K EY F INDINGS OF A D E FFECTIVENESS S URVEY IN THE R USSIAN M ARKET - W AVE 1 - Prepared for Cyprus Tourism Organization By NOVERNA Consulting & Research.


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Presentation transcript:

K EY F INDINGS OF A D E FFECTIVENESS S URVEY IN THE R USSIAN M ARKET - W AVE 1 - Prepared for Cyprus Tourism Organization By NOVERNA Consulting & Research Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

R ESEARCH P ARAMETERS Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

R ESEARCH P ARAMETERS NOVERNA Consulting & Research has been commissioned by the Cyprus Tourism Organization to conduct a quantitative Advertising Effectiveness Survey over 2 research waves, in order to measure the Impact of the advertising campaign for Cyprus in Russia, and to establish the current position of Cyprus as a destination/ potential destination in the Russian market. This document highlights the key findings of the first wave of research. Geographic Coverage: the survey has covered 5 locations in Russia, namely….. Moscow, St. Petersburg Samara Ekaterinburg Novosibirsk Target Audience: the sample has covered the A/B/C1/C2 social classes aged 20 years + from both genders, and belonging to households with medium to high income, residing in the geographic areas highlighted above. Sample Size and Structure: a total of 1015 interviews have been conducted in Wave 1. In order to allow for separate analysis of each of the 5 regions, the sample in terms of region was disproportionate to the regional presence in the universe. Hence, at the analysis stage, results have been weighted by region in order to restore full representativeness to the universe of the target audience under scrutiny. 3 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

R ESEARCH P ARAMETERS Selection Method: quotas have been set in line with the target group and geographic definition, and as highlighted in the subsequent slide on ‘Sample Structure’. The sample design in each city has involved a three-stage random sampling plan, where sampling units have been 1) voting districts - selected with a probability proportional to the unit size (PPS) 2) households, drawn systematically by random route procedure and one respondent from household selected 3) selected respondents Interviewing Method: face to face, interviewer administered fully structured questionnaires implemented at the respondents’ home using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) have formed the primary research tool. Fieldwork Dates: Fieldwork for the first wave of research has been conducted in June and July Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

S AMPLE S IZE AND S TRUCTURE UnweightedWeighted Total1015 Moscow St. Petersburg Samara15161 Yekaterinburg15471 Novosibirsk years years years years years Males Females Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

K EY S UMMARY P OINTS Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

K EY S UMMARY P OINTS Cyprus elicits a high spontaneous recall level among the target audience as a holiday destination, within the top 3 destinations, at 33% lagging only behind Turkey (at 60%) and Egypt (at 50%) and far out-performing Thailand (at 25%), Greece (at 25%) and Italy (at 24%), as well as other destinations in this respect. Furthermore, the high prominence level of Cyprus is reflected in being the 3 rd highest country generally considered for the Year 2011 holidays, once more at 13%, lagging only behind Turkey (at 32%) and Egypt (at 23%), and outstripping all other competitors on this account. Similarly, for future holiday destination consideration Cyprus ranks 3 rd, virtually on par with Italy and lagging behind Turkey only, revealing a high aspirational score for Cyprus on this account also. The high awareness and consideration levels show a marked contrast to historical and past 3 year visiting indicators, on which Cyprus ranks only as the 8 th – 9 th destination, with strong indications that recent advertising and campaigning has contributed towards the elevation of Cyprus as a high top of mind and preferred destination. Specifically, Cyprus records a very high performance in terms of key advertising recall indicators such as……. receiving the second highest share of spontaneous advertising recall, at 24% out-performing Egypt (at 18%) and marginally behind Turkey (at 30%). being virtually on par with Turkey at the Country prompted level Advertising indicator (41% versus 42% for the competitor). outperforming the key benchmark competitors Turkey and Croatia with respect to recall of the specific year 2011 ads after prompting, reaching 47% for any Print Ad Recall (of 5 ads tested) and 56% for any TV ad (of 5 ads tested), with country recognition also being high. 7 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

