnes & Allan [1971] f -1 model using fractional integration
Page 16 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Discrete t-Domain Simulators for Neg-p Noise For f -2 noise can use NS integrator model in discrete t-domain For f -2 noise can use NS integrator model in discrete t-domain NS model bounded in t-domain for finite t Discrete integrator (1 st order autoregressive (AR) process) w n = uncorrelated random “shocks” or “innovations” w n = uncorrelated random “shocks” or “innovations” w n need not be Gaussian (i.e. random ±1) to generate appropriate spectral behavior Central limit theorem Output becomes Gaussian for large number of shocks
Page 17 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Trap f -1 Discrete t-Domain Simulator Must use sister model Must use sister model Full f -1 model unbounded in NS picture Wiener filter for each trap Wiener filter for each trap t-domain AR model t-domain AR model Sum over traps for f -1 noise Sum over traps for f -1 noise Log 10 (L(f)) from x n Log 10 (f) Fitted Slope f Spectrum Recovered from t- Domain Simulation
Page 18 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt From f -1 and f -2 models Can Generate any Integer Neg-p Model Right Crop 66%x72% f 0f 0f 0f 0 White Input f -2 Integrate f -2 White Input f -4 White Input Integrate f -2 f -1 Trap f -1 White Inputs f -3 Trap f -1 White Inputs Integrate f -2
Page 19 FCS 2008 Neg-p -- V. Reinhardt Summary and Conclusions Either WSS or NS pictures can be used for neg-p noise as convenient Either WSS or NS pictures can be used for neg-p noise as convenient Not in conflict Different assumptions used Need sister models to resolve problems Can generate practical models for any integer neg-p noise Can generate practical models for any integer neg-p noise By concatenating integrator & trap models Are simple to implement in f & t domains For preprint & presentation seeFor preprint & presentation see