Asbestos & Mesothelioma Cases Presented by Sara Salger On behalf of Gori, Julian & Associates, P.C., Edwardsville, IL
What you know about Asbestos & Mesothelioma
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Definition of “Asbestos”: Term given to a group of six different, naturally occurring mineral fibers. One of the most widely used commercial substances of the 20 th Century due to the natural resistance of the fibers to heat and fire, and their reluctance to conduct electricity.
Asbestos Exposure: In the United States, asbestos was most widely used during the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. Common commercial and industrial asbestos-containing products include: Cement & Cement Products Bricks & Block Mortar Building Insulation Ceiling Tiles Roofing Shingles Flooring Tiles Vinyl Flooring Plaster on Drywall Jointing Materials Boiler Insulation Pipe Insulation Gasket & Packing Materials Fireproofing Spray Brake Shoes & Clutches Welding Blankets & Screens Adhesives & Bonding Agents
Asbestos Exposure: Asbestos products that may be found in the household include: Hair Dryers Coffee Makers Electric Blankets Heat Guns Molding Clay Dry Wall Patch Spray Insulation Pipe Insulation Fake Fireplace Logs
High Risk Exposure Occupations: Construction Workers Electricians Plumbers & Pipefitters Shipyard Employees Railroad Employees Automotive & Aviation Mechanics Boilermakers Insulation Installers Military Personnel & Defense Contractors Refinery Workers Power Plant Workers Chemical Plant Employees * Equally at risk include the families of these workers who brought asbestos fibers home on their clothing and in the family car.
Mesothelioma: A rare form of cancer that affects the thin membrane lining of the chest and/or abdomen. Most common site is the pleural (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall); may also occur in the peritoneum (abdominal), pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart), or testicular lining. Asbestos exposure is the only cause that has been definitively linked to the disease as of yet.
Affect of Asbestos on the Human Body: When asbestos fibers are inhaled, ingested or in rare cases, absorbed through the skin, they can become lodged in air ways, lung tissue or the mesothelium membrane. Overtime – anywhere from years after exposure occurred – these asbestos fibers can cause lung cancer and/or pleural mesothelioma among other medical conditions and forms of cancer.
Mesothelioma Symptoms: Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing normally Severe coughing, coughing up blood Chest pains Rapid weight loss Impaired weight loss Impaired bowel functions Abdominal bloating Persistent tiredness, fatigue with minimal exertion
Diagnosis & Treatment of Mesothelioma: Diagnosis X-rays of the chest or abdomen Lung function or breathing tests A Complete Blood Recount (CBC) Computed Tomography (CT) scans Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Biopsies of affected tissues Because mesothelioma is usually not diagnosed until the disease is already well- established, treatment options may be limited. Treatment: However, treatment options may include: Surgery Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Gene Therapy and Alternative Medicine Approaches.
The Faces of Mesothelioma & Other Asbestos-Related Cancers: BEFOREAFTER
The Faces of Mesothelioma & Other Asbestos-Related Cancers: BEFOREAFTER
The Faces of Mesothelioma & Other Asbestos-Related Cancers: BEFOREAFTER
Proud Accomplishments: At Gori, Julian & Associates, P.C., we have helped thousands of people recover compensation for devastating personal losses resulting from exposure to asbestos. As proud as we are of what we have accomplished – there is still more work to do. We are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of the people and families who continue to be harmed by asbestos negligence.