Fine art (refined art) You will be adding yourself to a piece of fine art – a work created by a “master”. You will need to find a copy of the artwork you.


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Presentation transcript:

Fine art (refined art) You will be adding yourself to a piece of fine art – a work created by a “master”. You will need to find a copy of the artwork you want and scan a high resolution image (300 dpi minimum). You will need to add yourself to the artwork so that it appears you have always been there (avoid the “cut and paste” look). –No replacing the characters head with yours – to easy! Pose, lighting and costume are very important in fitting you into the artwork. –Remember the factors involved in making a photo easy to cut. Sketches (5 minimum) in your sketchbook. You may use tracing paper and work over a printed copy of the original (tape these into your sketchbook), or work on zerox copies of the original art.

Munch – “The Scream”

Rothko – “1968”

Russeau – “The Snake Charmer”

Chagall – “The Birthday”

Things to consider… Cutting the figure… –To create a smoother edge with less of a “cut out” appearance, remember to feather the edge of your selection slightly. –Remember your different selection options. –Shadows! If you are really there, you will cast a shadow and have shadows cast on you. Edge treatment… –You may need to go back and blur or smear the edge to insure a smoother fit. Keep an eye on the “white edge” that may appear around selection. Color adjustment tools… –Insure that the overall color of your pasted item match the colors of your artwork – this is critical to creating a good fit. Filter applications… –Experiment with your filters (or combinations of filters) to create a surface texture on your figure that matches that of the painting or artwork you are pasted into.