Israel is a little smaller than the state of New Jersey 290 miles in length and 85 miles in width Located in the Middle East Mediterranean Sea borders the western side of Israel
Israel Population Facts 806,000 residents when Israel 1 st became a state (country) in 1948 Current Population – 7,337,000 5,542,000 (75.5%) Jewish 1,477,000 (20.1%) Israeli Arabs 318,000 (4.4%) immigrants
Israel Facts Has the highest number of scientists and engineers per capita in the world Has the highest number of museums in the world Home to 3 major religions: Judaism Christianity Islam
Israel Festival
Interesting Facts Contains 40.6% of the world’s Jewish population 75.5% of the population are Jewish 20.1% are Arabs 92% of the population live in urban communities 65% of the Jewish population were born in Israel compared to 35% in 1948
Jewish Festivals Shabbat (the Sabbath – day of rest on Saturday) Rosh Hashanah (beginning of the Jewish New Year) Yom Kippur (the day of atonement, of Divine judgment – day to pray for foregiveness) Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacles – celebrate the Exodus from Egypt)
Jewish Festivals continued Hanukkah (Festival of Lights - celebrates the triumph of the Jews over the Greeks) Passover (Pessah – celebrating the liberation and bondage from Egypt) Independence Day (held on the anniversary of the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel – May 14, 1948)
Capital of Israel Seat of government and the historical, spiritual, and national center of the Jewish people Largest city in Israel (population 719,000) Urban population of 1,036,500 Jewish, Muslims, and Christian live side by side
City Wall
Worship Centers 1,204 Synagogues 158 Churches 73 Mosques
Wailing Wall
Tower of David
St. Andrews Church
Jerusalem at Night
Tel Aviv
Israel’s 2nd largest city (population of 360,000) Israel’s largest metropolitan area – 2,896,900 Tel mean “mound” and Aviv means “spring” – “The Hill of Spring” Israel’s commercial, financial, and transportation center 1 st all-Jewish city in modern times Founded in 1909 as a suburb of Jaffa
Tel Aviv Jaffa (Old Town)
Tele Aviv Facts continued City was originally built on sand dunes Most densely populated area in Israel 9 mile Mediterranean Coastline (beach) Carmel Market in the Yemenite Quarter is one of the largest open air markets in the Middle East
Tel Aviv Bus Station Bombed
Tel Aviv at Night
Walkway in Jaffa
Simon’s House
Israel’s 3 rd largest city (population of 250,000) Israel’s northern capital City built on the slopes of Mount Carmel Home of the World Headquarters of the Bahai faith Israel’s only subway is located here Considered to be Israel’s most progressive city
Haifa Technion – Israel’s leading technology company MATAM industrial center – one of Israel’s largest concentrations of high technology
Stairway to Heaven
Bahia Gardens
Rocket Attack
Hezbollah Rocket Attack in Haifa
Terrorist Attack
Dead Sea
Dead Sea Facts Highest salt concentration of any water on earth (33%) Evaporation increases the minerals and salt Located on the Syrian/African fault line (plate separated) Considered to be holy – site where Jesus was baptized Alternative cure for arthritis
Mud is thought to be therapeutic