Aerospace Power Defined
2 Overview Define Aerospace Power Competencies Functions Doctrine Discuss the Principles of War & Tenets of Aerospace Power
3 Aerospace Power The integrated application of air and space systems to project global strategic military power. AFDD-1
4 Aerospace Power Integrated application Air and space systems To project global strategic military power
5 Aerospace Power (3 Associated Terms) #1: Competencies (capabilities) Aerospace expertise, capabilities, and technical know-how distinctive to the United States Air Force Aerospace Superiority Precision Engagement Information Superiority Global Attack Rapid Global Mobility Agile Combat Support
6 Aerospace Power #2: Functions (missions) Broad, fundamental, and continuing activities of air and space power not unique to the Air Force CounterairCounterspaceCounterlandCounterseaCounterinformation Strategic Attack Combat Search Navigation Air Refueling Spacelift Special Ops IntelligenceSurveillanceReconnaissanceAirlift Weather Services Command & Control
7 Aerospace Power #3: Doctrine - A belief in the best way to implement/use aerospace power Based on: History Technology Leaders, etc. Provides Guidance Must NOT stagnate
8 Doctrine - Examples WWI Armies vs. Machine Gun WWI Daylight, High Altitude, Unescorted Precision Bombing
9 Principles of War “those aspects of warfare that are universally true and relevant” - Joint Pub 1
10 Principles of War Historically tested Apply equally to all U.S. Armed Forces Unity of Command, Objective, Offense, Mass, Maneuver, Economy of Force, Security, Surprise, Simplicity
11 Tenets Fundamental truths that are unique to the aerospace environment. Flexibility/Versatility Priority Synergistic Effects Persistence Concentration Balance Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution
12 Conclusion Defined Aerospace Power Competencies & Functions Defined Aerospace Doctrine Belief in the best way to use aerospace power Defined the Principles of War & Tenets of Aerospace Power Fundamental Truths