CONICS Tempus « How to search a partner » Relevant for both JEP and SCM II Forum relazioni internazionali università italiane 15 giugno 2005 Grand Hotel S. Michele – Cetraro (CS)
CONICS Tempus What partner do you need? A partner with the expertise to address the identified needs A partner with the necessary human resources A partner with whom you can easily communicate
CONICS Tempus Who can help you in contacting it? The National Tempus Office (when established) The National Contact Points The Tempus website (list of running projects) NB: The ETF does not facilitate the set-up of Tempus consortia
CONICS Tempus How can you approach a partner? Visit your potential partner submitting and IMG Prepare a short description of your project idea providing all relevant information and specifying what expertise you need to address your needs