EU-StORE: Second Partner Meeting Paderborn, Germany1 st -3 rd July, 2015 EU StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-StORE: Second Partner Meeting Paderborn, Germany1 st -3 rd July, 2015 EU StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources ( RO01-KA ) Kick-off Meeting in Sibiu

OERs in Ireland 2  The growth of OERs in Ireland has been slow:  Funding constraints on universities who are unable to financially support off-campus learning  Online Education in Ireland can be characterised as fee-paying courses, with little accreditation offered. As a result Online Education is not as well regarded in Ireland as traditional, classroom-based courses  Traditional Higher Education in Ireland is heavily subsidised by the Government, with students qualifying for the ‘Free Fees Scheme’ and a maintenance grant of up to €12,500 per annum per student to attend university but currently no government supports for online courses  As a result, less than 3% of students throughout Ireland currently study by distance or through online platforms, and comparatively few are registered as part-time learners (HEA, 2014)


OER Inventory 4  30 OER Resources in the Irish Inventory from:  Ireland (13), Belgium (1), Cyprus (2), Germany (1), France (4), United Kingdom (3), USA (6)  Licences:  Mostly open resources designed as part of EU-funded projects  These resources have a Creative Commons licence  OERs comprise of:  Online Curricula  Handbooks  PowerPoint Presentations  Digital Resources: Alphabet books and interactive activities  Video Lectures  Paper-based, downloadable curricula

OERs for Adult Education: Sheherazade 1001 Stories for Adult Learning 5 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) Landcommand erij ALDEN BIESEN (and the Sheherazade Project consortium) BelgiumHandbook (downloada ble pdf) To develop the capacity of adult educators to use storytelling in their delivery of formal, informal and non-formal adult education This curriculum provides tutors with practical exercises to develop their competence as story-tellers, and provides a theoretical overview of the use of storytelling in all educational settings Free to use with registration on the project website n/content/man ual

OERs for Adult Education: Digital Latin Quarter: Digital Media Skills for YAR 6 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) Meath Partnership (and the Digital Latin Quarter Project consortium) IrelandTrain-the- Trainer for Youth Workers: Tutor Handbook with lesson & activity plans, induction programme for tutors & career guidance resources for youth (downloadabl e pdf) To develop competences in early school leavers and youth-at-risk in: literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, civic & social competence, cultural awareness & expression Digital Media Skills Curriculum for youth- at-risk & early school leavers as a new approach to second- chance education Free to use with registration on the project website latin- urces/epublicatio ns/:get_page/flipb ook/action/view/ bookid/43&viewp ortheight=913&vi ewportwidth=168 0&flash=true

OERs for Adult Education: Health Coaching for Professionals in Adult Education 7 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) ttg team training GmBH (and the Balance Project consortium) GermanyHandbook (downloadabl e pdf), and Online Platform To train VET professionals to understand the concept of Salutogenesis, and to offer them practical information on accessing supports to better deal with stress in their work and to maintain positive mental health 6 modules which relate to the theory of Salutogenesis and offer health coaching solutions for adult educators and other front-line staff Free to use with registration on the project website training/Balance_ handbook_EN.pdf

OERs in Higher Education: UCD Teaching & Learning: Teacher Toolkit 8 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) University College Dublin (UCDOER) IrelandOnline Curriculum & Toolkit This curriculum offers modules in the following areas: How to agree assessment frameworks & learning outcomes; planning lessons and delivering content; using the Blackboard online learning platform; student learning styles; gathering and giving effective feedback; fostering autonomous learning; teaching practices for large and small groups. This handbook provides an informal ‘Train the Trainer’ type of course for educators to complete so that they can become contributors to the OER platform of University College Dublin. Freely available for non- commercial use under a Creative Commons license ie/index.php/Teachi ng_Toolkit

OERs in Higher Education: Technology in Module Design for Modern Students 9 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) University College Dublin (UCDOER) IrelandOnline Curriculum This curriculum aims to help teachers and tutors to design or redesign modules so that students are encouraged to engage in the curriculum and develop deep learning, critical thinking and research skills; as well as offering tutors tips for improving learning outcomes and best practices in curriculum development. This module is targeted at teachers and adult educators working in F2F and online formats, to improve their skills in developing courses which appeal to modern students, integrating technology, new teaching methodologies and a student-centred approach to education. Freely available for non- commercial use under a Creative Commons license teaching/resource s/moduledesignen hancement/

OERs in Higher Education: UCD Teaching & Learning: Programme Design 10 Organizations who offer OER Country Curriculum (what kind) Learning outcomes Short description of the contents Licence Where to find (URL) University College Dublin IrelandOnline Curriculum At the end of this curriculum, teachers and tutors will have a better understanding of programme educational philosophy, coherent programme design and best practices in programme implementation and evaluation. This OER is a short course which offers existing teachers and tutors the chance to improve their understanding of programme design and educational philosophy, and how to apply this new knowledge in developing their own course content. Freely available for non- commercial use under a Creative Commons license teaching/resource s/programmedesi gndevelopment/

Contact Contact: Sarah Land, M.A. Tel:+353 (0) Fax:+353 (0) Contact:Emma Golesworthy Tel:+353 (0) Fax:+353 (0) Meath Partnership Unit 7, Kells Business Park, Kells, County Meath. IRELAND