Presented by Utsala Shrestha, June 08, 2008 R-2007-COE-01 Department of Environmental science00
Strategic EA is EA applied to policies, plans, or programs 1 st EIA was introduced in the 1970s focusing natural environment 1980s - social and economic impact assessment 1990s- IEM for all stages of project Today- SEA for addressing 3Ps PRESENTED BY UTSALA SHRESTHA
Develop broad knowledge about SEA & SD Develop main idea of SEA Be Familiar With Its Benefits, Importance And Uses Know How SEA is Different From EIA Acquainted With Sustainable Development METHODOLOGY Necessary guidelines IAAS Library and IUCN library Internet browsing
SEA, or EA beyond the project level is Tthe formalized, systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating the environmental impacts of a policy, plan or program and its alternatives, the preparation of a written report o the findings and the use of the findings in publicly- accountable decision- making (Therivel et al., 1992). SEA is decision aiding rather than decision making process, and is a key tool for sustainable development. PRESENTED BY UTSALA SHRESTHA
Policy General course of action Guides ongoing decision making Elaborates and implements Plan Strategy or designed, Coordinated priorities, options and measures, Program Organized agenda Schedule of commitments, proposals, activities
Strengthen the project EIA Leads to less detailed and less expensive project EIA Include global issues, EIA does not include such issues. Address cumulative effects Effective links to sustainable development
EIA SEA Reactive to a development proposal Assesses the effect on the environment Addresses a specific project well defined beginning and end Direct impacts and benefits Focused on the mitigation of impacts Narrow perspective and a high level of detail Pro-active and informs Assesses the effect of the environment on development Addresses areas, regions or sectors of development Continuing process ; right time Cumulative impacts, implication, issues for SD Focused on maintaining a chosen level of environmental quality Wide perspective and a low level of detail
Integration of SEA into economic development process Trained human resources and institutional capacity I mechanisms for implementing SEA Organize awareness raising programs on SEA SEA training workshops for professionals Generate adequate human resources in educational institutions and NGOs Developing concept papers on transboundary issues & applicability of SEA Need of SEA guidelines Regional, national and local level training programs
Project EIA
Environmental sustainability— Encourage growth of natural capital Relieve pressure on natural capital Protect source of raw materials Economic sustainability--- Maintenance of capital Poverty alleviation Social sustainability--- Addressing local communities Individual experiences
Incorporating sustainability into policy making Environmental, economic and social Sustainability appraisal and SEA For all developmental plans Strengthening SEA as sustainability mechanisms Sustainability indicators Internalizing Environment Externalities Reducing potential impacts on source and sink
Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand and the USA already apply SEA to proposed plans and policies (Sadler and Verheem, 1996) The South Asian countries have adopted project related EIA as a national instrument recently Kathmandu Declaration (15-18september) on strengthening EIA Capacity in South Asia – SEA—tool for addressing major environment issues has to be integrated at higher activities in project Source :(IUCN, 1996) Kathmandu Declaration (15-18september) on strengthening EIA Capacity in South Asia – SEA—tool for addressing major environment issues has to be integrated at higher activities in project Source :(IUCN, 1996)
Key Principle of SEA BangladeshNepalPakistanSrilanka Lead agency designated for the process Yes Not sure Application as early as possible Several strategies made but not applied Quite behind A little behindNot sure Consideration of alternatives Insufficient Provision of public involvement Extensive Not much Independent quality reviewNoMid term review No Precondition: clear environment policy and objectives Exits
Example 1. Environment Assessment In Forestry Sector -- EIA of the Bara district forest management plan is an example of sectoral SEA. This analyze two alternatives- ---the do-nothing implementation of the operational forest management plan in 19 major issues ranging from biodiversity conservation to marketing strategies (MoFSC, 1995) Example 1. Environment Assessment In Forestry Sector -- EIA of the Bara district forest management plan is an example of sectoral SEA. This analyze two alternatives- ---the do-nothing implementation of the operational forest management plan in 19 major issues ranging from biodiversity conservation to marketing strategies (MoFSC, 1995) Example 2. Arun hydroelectricity The maximum application of EIA is being made in hydropower projects, however Nepal’s 201-mw hydropower project Arun III was criticized No SEA carried out during the period of project planning (KHADKA et. al, 2000). Example 2. Arun hydroelectricity The maximum application of EIA is being made in hydropower projects, however Nepal’s 201-mw hydropower project Arun III was criticized No SEA carried out during the period of project planning (KHADKA et. al, 2000). Example 4. Karachi electricity plan: need for strategic assessment Focuses only project EIA Do not provide and understanding of a potentiality major environmental problem. Plants got relocated. Reason- SEA at an early stage not adopted (Naim, 1998). Example 4. Karachi electricity plan: need for strategic assessment Focuses only project EIA Do not provide and understanding of a potentiality major environmental problem. Plants got relocated. Reason- SEA at an early stage not adopted (Naim, 1998).
Timing of assessment in the development project cycle Lack of appropriate methodologies and lack of consistency Refers to EIA-type analyses Concerned with cumulative and indirect impacts Political systems focus on short term objective No single “BEST” methodology
Environmental issues in a proactive way is important in any project specific EIAs. Ensuring environmental considerations and incorporating into policy, plan, and program proposals. SEA is technically difficult but it balances-- common wealth of environment, ecology and social objective PRESENTED BY UTSALA SHRESTHA