K EY S UMMARY P OINTS recording a claimed high impact of the advertising in terms of increasing interest to visit Cyprus, outperforming bench-mark ratings of all competitors on this account. The success to date of the advertising is also reflected in high overall appeal scores and uniqueness evaluation of the campaign, as well as in terms of the key executional aspects of the advertising such as its modern style, its catchiness, its creative imagination, its relevance, its music and colour usage and other aspects. On virtually all these parameters the Cyprus campaign stands among the top 2 campaigns versus the international benchmarks. With respect to the impact of the campaign on specific perceptions on Cyprus, it is evident that the sun and sea images suggesting a ‘superior sun and sea destination’ and the ‘messages of a relaxing holiday’ are the key tenets communicated to date. Taking into account both advertising recall and general knowledge on the country, Cyprus is hence positioned in terms of offering a wide range of options and exclusivity, while there is also association with cleanliness and high standard of facilities, a high quality destination and a destination proud to visit – the key competitive framework on this account is formed by Greece, Malta, Spain and Italy. On the contrary, the association with a strong cost benefit and a ‘high value for money destination’, stands at a weaker – though not negative – level, with these parameters being appropriated more strongly by Turkey and Egypt. 8 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

KEY FINDINGS Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

GENERAL INDICATORS Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION 11 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION 12 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION 13 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) *only countries with 1% and more are mentioned

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – M OSCOW TOP 12 COUNTRIES 14 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Moscow(558)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – S T. P ETERSBURG TOP 12 COUNTRIES 15 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from St. Petersburg (244)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – S AMARA TOP 12 COUNTRIES 16 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Samara (61)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – Y EKATERINBURG TOP 12 COUNTRIES 17 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Ekaterinburg (71)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – N OVOSIBIRSK TOP 12 COUNTRIES 18 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Novosibirsk (81)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – YEARS TOP 12 COUNTRIES 19 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from years (156)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – YEARS TOP 12 COUNTRIES 20 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from years (230)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – YEARS TOP 12 COUNTRIES 21 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from years (229)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – YEARS TOP 12 COUNTRIES 22 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from years (235)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – OVER 55 YEARS TOP 12 COUNTRIES 23 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from over 55 years (165)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – MALES TOP 12 COUNTRIES 24 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Male Respondents (469)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF F OREIGN D ESTINATION – FEMALES TOP 12 COUNTRIES 25 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Female Respondents (546)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – TOTAL LEVEL 26 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – TOTAL LEVEL 27 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘Less mentioned Countries’

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – TOTAL LEVEL 28 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – M OSCOW TOP 10 COUNTRIES 29 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Moscow (558)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – S T. P ETERSBURG TOP 10 COUNTRIES 30 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from St. Petersburg (244)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – S AMARA TOP 10 COUNTRIES 31 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Samara (61)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – Y EKATERINBURG TOP 10 COUNTRIES 32 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Yekaterinburg (71)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – N OVOSIBIRSK TOP 10 COUNTRIES 33 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Novosibirsk (81)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 34 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (156)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 35 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (230)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 36 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (229)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 37 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (235)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – OVER 55 YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 38 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents over 55 years (165)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – M ALE TOP 10 COUNTRIES 39 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Male Respondents (469)

D ESTINATION S ELECTION FOR 2011 H OLIDAYS & O THER C OUNTRIES C ONSIDERED – F EMALE TOP 10 COUNTRIES 40 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Female Respondents (546)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – TOTAL LEVEL 41 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘Most mentioned Countries’

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – TOTAL LEVEL 42 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘Less mentioned Countries’

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – TOTAL LEVEL 43 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘Less mentioned Countries’

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – M OSCOW TOP 10 COUNTRIES 44 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Moscow (558)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – S T. P ETERSBURG TOP 10 COUNTRIES 45 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from St. Petersburg (244)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – S AMARA TOP 10 COUNTRIES 46 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Samara (61)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – Y EKATERINBURG TOP 10 COUNTRIES 47 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Yekaterinburg (71)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – N OVOSIBIRSK TOP 10 COUNTRIES 48 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: Respondents from Novosibirsk (81)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 49 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (156)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE L AST 3 Y EARS – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 50 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (230)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 51 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (229)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 52 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents years (235)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – OVER 55 YEARS TOP 10 COUNTRIES 53 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents over 55 years (165)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – M ALE TOP 10 COUNTRIES 54 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Male Respondents (469)

D ESTINATIONS V ISITED IN THE P AST – F EMALE TOP 10 COUNTRIES 55 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Female Respondents (546)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF A DVERTISING IN G ENERAL – TOTAL LEVEL 56 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF A D – TOTAL LEVEL 57 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF A D – BY REGION 58 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF A D – BY AGE 59 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PONTANEOUS R ECALL OF A D – BY GENDER 60 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E MOTIONAL C LOSENESS – AT TOTAL LEVEL 61 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

