2015 MOE Edusave Character Award The MOE Edusave Character Award (ECHA) is opened to all Singaporean students who demonstrate exemplary values and civic responsibility through their behaviour and actions. Know anyone who demonstrates good character, values and can be identified for demonstrating the following: Our school values A high level of civic responsibility Resilience? Nominate them now using the Nomination Form found on the school website and General Office! Nominations close on 31 July 2015 (Friday). Please submit all nomination forms in the ECHA box at the General Office. Thank you! Pride Teamwork Responsibility Care Respect Integrity Harmony Civic Responsibility Resilience
What is ECHA? Edusave Character Award Through this award, we want to recognise students for demonstrating exemplary values and civic responsibility through their behaviour and actions. Open only to students who are Singapore Citizens .
Who are we looking for? We are looking for students who, on a consistent basis, demonstrate : School values and/or character traits such as team work, respect, responsibility, integrity, pride, care and harmony; A high level of civic responsibility. These would be students who are concerned about issues in the community or issues faced by others, initiating action to address these issues to improve the lives of others, and being committed to make a positive difference.
Who are we looking for? 3) Qualities associated with resilience. These are students who have persevered despite facing difficult circumstances (e.g. financial problems, family issues, health issues etc.), and managed to overcome the odds and still do commendably well in academic and non-academic domains.
Affirmation ECHA awardees will receive a certificate and an award voucher, with the award quantum for Sec 1 to 5 students being $500. ECHA awardees will be acknowledged during School Assembly and the Speech & Prize-Giving Day in 2016.
Administration Nomination forms are available at the General Office and the school website. (WHITE) Please drop all nomination forms inside the ECHA box placed in the General Office.
Nomination Details Teachers in charge of CCA, Projects, Programmes, Events 1 - 14 July TCs & Subject Teachers 15 - 31 July Students, Parents, Instructors & Alumni 20 - 31 July
School-Based Character Awards Open to students who are not eligible for ECHA, e.g. non-Singaporeans Nomination forms are available in the General Office. (PINK) Nomination Period is the same as ECHA.
EVERY VOTE IS IMPORTANT! Understand what good examples of nomination are, and what constitutes poor examples. Write a well-substantiated nomination for your peers!
Value: Respect He respects me as a friend and helps me in anything that I do not know. When we bully him, he does not say anything, he will smile and respect us. NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE! TCs may want to break this nomination into parts for discussion. First of all, helping a friend in anything that they do not know is not respect. In fact, by stating that they bully this nominee, they are not respecting him as a friend!
Value: Teamwork She would finish her part for the group work on time. If there were a group member who did work sloppily, she would do his portion for him. NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE Discussion: This is a mismatch. Finishing your group member’s work does not equate to teamwork. Teamwork would require gelling team members together.
Value: Responsibility He hands in his work punctually. NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE Discussion: The very basic role of a student is to hand in their work thus this nomination does not really stand out. In addition, the nominator needs to provide more content to justify that the nominee has fully exemplified the value of responsibility
Value: Teamwork GOOD EXAMPLE! Roslind values teamwork in class, as a netball team player and student leader. She is always ready to share and learn with her group in project work and discussion for Principles of Accounts She puts in extra netball practices so that she does not disappoint her team mates. As an executive member of the Student Council, Roslind leads her members to serve the school needs. GOOD EXAMPLE! TC-class discussion: This is a good example of nomination. For every point, it is substantiated by an example. For example, she values teamwork in class is justified by her willingness to share on POA.
Value: Pride GOOD EXAMPLE! Roslind takes pride in her work and her involvement in the school events. Being a student councillor, she takes great pride in organising various events such as Teacher’s Day Celebration and Student Council Investiture. She ensures that she does her assignments neatly. When mistakes are made, she will redo her work before submission. GOOD EXAMPLE!
Value: Integrity GOOD EXAMPLE! Janice has a sense of uprightness, honesty and justice. Once her teacher had given her more marks than she deserved, she informed the teacher. Though marks would be deducted, she knew that was the right thing to do. Whenever Janice has made a mistake and done wrong, she would own it up to the teacher before being questioned. Her honesty sets a good example for the class. GOOD EXAMPLE! Similar to the previous one, the stated value is strongly justified with examples.