2013/14 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan 30 April 2013
BANKSETA VISION BANKSETA recognised as a Centre of Excellence and innovation for Human Resource Development in the banking sector. BANKSETA MISSION To support transformation and people development and, through partnerships to enable stakeholders to advance the national and global position of the broader banking and micro finance industry
BANKSETA VALUES CeleBrating Diversity ProfessionAlism InNovation TeamworK Customer FocuS RespEct InTegrity our vAlues start with you
PRIMARY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Enable skills development in the broader banking and micro finance sector; and Implement the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) in the broader banking and micro finance sectors. The impact of the BANKSETA’s efforts in meeting these primary strategic objectives will result in a transformed, skilled and capable workforce to address the sector strategic objectives and national strategic objectives. These are reflected in the outputs and outcomes measured in accordance with economy, effectiveness, efficiency and equity principles as outlined below and in the performance measures in the Annual Performance Plan.
STRATEGIC OUTCOME-ORIENTATED GOALS Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 1 Research sector skills and undertake benchmarking against national and international best practices to ensure relevant and cutting edge interventions. Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 2 To enhance the employability of the Youth through effective education and training development initiatives. Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 3 To provide the employed workforce with scarce and critical skills to close skills gaps.
STRATEGIC OUTCOME-ORIENTATED GOALS (cont) Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 4 Enhance SME participation, sustainability and job creation through skills development. Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 5 To enhance and build capacity of public FETs / HEIs, SME providers and universities of technology to increase the national footprint and to improve relevance of training interventions in response to sector needs. Strategic outcome Oriented Goal 6 To create a skills pool that would enable the sector to meet transformation targets as defined in the Financial Sector Charter (FSC).
RESEARCH AND BENCHMARKING: SCARCE AND CRITICAL SKILLS (SSPs) BANKINGINCLUSIVE BANKING Scarce ( )CriticalScarce ( )Critical FAIS-compliant consultants Banking product experts Business development/relationship managers Investment risk specialists Wealth management IT markets trading developers C# developers FX spot traders Financial analysts/internal Statistical analysts Debit card/credit card fraud investigators Research analysts Traders (sales, equity, derivatives) Fiduciary managers Specialist financial skills: Knowledge of the industry, financial modelling, forensic investigation, Risk Management, Maths ability Legislation Compliance Skills: FAIS, PFMA, FICA AND NCA Information Technology: Network skills, IT governance, ERP Management and Leadership: Project Management, Quality Assessment, Capacity Planning, Logistics Management, Strategic Human Resources and Process Management Customer Interface: Relationship Building and Marketing Credit managers Financial services staff Managers Foreign exchange staff IT officers Junior managers Debt counsellors Finance managers CEOs Assistant branch managers Marketing managers Loan administrators Marketing staff Customer service Legislation (FAIS, NCA) Bookkeeping Computer literacy IT skills Computer skills Management skills Business management skills Auditing Microfinance management Risk management Debt collection Financial management
DHET SLA – 2013/14 Perform and provide the information and/or reports on the activities listed below: 1.assessment of the skills required for each sector and to identify scarce skills; 2.how the levels of education will be improved in the sector; 3.partnerships between SETAs and public Further Education and Training (FET) colleges, Universities, training providers and industry; 4.the number of bursaries awarded/to be awarded to deserving South African citizens in critical skills at 23 Universities and 50 FET colleges; 5.scarce and critical skills needs in the sector, how it will be addressed and reflected in the number of learners that will be trained and placed, as well as the companies involved; 6.number of agreements signed with public FET colleges, Universities and other training providers as well as the amount approved per agreement which should also reflect the number of learners that will be trained, types of training programmes and programmes that are in place; 7.targets as reflected in the Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans must be credible and linked to a “Baseline ”; 8.placement of lecturers in industry as part of the Service Level Agreement; 9.a comprehensive plan on making the public service as a training space should be developed with targets per annum; 10.rural development programmes and how it will be implemented; 11.progress in the implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning; 12.presence of SETAs in rural areas and townships and how and by when will it be implemented; 13.establish working relationships with FET colleges, Universities and industry for the purpose of placement of students and graduates; 14.ensure the placement of N3, N6 and NC(V) Level 4 FET graduates and University of Technology students requiring Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the relevant sector; 15.quarterly reporting on the placement of N3, N6 and NC(V) Level 4 FET graduates and University of Technology students requiring Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the relevant sector; 16.annual targets for registered and completed artisan learners by listed trade as agreed with the Chief Directorate: INDLELA to address HRDC ATD-TTT Bottleneck 1; 17.monthly reports in a format determined by the Chief Directorate: INDLELA of the actual number of registered and completed artisan learners to address HRDC ATD-TTT Bottleneck 1; 18.implementation of the Policy on Generic National Artisan Learner Grant Funding and Administration System to address HRDC ATD- TTT Bottleneck 2; 19.the number of persons supported to become qualified artisans within the national artisan learner Recognition of Prior Learning system determined by the Chief Directorate: INDLELA to address HRDC ATD-TTT Bottleneck 3;
