In 1998 I was looking for a way to make money, so that I could start a business. I backed into Network Marketing. Like most of you, I had no idea what this was, I thought it was a Pyramid.. But that was before I did some research. I found Out Some really interesting things… that I’ll share with you in a moment… I’d tell you more About me too, but really it’s not about me … This is really all about YOU, and what YOU are Looking into Network Marketing (MLM) for… People turn to MLM because they are Broke… Sadly, 90% of people in MLM’s remain Broke…
There are so many reasons for WHY so many People are BROKE in MLM companies, Most people come to MLM broke already, They can’t find a job or their job isn’t Paying them enough money … Most people have been Trained their entire life to think like an employee… Yet they enter MLM and don’t want to be told What to do, and often it’s a Combination of everything I just mentioned… But mostly, it’s because people do not want to Change, or GROW into a better person… they Do not link their challenges to the kind of person They are. They blame others
It’s often said that MLM Is a personal growth & Self Improvement program, with compensation Attached. We are actually paid to become better People. We are paid to Learn. We are paid to Educate ourselves. We are paid to MEET new People and surround ourselves with Better folks Than we currently have in our Environments… We are being paid to Change, but most people Want their circumstances to change, without Having to change themselves. This is just not Possible, and it’s the biggest reason so many Fail to make money, in The MLM Industry …
That being said, next to real estate, MLM has Created more Millionaires … than any other Industry ever has. Yet, 90% are broke. Mean While, 97% of people in America are Broke … Some say it’s 99% … which ever you believe… Clearly, Network Marketing is a better option Than relying solely on a Job However we still Want Network Marketing to work for MORE People… So I began thinking about a system That would “Fill In The Gaps” … and help more People Make Money in Network Marketing. Our system was created for Two Types of people…
1 st Type of person has never heard of MLM … And we wanted a system that would work for a New person, and help them start making money While learning the skills required to keep making Money. The 2 nd Type of person is already In a MLM Company… and if you’re watching this You are probably Struggling.. And the advice We have is probably not the advice you want To hear But it’s the advice you NEED to hear … Make sure you are LISTENING to your upline, And following the advice they are already giving that’s probably why you’re struggling Now…
Jumping from company to company is not the Solution for you; neither is limiting your self to ONE company… there is a place in between, And that is where Professionals live. I do not Know why you are watching this presentation, But I do know that our Team is 100% focused On creating Professional Network Marketers, That earn Professional money, in our Industry. This industry is ever-evolving and Professionals Are able to adapt to the Changes that are going To happen, whether we want them to, or not… So if you’re already IN an MLM … fear not …
Our system is not designed to take you away From your current MLM. Our system is going To encourage you to STICK to your current MLM, while we teach you how to use our system To BUILD your current MLM teaching you The SKILLS you need, to make money in ANY MLM … So we want to talk about our system, And specifically WHY we set up our system this Way … see, whether you’re a 1 or a 2, if you Want to make money in network marketing, you MUST build a network. That’s the Bottom line. We use Affiliate Companies to build our Network
We understand that loyalty to one another is What creates a Strong Network; that can make Money anywhere they go. Together Everyone Achieves MORE … We understand that here, And we are seeking to Unify the Industry. We Are seeking to restore the balance of Power to Where it belongs. We are seeking to help more People take advantage of Network Marketing, And help fewer people be taken advantage of… Our system has been set up to fulfill this vision. You simply need to allow us to Help you learn What you need to learn, so that you can Earn …
You need people to Make Money With… you Must have Business Partners. So you do not Need to LEAVE your MLM company, you need To Improve Your Skills… Including having a Back up Plan for Prospects that say NO … to $500, $100/mo autoships, and other expensive Business opportunities… You can now simply Introduce these prospects to OUR system. Help them get started for FREE … Use social Networks to grow their lists, market & brand Themselves… they can use our e-commerce Sites to shop online, earn cash back, and …
START Making MONEY … then they can go To our $10 Level, earn up to $500/mo while Practicing and improving the Skills needed to Make real money in ANY MLM So see our system helps 1’s …which also helps 2’s … Once earning $500/mo, you’ll have the skills To recruit business partners for ANY MLM… Register for 1mlmsystem Become a business Partner of the person that invited you here… Let’s create the biggest TEAM of top money Earners ever … Connect, Learn, Share & Earn!