iPortal A revolutionary partnership project for communities APPRO/GSL AWARDS/Category C: Excellence in eCommunications for local information
The iPortal pulls together content from multi-agency partners within West Yorkshire for public circulation. Partnership Agencies BBC Local Authorities Crimestoppers Google Project Overview Never has it been easier for the public to find local information at postcode level from credible, service-led providers.
In line with Citizen Focus, the iPortal offers an innovative platform with which the public can interact. Objectives are: Partnership development High quality information delivery Facilitates easier contact with the public Promote public confidence Project Objectives Objectives were formed by combining a West Yorkshire Police Authority consultation exercise & Citizen Focus good practice guide.
All content is categorised at postcode level to generate a bespoke page geared at communities. Meeting ‘Partnership Development’ Objective Initial partners were identified for the beta launch stage and basic streams were imported at no extra cost. Key content includes: Council news and events BBC weather Crimestoppers ‘Caught on Camera’ CCTV appeals Local Neighbourhood Policing Teams information
Meeting ‘High Quality’ Objective Our focus was on delivering relevant content (based on user choices) innovatively which includes: Interactive ‘widgets’ displaying teaser text Customisable layout Resizable content panes Personalised content No log in required (cookie based technology) Postcode driven information Live RSS feeds thus always up to date
The modern appeal of this site attracts a new audience who were disengaged from traditional partnership websites. Meeting ‘Easier Contact’ Objective Based on postcode input, the iPortal facilitates easy contact with the relevant department on just one page, success stories are : Caught on Camera (1000+ suspects identified) Essential NPT contacts and local priorities Online queries to relevant department Social networking signposts
Efficient usability Working in partnership Positive content streams Contact opportunities Confidence has been boosted by our understanding of the importance of the community. Meeting ‘Promoting Confidence’ Objective The system is so well received it has placed the police at the forefront of e-communications in West Yorkshire through:
“The iPortal has proved to be a popular way for citizens to find out key information on community safety and is a result of us working closely with our police partners to improve services we deliver.” “The iPortal is an excellent way for the public to find out accurate, up to date information about local policing, what crime has happened in their neighbourhood and work to tackle it. It is a vital way to help improve public confidence that crime is tackled and justice delivered" Hannah Saunders Deputy Director Neighbourhood Crime & Justice Group Home Office Joanne Roney Chief Executive Wakefield Council “It’s great to see large organisations coming up with new, and successful ways of working and getting information to citizens and communities...” Helen Watkiss VOX Community Empowerment Network “I like the layout, it has potential to be a good place to disseminate information.” Keith Marshall (member of the public) “Looking good. I like how it picked up my details automatically.” David Fitzgerald (member of the public) “This is a really dynamic looking website, great design and easy to use.” George Turner (member of the public) “This is a really exciting development which has masses of potential. The iPortal web page reflects both police and partnership news which will help boost interest and confidence within Wakefield communities. Now people can just tap in their postcode and get a tailor-made page with information about their local area Chief Inspector Paula Booth Wakefield’s Crime and Justice Co-ordinator “I am really impressed with the iPortal … I tried my postcode in Leeds and it worked a treat!” Steve Lake Kirklees Partnership “I like the page - it’s very easy on the eye. It does all the searching for you.” Chris Slaven Neighbourhood Manager