DHET SLA – 2013/14 (Proposed Targets) LEARNING PROGRAMMESPROPOSED TARGETS Workers Entering Learnerships 1300 Workers Entering Bursaries 378 Workers Entering Skills Programmes 1040 Workers Certificated in Learnerships 844 Workers Certificated in Bursaries 171 Workers Certificated in Skills Programmes 180 Unemployed Entering Learnerships 775 Unemployed Entering Bursaries 785 Unemployed Entering Internships/Workplace experience 100 Unemployed Entering Skills Programmes 210
DHET SLA – 2013/14 (Proposed Targets) LEARNING PROGRAMMESPROPOSED TARGETS Unemployed Certificated in Learnerships 348 Unemployed Certificated in Bursaries 222 Unemployed Certificated in Internships/Workplace experience 48 Unemployed Certificated in Skills Programmes 168 FET Graduate Placement 500 Work Integrated Learning (Universities) 0 FET College Partnerships (including University of Technology partnerships) 6 AET Programmes Entered 100 AET Programmes Certificated 100 Cooperatives Supported 40 Cooperative Financial Institutions Small Business Supported 50 SME Organisations Career Guidance Provided 200
BUDGET PROJECTIONS Item2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 R'000 Revenue Revenue is made up of skills development levy income and interest income Expenditure Expenditure is made up of admin expenditure, capital expenditure, project expenditure and mandatory grant expenditure Surplus/Deficit (Should be zero)
BUDGET 2013/14
RURAL DEVELOPMENT (2013/14) Rural accommodation strategy (Youth development initiatives) Letsema, Kuyasa, Micro-Finance Learnership, Work Readiness Programme: travel & accommodation support for learners from rural areas to attend training Mobile Training Solutions (across all provinces) Implemented in urban and rural areas depending on demand (approximately 30% rural areas) Co-operative Financial Institution Support (across all provinces) Maths/Science Support to Public Schools Programme (first year pilot – KZN) 6 Rural schools (Effingham, Harding, Ixopo, Ogwini Comprehensive, Port Shepstone Secondary, Umbilo) University of Zululand Centre of Excellence (partnership with SAICA) - (South) Uthungulu DC University of Venda – Disability Students Unit – Vhembe district
RELATIONSHIP WITH FET COLLEGES (LEAD SETA IN THE FREE STATE) Identify relevant programmes and establish the necessary partnerships with all stakeholders (namely SETA's, FET executives, employers, Provincial Government, as the case may be) to offer career guidance, vocational courses and work experience for FET learners. Facilitate collaboration and processes to enable the following : –Collaboration between colleges and industry –Support for curriculum development to ensure that curricular content is accurate and up-to-date and meets sector and provincial industry needs. –Support for learner guidance in scarce and critical skills required by each sector. –Support for learner recruitment for identified programmes. Establish a workplace for the FS SETA collaboration to function from i.e. co-ordinate activities and disseminate Information regarding initiatives and projects in the province. Develop lecturer capacity (linking to a skills programme/qualification) to deliver programmes necessary for economic emancipation in the Province Create and maintain a database of availability of employers for all SETAs within the province. Establish strategic partnerships for delivery inclusive of local government and the business sector. Develop articulated professional qualifications pathways between FET Colleges and universities in the Province. Ensure existing facilities and infrastructure are well-utilized and of a standard to ensure that the project is implemented effectively Include rural communities in planning and delivery. SMME Development. Ensure quality and relevance of provision i.e. meeting the skills development needs of the province. Conduct monitoring and evaluation activities to determine the impact of projects and the collaboration agreement within the province.
RELATIONSHIP WITH FET COLLEGES (PROGRESS SO FAR) Activation of office in FET College planned for 1 May 2013 (suitable candidate for management of career centre selected) Approval of Post-School FET Capacity Building project (project value R ) aimed at activating 6 other regional public FET's to become accredited to deliver BANKSETA-related offerings and programmes. BANKSETA is indebted to the Free State Chief Directorate for having provided a platform to engage and communicate with the colleges principals. Other challenges are being addressed relating to: - BANKSETA Presence in terms of geographical and sectoral challenges (majority of stakeholders not in the Free State) - Perceived “function” and infrastructure of the career office (BANKSETA- orientated or broader focus?) - Matching the operational requirements of the FET College infrastructure
MINISTER PRIORITY AREAS UPDATE BANKSETA and the Co-operative Bank Development Agency (CBDA) undertook a benchmarking trip to Malawi and Kenya in December BANKSETA currently has two projects for Co-operative Financial Institutions: A project aimed at the members of Co-operative Financial Institutions addressing financial literacy, financial management and co-operative operations Bursaries to staff of Co-operative Financial Institutions to complete a Certificate in Co-operative Financial Institutions at the Centre for Inclusive Banking at the University of Pretoria Further initiatives are planned for the 2013/14 year with the Co-operative Financial Institutions in respect of internships/workplace experience linked to the Graduate Placement Project. The BANKSETA continues to support Youth Development initiatives as reflected in the 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan through Learnerships, Bursaries for graduates and a new Graduate Placement project for 2013/14 involving FET College graduates (provisional target is 500 graduates but discretionary grant budget is still to be determined). Graduate Enterprisation project (with SAICA Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund) with a fund value of R6.5 million is planned to support 30 learners.