1 Self Directed Support The Brighton and Hove journey so far! * Click or scroll to see presentation *


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Presentation transcript:

1 Self Directed Support The Brighton and Hove journey so far! * Click or scroll to see presentation *

2 What is Self Directed Support? Redesigning the social care system so that the people eligible to receive services take control over them, at the level they wish to. Moving to a system where social care users have the same ability as other citizens to exercise choice and control over their lives and the social care they receive, enabling them to determine their own outcomes, make their own decisions and manage their risks.

3 What’s it all about?

4 Resource Allocation System (RAS)  FACE Overview Assessment  Based on Daily Living Activities and Risk scales  System which identifies how much money needs to be allocated to meet the needs of the individual. These figures are based on current expenditure and the scoring system is weighted to enable scores with higher need areas to receive increased funding Assessment Scores Resource Allocation

5 Individual Budgets (IB’s) Allocated amount of funding to meet a person’s assessed needs. Can involve additional funding streams – Supporting People; Disabled Facilities Grant; Independent Living Fund; Access to Work National pilots outcome 2008:  Typically used to purchase personal care, assistance with domestic chores, and social, leisure and educational activities.  Little difference in average cost of an IB and the costs of conventional social care support.  People receiving an IB were more likely to feel in control of their daily lives.

6 Self Directed Support Strategy work streams… The 3 SDS workstreams SDS Systems Support for Service Users and Carers Commissioning and Contracting

7 SDS Structure ASC and Housing Personalisation Board ASC Operational Board ASC Partnership Board Commissioning and Contracting Group Denise D’Souza Self Directed Support Executive Group Chaired by Martin Farrelly Role – provide operational support to implement SDS within ASC, linking directly with the Commissioning Process SDS Work streams SDS Systems Group Information and Support Group Commissioning + Contracting Group

8 SDS Workstream SDS Systems Group (SDS Engine!) Chaired by Laura Scott-Smith Role: Managing the RAS/FACE pilot Future Areas: Performance Management; Carefirst development; Financial modelling; Interface with SAP Assessment; Risk Enablement Panel

9 SDS Workstream Commissioning and Contracting Chaired by Sharon Lyons Role: Initial scoping exercise related to the local “marketplace” and exploring “approved providers/recommended services” options. All work to feed into the wider Commissioning and Contracting Group

10 SDS Workstream Support and Information Group (Service user/carer engagement and support) Chaired by Nichola StGeorge Role: Develop information and explore support options to enable individuals to make informed choices regarding SDS options. Future Areas: Publicity; “expert/testing group”; brokerage function; menu of options.

11 Access Point Re-ablement RAS Individual Budgets Support Planning Brokerage Self Directed Support Direct Payment Indirect Payment Individual Service Fund Trusts Direct Provision REVIEW AND FINANCIAL AUDIT Proportionate and at agreed time spans (Outcome focussed review form to be used) Virtual Budget