Advanced Telescope Stuff Video
Telescope History Video Eyes on the Sky1 Eyes on the Sky2 Eyes on the Sky3 Eyes on the Sky4 Eyes on the Sky5 Eyes on the Sky6
Active Optics Adjustments to the primary mirror due to sagging, weight shifting, thermal expansion, & manufacturing errors. Mirror is thin and has electric adjustors along its back Adjustment per minute
Adaptive Optics Adjustment to the primary or secondary mirror to compensate for atmospheric distortions. Mirror is thin and has electric adjustors along its back 1000 time/second
Adaptive Optics
Video on Adaptive Optics
CCD Charge Coupled Device Digital Film
CCD Very efficient, they can detect very dim light
CCD Detects B&W, not color Filters used to get color
Segmented Mirrors
Interferometry VLBL Radio Telescope
Interferometry Increase the resolution
Great Magellan Telescope Gemini Telescope SIM Telescope
Telescopes in Chile OfEm1w&feature=related
Arecibo Message
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