The Weather Forecast
DAY 25/4(25 th April,2010)(Sunday) 26/4(26 th April,2010)(Monday) 1. 2.
The Temperature and Humidity (CLICK HERE) (25 th April,2010)(Sunday) The Activity and Clothes (CLICK HERE)
The Temperature and Humidity Sunday(25/4) Temperatures will range between 23 to 28 ℃ The Humidity will be about 75-95%
The Activity and Clothes DAY If you are a girl/woman/ a female, you can go shopping with your friends or family members. If you are a boy/a man,you can go to fitness centre. Activity: Clothes: On that day, you can wear a polo shirt or a T- shirt. If you feel cold,you can wear a thick shirt but don’t forget to bring an umbrella.
26/4(26 th April,2010)(Monday) 26 th April,2010 will be sunny intervals with mist The Temperature and Humidity (CLICK HERE) The Activity and Clothes (CLICK HERE)
The Temperature and Humidity Temperatures will range between ℃ The Humidity will be about 75-95%
The Activity and Clothes Activity : If you want to do something in your pastime, you can go fishing. If you want to play with your friends,you can go camping Clothes: On that day,if you go fishing,you must bring and wear UV protective glasses.