Andy Warhol was born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Andy’s father Andrej Warhola and mother Julia Warhola struggled to support Andy and his three siblings in a two room shack-like apartment. Growing up during the Great Depression in Pennsylvania, Warhol faced an unstable household, further complicated by a rare disease called chorea. What is Chorea? How do you think this effected Warhol as a young student? Click here to open word and to answer all questions throughout this PowerPoint using this document: Click Here to find out about Chorea: Click for Word Click
In 1942, Andy’s father died from a liver disease. Warhol's mother claimed her husband's death was caused by drinking "poison water" at a construction site in Virginia where he did work. Warhol was fourteen at the time and did not attend his father's funeral. Warhol’s mother was afraid that the funeral might lead to a recurrence of Andy's "nervous condition". Warhol hid under a bed upstairs during the wake and refused to come down to see his father laid out in in the open casket in the living room.
Julia Warhola Three years after Warhol’s father died, his mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. Andy again went into to a depression. His brother, Julia Warhola took care of Andy and made him a sandwich and Campbell's soup everyday. Andy was extremely close to his mother for the fact she encouraged Andy to draw and explorer the arts.
What inspired Warhol? Watch this video and use your word document to answer the question above. Click Here
Warhol and School After graduating from Schenley High School, he studied painting and design at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. Warhol originally intended to study art education at the University of Pittsburgh in order to become an art teacher, but he changed his mind and applied to the Carnegie Institute to study pictorial design with the intention of becoming a commercial illustrator. In 1949 Warhol graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in pictorial design.
Marcel Ducamp Joseph Cornell At college Warhol was exposed to the work of Joseph Cornell and Marcel Duchamp. These artist had influenced and inspired Warhol’s later works. Marcel Ducamp Joseph Cornell
What do Joseph Cornell and Warhol have in common in their artwork? Click on the photo below to get a hint. Answer the question in your open word document.
Warhol and New York In 1949 Warhol moves to Manhattan with Philip Pearlstein, a friend from college. Pearlstein would later go on to become an important realist painter. Warhol and Pearlstein subleased an eighth-floor walkup tenement apartment on St. Mark's Place for the summer. According to Pearlstein, "The bathtub was in the kitchen and it was usually full of roaches, incredible roaches.” When they moved a few months later to the large front room on West 23rd Street, Andy sent out address change cards in small envelopes filled with glitter announcing, "I've moved from one roach-ridden apartment to another."
The start of an artist. One of Andy Warhol's first free-lance jobs was at Glamour magazine. He went on to become an extremely successful commercial artist, working for most of the major fashion magazines throughout the fifties, doing album covers for Columbia records, designing Christmas cards, book jackets and retail ad campaigns, including the famous shoe ads for I. Miller in the mid- fifties.
How did this illustration impact Warhol’s life? Click on the illustration and begin to search for information about this illustration on the web. Answer the question above in your word document.
Andy as an commercial artist At the height of his career as a commercial artist, Warhol was earning one hundred thousand dollars a year, and on the I. Miller account alone he made fifty thousand dollars one year. Eventually he had to hire assistants to help him keep up with his assignments. He even enlisted the services of his mother, who followed him from Pittsburgh to New York soon after he started making enough money to support them both.
New York and Warhol’s Mom Andy moved into his new home with his mother on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Andy's mother was, in effect, one of his early assistants by her handwriting and retaining her quirky misspellings in his self-published portfolios/books, he also used her writing on album covers. She would misspell words and start over again, and the writing would start small and get bigger and slant upwards. Finally, Andy told her just to do it; then he cut the whole thing apart and pasted it up so that it made some bit of sense. She was known as 'Andy Warhol's mother'!
Paintings In 1960, Andy makes his first paintings, based on comic strips: Dick Tracy, Saturday’s Popeye, Superman and two of Coca-Cola bottles.
What is silk screening? According to the Warhol museum, Warhol first used silk screening in the early 1962 for his one dollar and two dollar bill paintings. Click on image and research what the is process of silk screening. Write a brief description in your word document.
What correlations did Warhol have with Campbells soup cans? In 1962 Andy had his first solo pop exhibition. This was held at Irving Blum's Ferus Gallery in West Hollywood featured Warhol's series of 32 different canvases of Campbell's soup cans. A nearby supermarket piled up real Campbell's soup cans in their window, advertising them as "the real thing for only 29 cents a can.” Answer the following question in your word document: What correlations did Warhol have with Campbells soup cans?
Irvin Blum Six of the Warhol individual paintings were sold for $100 each. Blum ended up getting the buyers to relinquish their ownership so that he could get keep the set together, and bought the entire series for $1,000.00 from Warhol, paying him $100.00 a month. A year after Warhol died, Irving Blum was offered $10 million for the paintings. They are currently on permanent loan to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
1st POP Exhibition In 1962 Andy had his first solo pop exhibit in NYC. Warhol's work on exhibit included the Marilyn diptych, 100 Soup Cans, 100 Coke Bottles and 100 Dollar Bills.
POP ART? Use your word document to answer the following. Describe what the art movement of pop was? List at least 3 different pop artist and attach a image with a title for each artist listed. Click on image to get you start and research.
The Factory In 1962 Andy found a loft which became his studio known as “The Factory.”
International Fame Andy had his first solo exhibition in Paris in 1964. This exhibit featured his flower series. Andy began experimenting with sculpture with his Brillo boxes and eventually began his self-portrait series.
Brillo Boxes Click on the image and view the interview with Warhol about his Brillo boxes.
RIP November 1972, Andy’s mother died. Andy did not mention his mother's death to any of this close friends. Late as 1976, when friends asked about his mother, Andy said, “'Oh, she's great. But she doesn't get out of bed much.”
1973 October 18, 1973, Andy Warhol breaks a record by selling his paintings from the early sixties which sold for $135,000. Andy did painted an endangered species series and it was known as his last painting series and some ad series as well.
1987 February 22, 1987 Andy Warhol dies from complications of a past surgery due to his gallbladder.
Questions: Why did Andy Warhol choose to paint Celebrities If Warhol were still alive, what celebrities do you think he would paint? What is your favorite Warhol piece and why? What are some of the other mediums Warhol used? When you are finished please hand in your paper electronically to my teachers’ folder.