Basal Body Temperature Stephanie Vorce
Basic Facts It’s a Natural Birth Control method Before ovulation the BBT drops slightly and after ovulation it releases progesterone, which allows the temperature to rise slightly. One needs to purchase a fertility thermometer or an electronic digital one. A woman is looking for a temperature shift of at least 0.4 degrees over a 48 hour period to indicate ovulation When this method is used with either the cervical/ mucus method, it’s much more effective Use3.gif
Factors that may affect the BBT Lack of sleep- one’s body reaches it’s BBT after 4 hours of sleep, so one needs to make sure they get that much sleep. Drinking- if one drinks the night before, there BBT will be high so don’t confuse it with possible ovulation. Air Travel- Jet leg can affect one’s 24 hour temperature cycle. Stress, anxiety, and illness- can all raise one’s BBT temporarily Getting up in the middle of the night Getting the flu or common cold
Advantages Women can get a better understanding their cycle and body Inexpensive No side effects Accepted by the Catholic Church rch2.JPG
Disadvantages No STD protection Failure rate is higher than other methods because of a variety of factors ( lack of knowledge on method, smoking, or illness) Need a lot of motivation to learn to detect temperature and couples have to accurately rely on these records for contraception If a woman has irregular periods, it’s harder for her to use this method Doesn’t predict ahead of time when one will be ovulating, so sexual intercourse before the BBT goes up could result in pregnancy. oduct/7bd970eec3d906cb2a53bbbb jpghttp:// oduct/7bd970eec3d906cb2a53bbbb jpg uberculosis/images/co ugh.gif
How to use the BBT Chart One needs to take their temperature first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, drinking water, or going to the bathroom. Take temperature around the same time each day for accurate results Can take temperature orally, vaginally, or rectally, but one needs to say with the same method the entire cycle. Record temperature on chart everyday If temperature stays up for 18 days or more after ovulation, one should test for pregnancy.
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