ECE 477 Design Review Team 7 Spring 2011 Paste a photo of team members here, annotated with names of team members. Stuart Pulliam Will Granger Linda Stefanutti Zach Smith
Outline Project overviewProject overview Project-specific success criteriaProject-specific success criteria Block diagramBlock diagram Component selection rationaleComponent selection rationale Packaging designPackaging design Schematic and theory of operationSchematic and theory of operation PCB layoutPCB layout Software design/development statusSoftware design/development status Project completion timelineProject completion timeline Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion
Project Overview Home security system based on a central monitoring station (CMS) running a web server and communicating wirelessly with two remote sensor units(RSU). The RSU controlled by the microcontroller will control : a smoke detector, a motion detector, a temperature sensor, a noise detector and a speaker.Home security system based on a central monitoring station (CMS) running a web server and communicating wirelessly with two remote sensor units(RSU). The RSU controlled by the microcontroller will control : a smoke detector, a motion detector, a temperature sensor, a noise detector and a speaker.
LCD screen speaker KEY PAD ATOM Board USB cable LCD screen speaker LEDs motion sensor smoke and temperature LCD screen speaker microphone CMS RSU
Project-Specific Success Criteria An ability to detect motion based on temperature variance, noise above 90dB, the presence of smoke/combustion with a photoelectric amplifier, and to measure temperature with a thermocouple amplifier.An ability to detect motion based on temperature variance, noise above 90dB, the presence of smoke/combustion with a photoelectric amplifier, and to measure temperature with a thermocouple amplifier. An ability to encode and transmit data packets wirelessly to/from the remote sensors with a sensor identification address included in each packet.An ability to encode and transmit data packets wirelessly to/from the remote sensors with a sensor identification address included in each packet. An ability to arm/disarm the security system and to alert the user (visually, audibly, and through ) of emergency conditions from both the CMS and the remote sensor units.An ability to arm/disarm the security system and to alert the user (visually, audibly, and through ) of emergency conditions from both the CMS and the remote sensor units. An ability to time stamp events and log them in non-volatile memory on the CMS.An ability to time stamp events and log them in non-volatile memory on the CMS. An ability to display event logs and operational status on an LCD as well as a webpage hosted by an embedded web server.An ability to display event logs and operational status on an LCD as well as a webpage hosted by an embedded web server.
Block Diagram - CMS
Block Diagram -RSU
Component Selection Rationale Computer platformComputer platform –Intel Atom board vs Asus wireless router MicrocontrollerMicrocontroller –Freescale MC9S12C vs Microchip PIC18F25K22 Wireless moduleWireless module –MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi vs WRL XBee
Packaging Design very compact and lightweight designvery compact and lightweight design remote system managementremote system management easy installationeasy installation Control Panel Wireless Alarm Kit DSC Wireless Ready Alarm System Kit logging capabilitylogging capability Straightforward keypad interfaceStraightforward keypad interface Integrated wireless sensorsIntegrated wireless sensors
Schematic/Theory of Operation Central monitoring station D945GSEJT Atom boardD945GSEJT Atom board –5 modes of operations Change PasswordChange Password Activate In-Home/Out-Home modeActivate In-Home/Out-Home mode Status ConditionsStatus Conditions Stop an Active AlarmStop an Active Alarm – Database with SQL Server 2005 – Activate/De-activate alarm with Internet App –Bidirectional communication
Schematic/Theory of Operation Remote sensor unit Freescale 9S12C32 :Freescale 9S12C32 : frequency: 24MHzfrequency: 24MHz voltage: 5V regulatedvoltage: 5V regulated Idle state:Idle state: LCD : room temperatureLCD : room temperature green lightgreen light Alarm state:Alarm state: LCD: sensor triggeredLCD: sensor triggered red lightred light
Schematic/Theory of Operation Remote sensor unit Analog signals: smoke detector, microphone and temperature sensorAnalog signals: smoke detector, microphone and temperature sensor
Schematic/Theory of Operation Remote sensor unit Digital signals: motion sensor, speaker, LEDsDigital signals: motion sensor, speaker, LEDs
Schematic/Theory of Operation Remote sensor unit
PCB Layout Four area division: digital, analog, power, XBeeFour area division: digital, analog, power, XBee Microcontroller: 9S12C moduleMicrocontroller: 9S12C module EMI sources: power, XBee, speakerEMI sources: power, XBee, speaker Sensitive devices: microphoneSensitive devices: microphone Trace width:Trace width: –40-60mils for power/ground –10-12mils for the other signals Voltage translatorsVoltage translators
Software Design/Development Status Atom boardAtom board –C#.NET Web ApplicationWeb Application Main ProgramMain Program –Apache or IIS 5.1 for Web Server Software –SQL Database loginTable, Remote1Table, Remote2TableloginTable, Remote1Table, Remote2Table Microcontroller - MC9S12CMicrocontroller - MC9S12C –Assembly
Project Completion Timeline Week 8 (03/04):Week 8 (03/04): – start prototyping sensors with the micro Week 9 (03/11):Week 9 (03/11): – finalize PCB layout –prototype Xbee module with micro Week 11(03/25):Week 11(03/25): –test PCB board in separate sections: power, microcontroller, analog signals, XBee, digital signals Week 12 (04/01):Week 12 (04/01): –interface key-pad and LCD screen with the Atom board Week 13 (04/08):Week 13 (04/08): –Successfully transfer information from Atom board to Web Server –Bidirectional communication among CMS and the two RSU Week 14 (04/15):Week 14 (04/15): – service in alarm state – packaging
Questions / Discussion