P OSSIBILITY ON V ISITING D ESTINATIONS W ITHIN THE N EXT 3 Y EARS – AT TOTAL LEVEL 62 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

P OSSIBILITY ON V ISITING D ESTINATIONS W ITHIN THE N EXT 3 Y EARS – BY REGION 63 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘% Would Strongly Consider as Most Preferred Option (Top –Box)’

P OSSIBILITY ON V ISITING D ESTINATIONS W ITHIN THE N EXT 3 Y EARS – BY AGE 64 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘% Would Strongly Consider as Most Preferred Option (Top –Box)’

P OSSIBILITY ON V ISITING D ESTINATIONS W ITHIN THE N EXT 3 Y EARS – BY GENDER 65 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015) ‘% Would Strongly Consider as Most Preferred Option (Top –Box)’

C OUNTRY I MAGE 66 Base: All Respondents (1015)

I MPORTANT A SPECTS WHEN C HOOSING H OLIDAY D ESTINATION – AT TOTAL LEVEL 67 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

I MPORTANT A SPECTS WHEN C HOOSING H OLIDAY D ESTINATION – BY REGION 68 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

I MPORTANT A SPECTS WHEN C HOOSING H OLIDAY D ESTINATION – BY AGE 69 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

I MPORTANT A SPECTS WHEN C HOOSING H OLIDAY D ESTINATION – BY GENDER 70 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

D ECISION M AKER F OR H OLIDAY D ESTINATION & B OOKING – AT TOTAL LEVEL 71 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

C HANNEL U SED FOR B UYING T ICKETS FOR L AST V ACATION – BY REGION 72 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

C HANNEL U SED FOR B UYING T ICKETS FOR L AST V ACATION – BY AGE 73 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

A CCOMMODATION IN L AST V ACATION – BY REGION 74 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

A CCOMMODATION IN L AST V ACATION – BY AGE 75 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

GENERAL ADVERTISING RECALL Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

P ROMPTED C OUNTRY A D R ECALL – TOTAL LEVEL 77 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – AT TOTAL LEVEL 78 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – CYPRUS BY REGION 79 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – EGYPT BY REGION 80 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – TURKEY BY REGION 81 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – CYPRUS BY AGE 82 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – EGYPT BY AGE 83 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – TURKEY BY AGE 84 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – CYPRUS BY GENDER 85 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base : All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – EGYPT BY GENDER 86 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S OURCE OF A D R ECALL – TURKEY BY GENDER 87 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

GENERAL EVALUATIVE MEASURES ON COUNTRY CAMPAIGNS Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

A SPECTS RECALL OF G ENERAL C YPRUS A DVERTISING (S PONTANEOUS M ENTIONS ) 89 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating Cyprus Advertising

A SPECTS RECALL OF G ENERAL C YPRUS A DVERTISING (S PONTANEOUS M ENTIONS ) – C ONTINUED 90 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating Cyprus Advertising

M AIN M ESSAGE U NDERSTANDING OF G ENERAL C YPRUS A DVERTISING (S PONTANEOUS M ENTIONS ) 91 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating Cyprus Advertising

P ERCEIVED I MPACT O F A D C AMPAIGN ON F UTURE C ONSIDERATION TO V ISIT I N F UTURE 92 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

P ERCEIVED I MPACT ON F UTURE C ONSIDERATION – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY REGION 93 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box %– ‘Much More Likely’

P ERCEIVED I MPACT ON F UTURE C ONSIDERATION – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY AGE 94 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box %– ‘Much More Likely’

P ERCEIVED I MPACT ON F UTURE C ONSIDERATION – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY GENDER 95 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box % – ‘Much More Likely’

U NIQUENESS OF A D C AMPAIGN 96 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

U NIQUENESS OF A D C AMPAIGN – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY REGION 97 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box %– ‘Completely Unique’

U NIQUENESS OF A D C AMPAIGN – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY AGE 98 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box %– ‘Completely Unique’

U NIQUENESS OF A D C AMPAIGN – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY GENDER 99 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box %– ‘Completely Unique’

A D C AMPAIGN A PPEAL 100 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

A D C AMPAIGN A PPEAL – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY REGION 101 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box % - ‘Very Much enjoyed’

