Chapter 9 Teamwork and Team Performance Teamwork and Team Performance
S TARBUCKS O VERVIEW Began in Seattle, WA in 1971 Today there are more than 15,000 stores in 50 different countries
S TARBUCKS C OMPANY M ISSION “Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” Coffee Partners Customers Stores Neighborhood Shareholders
Topics o Teams, Teamwork, and Creating a High Performing Team o Task and Maintenance Leadership Includes: o Distributed leadership o Task activities o Maintenance Activities o How to lead groups and teams o Norms o Team Cohesiveness Video goes here
What is teamwork? Teamwork occurs when group members work together in ways that use their skills effectively to accomplish a purpose Teams add value to the work processes because working as a team can be more efficient than working alone. T EAMWORK
H OW TO CREATE A HIGH PERFORMING TEAM Create a sense of urgency Make sure members have the right skills As a leader, model expected behaviors Find ways to create early “successes.” Continually introduce new information Have members spend time together Give positive feedback
C REATING A HIGH PERFORMING TEAM S TARBUCKS EXAMPLES Make sure members have the right skills Starbucks philosophy: “Leave no one behind” 24 hours of in store-training about coffee, how to meet, greet and serve customers. Employees are called "partners" and after employees are hired, they are given more training and knowledge of how to be a part of Starbuck's team.
CREATING A HIGH PERFORMING TEAM S TARBUCKS EXAMPLES Create a sense of urgency Employees have a right to participate in revising company policies as well as a manager. Each staff thinks that they also play an important role in company operating, and they can join to work out a direction of Starbucks. These give employees not only respect, but a sense of participation.
T EAM B UILDING What is Team Building? planned activities designed to improve teamwork and increase group effectiveness
H OW T EAM B UILDING WORKS 1. Problem or opportunity in team effectiveness Making each team member feel like they are a part of a family, and not just a number 2. Data gathering and analysis Starbucks discovered that their employees worked harder when they felt valued.
H OW T EAM BUILDING W ORKS ( CONT.) 3. Planning for team improvements 24 hours of training in the first 80 hours of employment. 4. Actions to improve team functioning Forum 5. Evaluation of results Employee turnover is around 60%
A PPROACHES TO TEAM BUILDING Periodic meetings that implement the team- building steps Team members commit themselves to continuously monitoring group development and accomplishments and making the day-to-day changes needed to ensure team effectiveness Equal Treatment
T ASK A CTIVITIES Directly contribute to the performance of important task. Leaders at Starbucks have provided a structure that allows partners to infuse themselves into their work, so that they can inspire customers in legendary ways. The leaders call this the “Five Ways of Being” Be welcoming Be genuine Be considerate Be knowledgeable Be involved
T ASK A CTIVITIES INCLUDE : F IVE W AYS OF B EING Be welcoming At Starbucks, “being welcoming” is an essential way to get the customer’s visit off to a positive start. Be genuine At Starbucks, being genuine means to “connect, discover, and respond.” Be considerate Starbucks leadership challenges partners to be considerate of needs on a global level and staff members.
F IVE W AYS OF B EING - CONT. Be knowledgeable When Starbucks leaders ask partners to “be knowledgeable,” they are encouraging employees to “love what they do and share it with others.” Be involved From the perspective of Starbucks leadership, being involved means active participation “in the store, in the company, and in the community.”
M AINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Support the emotional life of team as an ongoing social system.
M AINTENANCE A CTIVITIES (F IVE WAYS OF B EING ) Be welcoming What’s in the Name? Welcoming people by name and remembering them from visit to visit is a small thing, but it counts.
M AINTENANCE A CTIVITIES (F IVE WAYS OF B EING ) Be genuine Expectations and Service: Connect Legendary service comes from a genuine desire and effort to exceed what the customer expects. Discover Starbucks understands that discovery is essential to developing a unique and genuine bond. Respond Starbucks partners are trained not just to listen to their customers, but to take action immediately based on what they hear, and to learn from these experiences for future customer interactions.
M AINTENANCE A CTIVITIES (F IVE WAYS OF B EING ) Be considerate Looking within Considerate actions taken by leadership can serve to encourage thoughtful and respectful behavior among staff members.
M AINTENANCE A CTIVITIES (F IVE WAYS OF B EING ) Be knowledgeable Formal training At Starbucks, all partners are encouraged to develop knowledge of coffee that can lead to personal insights for customers.
M AINTENANCE A CTIVITIES (F IVE WAYS OF B EING ) Be involved Involvement in the Store One of the best ways to become involved is to look around the office or store for clues on how to make the customer experiences and the business better. Involvement in the Business Starbucks management makes a point of listening and responding to the ideas and suggestions of partners.
H OW TO LEAD GROUPS AND TEAMS This is Brian’s slide
N ORMS Ethics norms “Starbucks empowers all partners to make decisions that impact our reputation….acting ethically in all situations”. Organizational and personal pride norms Starbucks is the most progressive employers in the U.S.
N ORMS (C ONT.) High-achievement norms Starbucks has become the number one specialty coffee retailer. Support and helpfulness norms “Leave no one behind” Policy
N ORMS ( CONT.) Improvement and change norms Starbucks has worked to make things more efficient for their employees
Starbucks is Highly Cohesive Partners value their position in Starbucks Strive to maintain positive relationships with other group members Work in small teams Partners are energetic and enthusiastic Less likely to be absent Proud about success and sad about failures Low turnover 65% among employees; 25% among managers Loyal and feel secure
C ONCLUSION - Q UESTION FOR THE CLASS Based on experience, has anyone noticed if Starbucks team members actually work as a team? If so, have they seem to follow any of the topics we covered today?
R EFERENCES Teams & Teams work teamwork.htm teamwork.htm Task Activities & Maintenance Activities heStarbucksExperience.pdf heStarbucksExperience.pdf Norms s/article html s/article html compensation/feature/starbucks-is-pleasing-employees-pouring- profits/ ove.php
R EFERENCES How Team Building Works