Xavier Otero Keil
Animation Control characters body makes sure that animation fits situation handles requests to perform actions Combat Possibly most important subsystem Determine tactics Behavior Highest level, has precedence over other systems Sets broad goals like a CEO Movement Determine how to move (path finding) Not where to move
Plays pregenerated animation mostly Some animations take control of entire character such as dying Others require only a specific part Arm waving Head turning These are more complex because more than one can be applied at one time Needs to be aware of which animations are playing (if currently arm waving stop before attacking) Gathers information from other Layers
Generation of context related animations on the fly. Generalizing the position of objects. Causes problems with believability. Modern games do not take this shortcut Solution similar to robotic arm movement
Basically a path finding system Given a starting point uses a database of how the level is laid out and the A* search Dynamic obstacles create a problem avc (example of bad dynamic obstacle handling) Quake 2. avc
You can use Local path finding to solve this problem Integration of physics system and movement system Uses global path finding as a guideline then polls the physics system for dynamic obstacles and adjusts accordingly Crysis with local path finding turned off S6M
Spatial Reasoning Humans are very good at this almost second nature Most games embed hints for the AI into the levels like the anchors in Far Cry This creates a tactical database that allows the computer to simulate an understanding of Spatial Reasoning Again problems with Dynamic Obstacles
Solved with geometrical analysis. Uses a lot of processor power Dynamic object tagging Changing Battle Environments &NR=1 (Crysis Nuke Gun) &NR=1
Very basic selection of combat tactics Camp Joust Circle of death Ambush Flee and ambush Generally a FPS will have far more tactics in its arsenal. However these basic ones give insight into how the tactical selection is done
To-hit roll random number If in the hit threshold attempt to hit Otherwise attempt to miss With high damage weapons always miss first shot Takes into account environmental variables Prevents perfect accuracy which can be frustrating
When attempting to hit Angle of animation does not have to match angle of shot Most games use bounding boxes for collisions with bullets and other objects Choose random point near the center When attempting to miss Shoot too close to the target could possibly hit Too far away AI looks stupid Want shot to be visible and audible. Alert player to enemy presence and create feel of tension Some games place invisible markers in player character models of good places to shoot at in order to miss Always test shots (ray-testing)
Makes the AI look really bad if it happens too often Use ray-testing to avoid this Sometimes it can be used as a player reward Player dodges out of the way so a rocket launch hits an enemy behind him In this situation auditory acknowledgment by the offending NPC is a good idea “Ohh **** sorry Hank” Some games solve this problem by simply not accepting damage from friendly fire. This is a poor solution, if it becomes obvious players feel cheated
If a hit is necessary use dead reckoning Can produce over accurate fire Radius testing is a another way Projectiles should report back to the AI
Should be range of searching behaviors Not sure player is even in the search area (Idle searching) Maybe the player is there (normal searching) Sure the player is there (intense searching) Multiple Paths Low efficiency searches
Wander about aimlessly or follow a set patrol schedule Should not use the players location in calculations at all as this is usually detectable by the player If the player is seen do not immediately drop into combat unless the player is very obvious or firing at you wO2Qw wO2Qw
NPC has caught a glimpse of the player Should scan the area where it “saw” the player and then give up after a short time Should immediately drop into combat mode if the player is seen in this stage At this point upholstering of weapons or unsheathing of swords is appropriate
This should be activated if the NPC sees the player go somewhere where there is no escape or has attacked or been attacked by the player At this stage for believability the NPC should not give up until it finds the player or a very large period of time has elapsed. Games where the give up time is too low seem unrealistic. Should use actual player location in calculations but add a randomness factor so the NPC does not make a bee line to the players location.
Sensory Perception Darkness levels and sound levels Alertness levels Auditory cues Thief 3 Perceptual Modeling Visual Auditory Tactile Increasingly all first person shooters are employing stealth elements for believability
High Level command issuer Chooses between states such as Idle, Patrolling, Combat, Searching etc… then notifies the other layers of what they need to do. Generally a Finite State Machine Very important for believability especially in idle and combat modes Often times uses triggers in order to choose a state.
Has become very popular in recent years When done well highly increases the immersion of the player What the AI needs Follow commands Not get in the way Follow logical rules Interact with the player Survive until the end of the game
Generally stay out of field of view Prevents friendly fire and view obstruction During points of non combat teammates should occasionally appear in the field of view to reassert that they are there Use auditory cues during combat for this same purpose
When there are multiple targets there are two options for staying out of the players field of view. smallest angle viewing angle
Should be maximum distance set that the NPC’s can wander away from the player. Let the player be the hero take no risk unless ordered to Don’t be first through doors, choke points, over hills etc… Generally good practice to match the player’s actions. Many games “cheat” Rainbow Six Vegas Match player speed to avoid annoyance
NPC’s should be secondary to the player Should never perform better than the player Select weapons that are similar or less powerful than the players weapons Always allow the player first chance to collect items Should report all sightings of enemies before attacking unless currently under attack 09OcIP0
All these rules can apply to enemy teams as well One NPC should be team leader and treated as the player Mimics normal team dynamic