Low Cost Benefits How to Enhance Your Offerings Without Breaking Your Budget Lisa Z. Morstad Fayetteville Public Schools Fayetteville, AR
Major Categories to Consider/Expand ZGroup Rates ZWellness/Fitness Options ZDiscounts/Services ZOthers
Group Rates ZTake advantage of group rates available to employers ZBetter rates than available to individual ZOffer payroll deduction ZValuable to company and employee and not much burden on district ZDo not have to subsidize ZEmployees pays full cost
Group Rates ZExamples ZSavings clubs ZBanks can offer higher rates than usual savings accounts ZCancer, vision, life, ST/LT disability, flexible spending accounts, dependent care accounts, legal insurance, pet insurance ZMemberships in credit unions
Wellness/Fitness Programs ZEXAMPLES: ZEmployee Assistance Programs (EAP) ZSupport groups ZSmoking cessation ZBrown bag seminars ZInformal networking opportunity ZNutritional programs ZCooking demonstrations ZWalking/running/cycling clubs ZSchool site programs with local experts or inside experts ZCollege and University partnerships ZPE teachers or other teachers
Wellness/Fitness Programs ZCONSIDERATIONS/IDEAS: ZIncentives from school for employees ZGiveaways, certificates, recognition ZDiscounts from insurance and health care providers ZBenefits to employees can include improved attitude, energy level, sleep, weight loss, smoking cessation, networking, etc. ZFPS Fitness Center ( was awarded the Center for Disease Control’s model for public schoolswww.fayar.net ZOffered low cost membership employees, their families, and retired employees
Discounts/Services ZEmployee discount card ZOver 200 local businesses ZCommunity PR effort ZDrycleaning services ZPick-up and drop off at school sites ZFinancial Advisory Services ZLocal experts provide non-sales based presentations on everything from buying a first home to credit counseling to investing ZMillionaire’s club ZChildcare/Eldercare information ZProvide listing and contact info for local centers
Others ZMessages at school lounges by local message therapists (message school students or salon) ZUgly lounge contest ZWinner gets makeover by local furniture store, PTA etc. ZClinique makeovers ZExclusive shopping nights Zback-to-school and holiday season (with discounts) ZSalon services ZWeeknight “party” for district employees with deeply discounted services and snacks ZFamily friendly policies ZTime off to attend child’s event or volunteer work ZFlex time, job share, alternative work schedule, telecommuting ZLeave sharing
Contact Information Lisa Morstad Chief Financial Officer Fayetteville Public Schools Fayetteville, AR Other Website Resources: Arkansas Governor’s Work-Life Balance Award