A D C AMPAIGN A PPEAL – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY AGE 102 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box % - ‘Very Much enjoyed’

A D C AMPAIGN A PPEAL – C YPRUS V S. T URKEY V S. E GYPT BY GENDER 103 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country Top Box % - ‘Very Much enjoyed’


E VALUATION ON T RADITIONAL V S. M ODERN S TYLE 105 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON B ORING V S. I NTERESTING 106 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON S ERIOUS V S. F UNNY S TYLE 107 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON NOT CREATIVE V S. C REATIVE S TYLE 108 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON C OMPLETENESS OF I NFORMATION 109 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON C ALM &P EACEFUL V S. L IVELY D YNAMIC 110 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON P ERSONAL R ELEVANCE 111 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘C ATCHY AND A TTRACTIVE ’ 112 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘I NSPIRING ’ 113 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON C OLD V S. W ARMTH F EELING 114 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON TOP 3 BOX M OSCOW 115 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX S T. P ETERSBURG 116 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX YEARS 117 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX 35+ YEARS 118 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX M ALES 119 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX F EMALES 120 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country


E VALUATION ON ‘T ELLING S OMETHING N EW ’ 122 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘Q UALITY ’ OF D ESTINATION 123 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘H OSPITABLE C OUNTRY ’ 124 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘S UPERIOR S UN & S EA ’ 125 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘U NIQUE F OOD T ASTING & L OCAL C ULTURE E XPERIENCE ’ 126 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘ WIDE RANGE OF EASILY ACCESSIBLE OPTIONS ’ 127 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON A D S UITABILITY TO THE C OUNTRY 128 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION ON ‘R ELAXING D ESTINATION ’ 129 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX M OSCOW 130 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX S T. P ETERSBURG 131 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX YEARS 132 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX 35+ YEARS 133 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX M ALE 134 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP 3 BOX F EMALE 135 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents evaluating ad for each country

S PECIFIC P RINT A DVERTISING E VALUATION Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

R ECALLING A D AFTER SEEING P RINT A DS FOR C YPRUS WITHOUT THE TEXT 137 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘B EACH & I CE -C REAM ’ – BY REGION 138 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘B EACH & I CE -C REAM ’– BY AGE 139 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S PA & D IVING ’ – BY REGION 140 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S PA & D IVING ’ – BY AGE 141 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘H AT & B EACH ’– BY REGION 142 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘H AT & B EACH ’ – BY AGE 143 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S UN & S ACRED P LACES ’ – BY REGION 144 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S UN & S ACRED P LACES ’ – BY AGE 145 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘Y AUCHT & B EACH ’ – BY REGION 146 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘Y AUCHT & B EACH ’ – BY AGE 147 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECOGNITION OF C YPRUS A S C OUNTRY B EING A DVERTISED IN P RINT A DS (W ITHOUT T EXT ) 148 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents Recalling Any Print Ad for Cyprus

R ECALL OF T URKEY P RINT A DS 149 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY C ARD A – BY REGION 150 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY C ARD A – BY AGE 151 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY C ARD B – BY REGION 152 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY C ARD B – BY AGE 153 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

S PECIFIC TV A DVERTISING E VALUATION Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO

R ECALLING A D AFTER SEEING TV A DS FOR C YPRUS WITHOUT THE TEXT & V OICE 155 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘G ENERIC ’ A D – BY REGION 156 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘G ENERIC ’ A D – BY AGE 157 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S EA & S UN C ULTURE ’ A D – BY REGION 158 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S EA & S UN C ULTURE ’ A D – BY AGE 159 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S EA & S UN R USSIA ’ A D – BY REGION 160 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘S EA & S UN R USSIA ’ A D – BY AGE 161 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘SPA E NTERTAINMENT ’ A D – BY REGION 162 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘SPA E NTERTAINMENT ’ A D – BY AGE 163 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘Y ACHTING LUXURY ’ A D – BY REGION 164 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF ‘Y ACHTING LUXURY ’ A D – BY AGE 165 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECOGNITION OF C YPRUS A S C OUNTRY B EING A DVERTISED IN T V A DS (W ITHOUT T EXT & V OICE ) 166 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents Recalling Any Print Ad for Cyprus

R ECALL OF C OMPETITOR TV A DS 167 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF C ROATIA TV A D – BY REGION 168 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF C ROATIA TV A D – BY AGE 169 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY TV A D – BY REGION 170 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

