XMSS - A Practical Forward Secure Signature Scheme based on Minimal Security Assumptions J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen, A. Hülsing 02.12.2011 | TU Darmstadt |


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Presentation transcript:

XMSS - A Practical Forward Secure Signature Scheme based on Minimal Security Assumptions J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen, A. Hülsing | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 1

Digital Signature Schemes | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 2

RSA – DSA – EC-DSA - … | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 3 Trapdoor one- way function Digital signature scheme Collision resistant hash function RSA, DH, SVP, MQ, …

Digital Signature Schemes -Strong complexity theoretic assumption (Trapdoor one-way function) hard to fulfill -Specific hardness assumptions Quantum computers, new algorithms + efficient but mostly in ROM | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 4

The eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme XMSS | TU Darmstadt | A.Huelsing | 5

The eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS)  Minimal complexity theoretic assumptions  Generic construction (No specific hardness assumption)  Efficient (comparable to RSA)  Forward secure | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 6

| TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 7 Target-collision resistant HFF One-way FF XMSS Pseudorandom FF Second-preimage resistant HFF Minimal complexity theoretic assumptions Naor, Yung 1989 Rompel 1990 Håstad, Impagliazzo, Levin, Luby 1999 Goldreich, Goldwasser, Micali 1986 Digital signature scheme Rompel 1990 Existential unforgable under chosen message attacks

Output length of hash functions Hash function h:{0,1}* → {0,1} m Assume: - only generic attacks, - security level n Collision resistance required: → generic attack = birthday attack → m = 2n Second-preimage resistance required: → generic attack = exhaustive search → m = n | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 8

Forward Secure Digital Signatures | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 9 time classical pk sk Key gen. forward sec pk sk sk 1 sk 2 sk i sk T t1t1 t2t2 titi tTtT

Construction | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 10

XMSS – Winternitz OTS [Buchmann et al. 2011] - Uses pseudorandom function family - Winternitz parameter w, message length m, random value x | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 11 sk 1 pk 1 x sk l pk l x w l

For multiple signatures use many key pairs. Generated using pseudorandom generator (PRG), build using PRFF F n : Secret key: Random SEED for pseudorandom generation of current signature key. XMSS – secret key | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 12 PRG

| TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 13 = (, b 0, b 1, b 2, h) XMSS – public key b0b0 b0b0 b0b0 b0b0 b1b1 b1b1 bhbh Modified Merkle Tree [Dahmen et al 2008] h second preimage resistant hash function Public key

XMSS signature | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 14 i i Signature = (i,,,,) b0b0 b0b0 b0b0 b0b0 b1b1 b1b1 b2b2

XMSS forward secure | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 15 FSPRG PRG FSPRG: Forward secure PRG using PRFF F n

Security Proof - Idea Tree construction and W-OTS are provably secure. Given Adversary A against pseudorandom Scheme can be used against the random scheme. → Inputs are the same Input distribution differs → We can bound success probability against random scheme We can use A to distinguish PRG See full version on iacr eprint (report 2011/484) | TU Darmstadt | A.Huelsing | 16

XMSS in practice | TU Darmstadt | A.Huelsing | 17

| TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 18 Cryptographic HFF XMSS Pseudorandom FF Second-preimage resistant HFF XMSS - Instantiations Trapdoor one- way function DL RSA MP-Sign Trapdoor one- way function DL RSA MP-Sign Block Cipher

AES Blowfish 3DES Twofish Threefish Serpent IDEA RC5 RC6 … | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 19 Hash functions & Blockciphers SHA-2 BLAKE Grøstl JH Keccak Skein VSH SWIFFTX RFSB …

XMSS Implementations C Implementation, using OpenSSL Sign (ms) Verify (ms) Signature (bit) Public Key (bit) Secret Key (byte) Bit Security Comment XMSS-SHA ,66413, H = 20, w = 64 XMSS-SHA ,38413, H = 20, w = 108 XMSS-AES-NI ,6087, H = 20, w = 4 XMSS-AES ,6087, H = 20, w = 4 MSS-SPR (n=128) --68,0967,680-98H = 20 RSA ≤ 2,048≤ 4, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 2.53GHz with Intel AES-NI | TU Darmstadt | A. Huelsing | 20

Conclusion | TU Darmstadt | A.Huelsing | 21

XMSS … needs minimal security assumptions … is forward secure … can be used with any hash function or block cipher … performance is comparable to RSA, DSA, ECDSA … | TU Darmstadt | A.Huelsing | 22