Reading and Writing Numbers Standard 1A
Place Value 4,567,891.236
Tips to help avoid simple mistakes: Look at all the possible answers before answering. Double check your answer. Take your time.
How is one million, one hundred five thousand, four hundred five written as a numeral? 115,405 1,150,450 1,105,405 1,015,405
How is the numeral 7,306,053 written in words? seven million, three hundred thousand, six hundred fifty-three seven million, thirty-six thousand, five hundred three seven million, three hundred six thousand, fifty-three seven million, three hundred sixty thousand, five hundred thirty
What number is written seventy-three and nine hundred eighty-five thousandths? 73.085 73.0985 73.985 73985
How is the numeral 2,839.9 written in words? two thousand, eight hundred thirty-nine and nine thousandths twenty-eight thousand, thirty-nine and nine tenths twenty thousand, eight hundred thirty-nine and nine hundredths two thousand, eight hundred thirty-nine and nine tenths
How is two and seventeen hundredths written as a numeral? 20.17 2.17 2.71 2.0107
How is three million, nine hundred thousand, six hundred written as a numeral? 30,900,600 3,009,060 3,096,000 3,900,600
How is the number 26.27 written in words? twenty-six and two tenths and seven hundredths twenty-six and twenty-seven hundredths twenty-six and two hundred seventy hundredths twenty-six and twenty-seven tenths
How is eight thousand, eighteen written as a numeral? 8,810 818 8,018 8,180
How is three million, nine hundred thirty-four thousand, six hundred eighty-three written as a numeral? 39,304,683 3,934,683 3,683,934 3,936,483
How is the number 10.704 written in words? ten and seven hundred four thousandths ten and seven hundred four hundredths ten and seven tenths and four thousandths ten and seven thousand, forty thousandths