*Poland* Pedro Saura Zaplana Juanjo Úbeda Esteban
Where is Poland? poland russia germany czech republic Ukraine Slovenia Belarus Lithuania sweeden warsaw
- Lech walesa was its leader and became president of the country in this year polish peolple started to walk their path to freedom which culminated when Poland became a full member of the European Union in Poland becomes a nation in the 10th century. A series of powerful leaders ruled the nation and made a strong kingdom which was soon integrated as a part of European culture. - In the 13th century Poland frangmented into several smaller states. Nevertheless, Poland was again reunified throughout this century, setting the basis for a new dominant state to come. - In the 18th century numerous European countries wanted to get a partition of Poland, and they managed to. Consequently Poland disappeared from the map of Europe in In the summer of 1915 Germany and Austria-Hungary occupied all the territories that had historically belonged to Poland. - In the treaty of Versailles Poland was named an independent country. Its western border was establised. However its unity as territory was unstable. - During the second wold war Poland was invaded by nazy germany and Soviet Union. Once again Poland was splitted in two. Poland lost million of citizens in this war. -The People’s Republic of Poland was proclaimed in 1952 and two dictatorships occurred: the first one in the 50s; the second one in the 70s. The trade union “solidarity” apeared in the 80s and over this decade it defeated the communist party.
1772 first partition of Poland The contitution of 1791 is passed 1793 second partition of Poland 1795 third partition of Poland 1807 the French Emperor Napoleon set up the Puchy of Poland 1905 Revolution in the Russian area 1918 Poland get its independence 1920 the battle of Warsaw 1921 peace treaty with the soviet union 1934 non-aggresive pact with Germany and the Soviet Union 1939 attack of Germany and the Soviet union into Polish territory 1944 rising in Warsaw 1952 the contitution of the Popular Republic of Poland is passed 1979 Pope John Paul II visits Poland for the first time 1999 Poland joins the NATO 2004 Poland joins the EU 1831 war agains russia 1830 the November rising ment that the rusian was deposed from the throne.
Poland is considered to have one of the healthiest economies of the post- communist countries. Since the fall of the communist government, Poland has steadfastly pursued a policy of liberalising the economy and today stands out as a successful example of the transition from a centrally planned economy to a primarily capitalistic market economy. Poland is a part of the global tourism market with constantly increasing number of visitors, particularly after joining the European Union. Tourism in Poland contributes to the country's overall economy. The most popular cities are Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin, including the historic site of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The privatization of small and medium state-owned companies and a liberal law on establishing new firms have allowed the development of an aggressive private sector. Since joining the European Union, many workers have left to work in other EU countries, because of high unemployment. Commodities produced in Poland include: electronics, cars, buses, helicopters, ships, military engineering, chemical products and other things.
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