Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night Parents, You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Thank you for sharing your child with us this year.
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Our Liederougi Daily Schedule
Homework Using the Daily Folder and Planners Everyday Binders Nightly Math and Reading M-Th & Word Study Parent Daily s
Liederougi Daily Planner
Things You Should Know Snack Water Birthdays Electronic Devices Fort Malden (Passports/Birth Certificates) Volunteering (form and class parties) Purple/White Days for specials Classroom Donations
Our Readers’ Workshop Reader’s Workshop : During Reader’s Workshop, the class meets as a group for a mini-lesson directed by the teacher to discuss new reading strategies to increase comprehension of the text. Then the students are given the opportunity to practice the new reading strategy independently or with a partner. Afterwards, the class meets with buddies or whole class to share how they used the new strategy during their reading time. Conferring Bookmarks
Our Writers’ Workshop Writer’s Workshop: Similar to Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop has the class meet for a mini- lesson directed by the teacher to discuss new writing strategies in order to increase writing skills. Then the students are given the opportunity to practice the new writing strategy independently. Afterwards, the class or buddies meet to share how they used the new strategy in their writing. Sacred Writing: How we begin each writing session…
Sacred Writing Time Did you come to class with an idea to write about? As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance! It’s September 17. Today begins National “Constitution Week.” How is your constitution? Trivial Fact of the Day: In both England and the U.S., the year 1752 only had 354 days because the calendar type was changed that year, and 11 days were lost. Interesting Quote of the Day: “You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give.” --Winston Churchill (British politician) Vocabulary Word of the Day: constitution (noun) – In addition to a famous American document, this word also means a physical state relating to strength or health. What do you need to do in order to have a strong or healthy constitution?
Word Study Word Study: The Words Their Way Spelling Program emphasizes spelling feature patterns in degrees of difficulty. Just as children travel through different stages, so does spelling. Students complete a basic inventory and are grouped according to feature patterns they still need to master. Spelling lists are individualized based upon student content mastery. Words will go home every other week to practice! Test will take place every other Thursday.
Mastering Math Concepts and Computation- incorporating the Common Core State Standards within our Bridges program. Pre-tests, flexible grouping, differentiation, and clinics Mastery of Multiplication Fast Facts is a MUST! Math Workshop Rotations Number Corner
Math Conceptual Framework: Thinking about math, the how and why things work. This type of thinking is essential in higher mathematics such as algebra, geometry, calculus, applied mathematics and more Algorithm: +-x “Plug and Chug” mathematics
Science Variables –Pendulums, boats, flippers Earth, Moon, and Sun –Inquiry, research Environments –Plants, fish, beetles, isopods Science Notebook is very important!!
Social Studies We explore American history from early explorers to the Revolutionary War. We then focus on exploration, Native Americans, Africa, colonization, The Revolutionary War, and government.
Accepting Responsibility for One’s Actions Warner’s PBIS (positive behavior intervention supports) is The Warner Way!! Viking Values Tickets are given for following the Warner Way (respect, responsibility, & safety) Each classroom will choose a Viking VIP every other week. These students exhibit The Warner Way always. Tickets are used to purchase items at the end of year auction within the classroom. Viking Value Agreement and Homework Policy went home on the first week of school.
7 Habits of Happy Kids Check out your child’s planner for more info about the 7 Habits!
Growing our Garden of Leaders 1. Be Proactive I am a responsible person, I take initiative., I chose my actions, attitudes, and moods, I do not blame others for my wrong actions, and I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking. 2. Begin with the End in Mind I plan ahead and set goals, and I look for ways to be a good citizen. 3. Put First Things First I say no to things I know I should not do, I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan, and I am disciplined and organized. 4. Think Win-Win I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want, I make deposits in other’s Emotional Bank Accounts, when conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives. 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings without interrupting and I try to see things from their viewpoints. 6. Synergize I value other people’s strengths and learn from them, and I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. 7. Sharpen the Saw I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep, I spend time with my family and friends, I learn in lots of ways and places, not just at school, and I take time to find meaningful ways to help others.
The Closer Love them just as much when they don’t succeed as you do when they soar. Mistakes are deposits in the account of learning - Jim Fay Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. - Mahatma Gandhi
Where to Go Next! 6:05-6:30 Visit Specials Teachers in the gym If you are not receiving our classroom s and newsletter, please fix your in MISTAR Parent Portal Thank you so much for coming and supporting your child’s education!