R ECALL OF T URKEY TV A D – BY AGE 171 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)


O VERALL R ATING OF THE C YPRUS A DS – BY REGION 173 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O VERALL R ATING OF THE C YPRUS A DS – BY AGE 174 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O VERALL R ATING OF THE C YPRUS A DS – BY GENDER 175 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

A PPEALING A SPECTS OF C YPRUS A D (S PONTANEOUS A SPECTS L IKES ) 176 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

T OP A PPEALING A SPECTS OF C YPRUS A D (S PONTANEOUS A SPECTS L IKES ) – BY REGION 177 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

T OP A PPEALING A SPECTS OF C YPRUS A D (S PONTANEOUS A SPECTS L IKES ) – BY AGE 178 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

T OP A PPEALING A SPECTS OF C YPRUS A D (S PONTANEOUS A SPECTS L IKES ) – BY GENDER 179 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

A SPECTS D ISLIKED (S PONTANEOUS M ENTIONS ) 180 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

M AIN M ESSAGE OF A D (S PONTANEOUS M ENTIONS ) 181 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E MOTIONS E LICITED W HILE W ATCHING A D (P ROMPTED M ENTIONS ) 182 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)


E VALUATION ON S PECIFIC A SPECTS OF THE A DS 184 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘E NJOYABLE TO W ATCH ’ 185 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘D IFFERENT & U NIQUE C OMPARED TO A DS FOR OTHER H OLIDAY D ESTINATIONS ’ 186 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘M ORE I NTERESTED TO V ISIT THE C OUNTRY THAN B EFORE ’ 187 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘E ASY TO U NDERSTAND THE M ESSAGE & N OT A T A LL C ONFUSING ’ 188 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘I B ELIEVE W HAT I T S HOWS ’ 189 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘I NTERESTING TO W ATCH ’ 190 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘H IGH Q UALITY C REATIVITY & I MAGINATION ’ 191 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘P ROVIDES A LL THE I NFORMATION I N EED ’ 192 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘R ELEVANT TO M E & R EPRESENTS M E AS A P ERSON ’ 193 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY R EGION 194 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY A GE 195 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY G ENDER 196 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)


O PINION ON THE U SE OF C OLORS IN THE A D – BY REGION 198 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE U SE OF C OLORS IN THE A D – BY AGE 199 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE M USIC IN THE A D – BY REGION 200 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE M USIC IN THE AD – BY AGE 201 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE L EVEL OF E NERGY IN THE AD – BY REGION 202 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE L EVEL OF E NERGY IN THE AD – BY AGE 203 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE S TYLE OF THE AD – BY REGION 204 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE S TYLE OF THE AD – BY AGE 205 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE S LOGAN ‘C YPRUS IN YOUR HEART ’ – BY REGION 206 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

O PINION ON THE S LOGAN ‘C YPRUS IN YOUR HEART ’ – BY AGE 207 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)


E VALUATION ON A D I MPACT ON C YPRUS P ERCEPTIONS 209 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOW A R ELAXING & A TTRACTIVE E NVIRONMENT ‘ 210 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS S OMETHING N EW ABOUT THE C OUNTRY ’ 211 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘G IVES THE I MPRESSION OF A H IGH Q UALITY D ESTINATION ’ 212 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS A C ARING & H OSPITABLE C OUNTRY ’ 213 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS B EACHES & THE S UN THAT ARE S UPERIOR TO O THER C OUNTRIES ’ 214 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS A U NIQUE F OOD T ASTING & L OCAL C ULTURE E XPERIENCE ’ 215 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS A W IDE R ANGE OF E ASILY A CCESSIBLE O PTIONS ’ 216 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘G IVES THE I MPRESSION OF H IGH V ALUE FOR M ONEY ’ 217 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S UITS THE C OUNTRY C OMPLETELY ’ 218 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS A D ESTINATION Y OU C OULD F ALL I N L OVE W ITH ’ 219 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION ON ‘S HOWS A D ESTINATION Y OU W OULD B E P ROUD T O V ISIT ’ 220 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY R EGION 221 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY A GE 222 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

E VALUATION S UMMARY ON T OP B OX (‘A GREE C OMPLETELY ’) - BY G ENDER 223 Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO Base: All Respondents (1015)

NOVERNA Highly confidential document. For use only by CTO