1 S-CUBE Project Using Online-Role-Play-Games for Entrepreneurship Training Ireland Game Based Learning Symposium (iGBL-2013) June 06-07, 2013, Dublin, Ireland Alfie Keary 1, Paul Walsh 1, Déirdre O’Byrne 1, Jonathan Moizer 2, Jonathan Lean 2 Andrea Di Ferdinando 3, Luigia Simona Sica 4 1 Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, 2 Plymouth University, UK 3 SynapThink, Italy 4 University of Naples, Italy “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Presentation Overview S-Cube Project Background Quantitative and Qualitative Research S-CUBE E-MORPG S-CUBE/EUTOPIA Software S-CUBE Software Trials #1 S-CUBE Near Term Developments Short demo video Q&A 2
S-Cube Project Background 3
What is Social Enterprise (SE) “A social enterprise is an organization that applies business strategies to achieving philanthropic goals” 4
5 S-Cube Introduction S-Cube is a trans-European Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project Led by Plymouth University Partners: Naples University Federico II – Italy; CIT- Ireland; GePros – Germany €265,000 grant for 2 year project Project aim: On-Line Role Play Training Develop an On-line role play training experience to enhance soft skills for staff at Social Enterprises (SEs) e.g. effective communication, leadership, negotiation, decision making, etc.
S-Cube E-MORPG in Action 6
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Conducted 7
TNA Outcomes (2/3) As produced by partners - P. Walsh (CIT) & D. O'Byrne (University College, Cork) 8 Perceived Capability
9 TNA Outcomes Training scenarios can reflect real life workplace situations – Application of soft skills can help to deliver superior outcomes The expected result of this on-line training intervention – Enhanced retention of know-how – Leading to the transfer of SS developed on-line to real workplace situations
10 Wider Applications of S-Cube S-Cube deliverables will be a reusable on-line training product – Sustainable – Adaptable – Engaging – Training or education applications Technology can easily be adapted to non-SE applications (Corporate, Education, Schools).
15 Communication skills: SEs
16 Soft skills training: SEs
17 Role play learning: SEs
18 Serious games for learning: SEs
19 Role play learning/training with staff participation: SEs
20 Training & Learning Delivery
S-Cube E-MORPG 21
S-Cube Trainer/Master Engage Options: – Take the role of one of the characters – Act as an invisible stage director Invisibly observe player interactions; Access players' “private characteristics”; Listen to private messages (“whispers”) between players; Broadcast messages visible to all players; Exchange private messages with a specific user; Activate events, changing the course of the simulation. 32
33 Trainer/Master Control Record Session RPS Events
34 Event Documents Pre-Designed
35 S-Cube Editor
36 RPS Creation Editor
37 Avatar Creation Editor
38 Character Creation Editor
39 RPS Events Editor
40 Sample Event – New Avatar
41 RPS Survey Creation Editor
S-Cube/EUTOPIA Software 42
EUTOPIA Background Psychodrama from the real world to a virtual 3D world – Sica, L.S., Delli Veneri, A., Miglino, O. (2012). Exploring New Technological Tools for Education: Some Prototypes and Their Pragmatical Classification. In Pontes, E., Silva, A., Guelfi, A., Takeo Kofuji, S. (eds.) Methodologies, Tools and New Developments for ELearning, pp , InTech Press. Research developed by Natural and Artificial Cognition Laboratory – (SISINE; Miglino et al., 2007) –
EUTOPIA/S-Cube EUTOPIA/S-Cube: – Trainer can set up unique games – Intervene during a game – Record specific phases of a game – Annotate recordings and discuss Game development process: – Select 3D scenarios – Create personae (Personality, Affect, Goals, Avatar) – Assign each player 44
S-Cube Software Trials #1 45
S-Cube Trials Phase #1 Trials of S-Cube: Germany, Ireland, UK SE related organisations General software usability trials Focus on rapid uptake of the game by novice users Qualitative Feedback Emotions Gestures 46
Qualitative Feedback - Emotions Emotion Features - Facial Expressions: Difficulty in seeing facial expressions Hard to gauge feelings More focus on graphics for facial expressions Limited moods in avatar faces 47
Qualitative Feedback - Emotions Emotion Features – Range & Interface Additional types of moods Create more positive emotion expressions Reacted more to text than visuals of moods and gestures Takes time to easily use moods Text indicators of mood status required 48
Qualitative Feedback - Gestures Gesture Features: Not easy to use the gestures Typing and introducing gestures at same time very difficult Introduce an avatar handshake gesture 49
S-Cube Development Futures New updates of the software June 2013 – Trial #1 feedback is being incorporated S-CUBE and Affective Computing – Integration of wearable and non-wearable sensors – Real-time emotion tracking agent – Real-time gesture tracking agent – Evaluation of highly charged emotional scenarios – On-board soft-skills intelligence on dealing with emotional situations – Emotion prompts and direction to users 50
Next Developments Call for action: – CIT is building consortia for EU funded projects relating to: Affective Computing, Brain Machine Interfaces, Recent announced Human Brain Project (HBP). Contacts: Dr. Paul Walsh, Alfie Keary 51
S-Cube Demo Demo of S-Cube in action YouTube video: 52
53 Thank you Alfie Keary Call to Users/Educators Please try out S-Cube: