University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Future of Software Engineering Barry Boehm, USC Boeing Presentation May 10, 2002
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Commercial Industry (15) –Daimler Chrysler, Freshwater Partners, Galorath, Group Systems.Com, Hughes, IBM, Cost Xpert Group, Microsoft, Motorola, Price Systems, Rational, Reuters Consulting, Sun, Telcordia, Xerox Aerospace Industry (6) –Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, SAIC, TRW Government (8) –DARPA, DISA, FAA, NASA-Ames, NSF, OSD/ARA/SIS, US Army Research Labs, US Army TACOM FFRDC’s and Consortia (4) –Aerospace, JPL, SEI, SPC International (1) –Chung-Ang U. (Korea) Acknowledgments: USC-CSE Affiliates
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Software Engineering Trends Traditional Standalone systems Mostly source code Requirements-driven Control over evolution Focus on software Stable requirements Premium on cost Staffing workable Future Everything connected-maybe Mostly COTS components Requirements are emergent No control over COTS evolution Focus on systems and software Rapid change Premium on value, speed, quality Scarcity of critical talent
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ From This... Small Unit UAV Other Layered Sensors Network Centric Force Distributed Fire Mechanisms Robotic Direct Fire Robotic NLOS Fire Robotic Sensor Manned C2/Infantry Squad To This... Exploit Battlefield Non-Linearities using Technology to Reduce the Size of Platforms and the Force Network Centric Distributed Platforms Large-System Example: Future Combat Systems
Total Collaborative Effort to Support FCS
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ FCS Product/Process Interoperability Challenge
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Small-Systems Example: eCommerce Define Design Develop Deploy Lines of readiness Are we ready for the next step? Iteration Scope, Listening, Delivery focus Identify System Actors Document Business Processes Generate Use Cases Define basic development strategies Object Domain Modeling Detailed Object Design, Logical Data Model Object Interactions, System Services Polish Design, Build Plan Build 1 Build 2 Stabilization Build Release to Test Beta Program Pilot Program Production week fixed schedule LA SPIN Copyright © 2001 C-bridge
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Future Software/Systems Challenges Distribution, mobility, autonomy Systems of systems, networks of networks, agents of agents Group-oriented user interfaces Nonstop adaptation and upgrades Synchronizing many independent evolving systems Hybrid, dynamic, evolving architectures Complex adaptive systems behavior
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Complex Adaptive Systems Characteristics Order is not imposed; it emerges (Kauffman) Viability determined by adaptation rules –Too inflexible: gridlock –Too flexible: chaos Equilibrium determined by “fitness landscape” –A function assigning values to system states Adaptation yields better outcomes then optimization –Software approaches: Agile Methods
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Getting the Best from Agile Methods Representative agile methods The Agile Manifesto The planning spectrum –Relations to Software CMM and CMMI Agile and plan-driven home grounds How much planning is enough? –Risk-driven hybrid approaches
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Leading Agile Methods Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Agile Modeling Crystal methods Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) * eXtreme Programming (XP) Feature Driven Development Lean Development Scrum
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ XP: The 12 Practices The Planning Game Small Releases Metaphor Simple Design Testing Refactoring Pair Programming Collective Ownership Continuous Integration 40-hour Week On-site Customer Coding Standards -Used generatively, not imperatively
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Counterpoint: A Skeptical View Letter to Computer, Steven Rakitin, Dec “customer collaboration over contract negotiation” Translation: Let's not spend time haggling over the details, it only interferes with our ability to spend all our time coding. We’ll work out the kinks once we deliver something... “responding to change over following a plan” Translation: Following a plan implies we would have to spend time thinking about the problem and how we might actually solve it. Why would we want to do that when we could be coding?
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Planning Spectrum Hackers XP Adaptive SW Devel. Milestone Risk- Driven Models …… Milestone Plan-Driven Models Inch- Pebble Micro-milestones, Ironbound Contract Software CMM Agile Methods CMMI
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Agile and Plan-Driven Home Grounds Agile Home GroundPlan-Driven Home Ground Agile, knowledgeable, collocated, collaborative developers Plan-oriented developers; mix of skills Above plus representative, empowered customers Mix of customer capability levels Reliance on tacit interpersonal knowledge Reliance on explicit documented knowledge Largely emergent requirements, rapid change Requirements knowable early; largely stable Architected for current requirements Architected for current and foreseeable requirements Refactoring inexpensive Refactoring expensive Smaller teams, products Larger teams, products Premium on rapid value Premium on high-assurance
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ How Much Planning Is Enough? - A risk analysis approach Risk Exposure RE = Prob (Loss) * Size (Loss) –“Loss” – financial; reputation; future prospects, … For multiple sources of loss: sources RE = [Prob (Loss) * Size (Loss)] source
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Example RE Profile: Planning Detail - Loss due to inadequate plans Time and Effort Invested in plans RE = P(L) * S(L) high P(L): inadequate plans high S(L): major problems (oversights, delays, rework) low P(L): thorough plans low S(L): minor problems
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Example RE Profile: Planning Detail - Loss due to inadequate plans - Loss due to market share erosion Time and Effort Invested in Plans RE = P(L) * S(L) low P(L): few plan delays low S(L): early value capture high P(L): plan breakage, delay high S(L): value capture delays high P(L): inadequate plans high S(L): major problems (oversights, delays, rework)) low P(L): thorough plans low S(L): minor problems
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ low P(L): thorough plans low S(L): minor problems Example RE Profile: Planning Detail - Sum of Risk Exposures Time and Effort Invested in Plans RE = P(L) * S(L) low P(L): few plan delays low S(L): early value capture high P(L): plan breakage, delay high S(L): value capture delays Sweet Spot high P(L): inadequate plans high S(L): major problems (oversights, delays, rework)
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Comparative RE Profile: Plan-Driven Home Ground Time and Effort Invested in Plans RE = P(L) * S(L) Mainstream Sweet Spot Higher S(L): large system rework Plan-Driven Sweet Spot
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Comparative RE Profile: Agile Home Ground Time and Effort Invested in Plans RE =P(L) * S(L) Mainstream Sweet Spot Lower S(L): easy rework Agile Sweet Spot
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Conclusions: CMMI and Agile Methods Agile and plan-driven methods have best-fit home grounds –Increasing pace of change requires more agility Risk considerations help balance agility and planning –Risk-driven “How much planning is enough?” Risk-driven agile/plan-driven hybrid methods available –Adaptive Software Development, RUP, MBASE, CeBASE Method –Explored at USC-CSE Affiliates’ Executive Workshop, March CMMI provides enabling criteria for hybrid methods –Risk Management, Integrated Teaming
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Software Engineering Trends Traditional Standalone systems Mostly source code Requirements-driven Control over evolution Focus on software Stable requirements Premium on cost Staffing workable Future Everything connected-maybe Mostly COTS components Requirements are emergent No control over COTS evolution Focus on systems and software Rapid change Premium on value, speed, quality Scarcity of critical talent
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Getting the Best from COTS COTS Software: A Behavioral Definition COTS Empirical Hypotheses: Top-10 List – COTS Best Practice Implications COTS-Based Systems (CBS) Challenges
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COTS Software: A Behavioral Definition Commercially sold and supported –Avoids expensive development and support No access to source code –Special case: commercial open-source Vendor controls evolution –Vendor motivation to add, evolve features No vendor guarantees –Of dependability, interoperability, continuity, …
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COTS Top-10 Empirical Hypotheses-I 1.Over 99% of all executing computer instructions come from COTS –Each has passed a market test for value 2.More than half of large-COTS-product features go unused 3.New COTS release frequency averages 8-9 months –Average of 3 releases before becoming unsupported 4.CBS life-cycle effort can scale as high as N 2 –N = # of independent COTS products in a system 5.CBS post-deployment costs exceed development costs –Except for short-lifetime systems - Basili & Boehm, Computer, May 2001, pp
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Different counting rules Try counting software as Lines of Code in Service (LOCS) = (#platforms) * (#object LOCS/platform) Usual Hardware-Software Trend Comparison Time Log N New transistors in service/year New Source Lines of Code/year SW HW
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Lines of Code in Service: U.S. Dept. of Defense
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ DoD LOCS: % COTS, 2000 Platform# P’form (M) LOCS P’form (M) LOCS (T) % COTSNon-COTS LOCS (T) Mainframe Mini Micro Combat Total COTS often an economic necessity (<1%) M = Million, T = Trillion
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Use of COTS Features: Microsoft Word and Power Point Extra features cause extra work Consider build vs. buy for small # features - K. Torii Lab, Japan: ISERN 2000 Workshop Individuals: 12-16% of features used 10-Person Group: 26-29% of features used
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COTS Release Frequency: Survey Data Adaptive maintenance often biggest CBS life cycle cost Average of 3 releases before becoming unsupported - Ron Kohl/GSAW surveys: * * Ground System Architecture Workshops, Aerospace Corp. GSAW Survey Release Frequency (months)
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CBS Effort Scaling As High As N 2 Strong COTS Coupling N + N(N-1)/2 = N(N+1)/2 (here = 6) Effort ~ N (here = 3) Effort ~ Custom SW COTS Weak COTS Coupling COTS Custom SW COTS
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CBS Effort Scaling - II # COTS Relative COTS Adaptation Effort Reduce # COTS or Weaken COTS coupling - COTS choices, wrappers, domain architectures, open standards, COTS refresh synchronization Strong COTS Coupling Weak COTS Coupling
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COTS Top-10 Empirical Hypotheses-II 6.Less than half of CBS development effort comes from glue code –But glue code costs 3x more per instruction 7.Non-development CBS costs are significant –Worth addressing, but not overaddressing 8.COTS assessment and tailoring costs vary by COTS product class 9.Personnel factors are the leading CBS effort drivers –Different skill factors are needed for CBS and custom software 10.CBS project failure rates are higher than for custom software –But CBS benefit rates are higher also
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COCOTS Effort Distribution: 20 Projects - Mean % of Total COTS Effort by Activity ( +/- 1 SD) 49.07% 50.99% 61.25% 20.27% 20.75% 21.76% 31.06% 11.31% -7.57% -7.48% 0.88% 2.35% % % 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% assessmenttailoring glue code system volatility % Person-months Glue code generally less than half of total No standard CBS effort distribution profile
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Custom DevelopmentCBS Development 9. Personnel Factors Are Leading CBS Effort Drivers: Different Skill Factors Needed Rethink recruiting and evaluation criteria Rqts./implementation assessment Algorithms; data & control structures Code reading and writing Adaptation to rqts. changes White-box/black-box testing Rqts./ COTS assessment COTS mismatches; connector structures COTS mismatches; assessment, tailoring, glue code development; coding avoidance Adaptation to rqts., COTS changes Black-box testing
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CBS Projects Tend to Fail Hard Major Sources of CBS Project Failure These are major topics for COTS risk assessment CBS skill mismatches CBS inexperience CBS optimism Weak life cycle planning CBS product mismatches Hasty COTS assessment Changing vendor priorities New COTS market entries
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CBS Challenges Process specifics –Milestones; role of “requirements” –Multi-COTS refresh frequency and process Life cycle management –Progress metrics; development/support roles Cost-effective COTS assessment and test aids –COTS mismatch detection and redressal Increasing CBS controllability –Technology watch; wrappers; vendor win-win Better empirical data and organized experience
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Software Engineering Trends Traditional Standalone systems Mostly source code Requirements-driven Control over evolution Focus on software Stable requirements Premium on cost Staffing workable Future Everything connected-maybe Mostly COTS components Requirements are emergent No control over COTS evolution Focus on systems and software Rapid change Premium on value, speed, quality Scarcity of critical talent
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Integrating Software and Systems Engineering The software “separation of concerns” legacy –Erosion of underlying modernist philosophy –Resulting project social structure Responsibility for system definition The CMMI software paradigm
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The “Separation of Concerns” Legacy “The notion of ‘user’ cannot be precisely defined, and therefore has no place in CS or SE.” –Edsger Dijkstra, ICSE 4, 1979 “Analysis and allocation of the system requirements is not the responsibility of the SE group but is a prerequisite for their work.” –Mark Paulk at al., SEI Software CMM v.1.1, 1993
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Cosmopolis: The Erosion of Modernist Philosophy Dominant since 17 th century Formal, reductionist –Apply laws of cosmos to human polis Focus on written vs. oral; universal vs. particular; general vs. local; timeless vs. timely –one-size-fits-all solutions Strong influence on focus of computer science Weak in dealing with human behavior, rapid change
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Resulting Project Social Structure
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Responsibility for System Definition Every success-critical stakeholder has knowledge of factors that will thwart a project’s success –Software developers, users, customers, … It is irresponsible to underparticipate in system definition –Govt./TRW large system: 1 second response time It is irresponsible to overparticipate in system definition –Scientific American: focus on part with software solution
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The CMMI Software Paradigm System and software engineering are integrated –Software has a seat at the center table Requirements, architecture, and process are developed concurrently –Along with prototypes and key capabilities Developments done by integrated teams –Collaborative vs. adversarial process –Based on shared vision, negotiated stakeholder concurrence
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO) Barry Boehm, Donald Reifer and Ricardo Valerdi
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Development Approach Use USC seven step model building process Keep things simple –Start with Inception phase first when only large- grain information tends to be available –Use EIA 632 to bound tasks that are part of the effort –Focus on software intensive subsystems first (see next chart for explanation), then extend to total systems Develop the model in three steps –Step 1 – limit effort to software-intensive systems –Step 2 – tackle remainder of phases in life cycle –Step 3 – extend work to broad range of systems Build on previous work
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Form of the Model COSYSMO Size Drivers Effort Multipliers Effort Duration Calibration # Requirements # Interfaces # Scenarios # Algorithms + Volatility Factor - Application factors -8 factors - Team factors -8 factors - Schedule driver WBS guided By EIA 632 COCOMO II-based model
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Step 2: Size the Effort Using Function Point Analogy Weightings of factors relative work use average requirement as basis To compute size, develop estimates for the drivers and then sum the columns
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Basic Effort Multipliers - I Detailed rating conventions will be developed for these multipliers Applications Factors (8) –Requirements understanding –Architecture understanding –Level of service requirements, criticality, difficulty –Legacy transition complexity –COTS assessment complexity –Platform difficulty –Required business process reengineering –Technology maturity
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Basic Effort Multipliers - II Detailed rating conventions will be developed for these multipliers Team Factors (8) –Number and diversity of stakeholder communities –Stakeholder team cohesion –Personnel capability –Personnel experience/continuity –Process maturity –Multi-site coordination –Formality of deliverables –Tool support
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Next Steps Data collection – gather actual effort and duration data from actual system engineering effort Model calibration – calibrate the model first using expert opinion, then refine as actual data being collected Model validation – validate that the model generates answers that reflect a mix of expert opinions and real- world data (move towards the actual data as it becomes available) Model publication – publish the model periodically as new versions become available (at least bi-annually) Model extension and refinement – extend the model to increase its scope towards the right; refine the model to increase its predictive accuracy
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Software Engineering Trends Traditional Standalone systems Mostly source code Requirements-driven Control over evolution Focus on software Stable requirements Premium on cost Staffing workable Future Everything connected-maybe Mostly COTS components Requirements are emergent No control over COTS evolution Focus on systems and software Rapid change Premium on value, speed, quality Scarcity of critical talent
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) Essential to integration of software and systems engineering –Software increasingly determines system content –Software architecture determines system adaptability 7 key elements of VBSE Implementing VBSE –CeBASE Method and method patterns –Experience factory, GQM, and MBASE elements –Means of achieving CMMI Level 5 benefits
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Key Elements of VBSE 1.Benefits Realization Analysis 2.Stakeholders’ Value Proposition Elicitation and Reconciliation 3.Business Case Analysis 4.Continuous Risk and Opportunity Management 5.Concurrent System and Software Engineering 6.Value-Based Monitoring and Control 7.Change as Opportunity
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Information Paradox (Thorp) No correlation between companies’ IT investments and their market performance Field of Dreams –Build the (field; software) –and the great (players; profits) will come Need to integrate software and systems initiatives
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ DMR/BRA* Results Chain INITIATIVE OUTCOME Implement a new order entry system ASSUMPTION Contribution Order to delivery time is an important buying criterion Reduce time to process order Reduced order processing cycle (intermediate outcome) Increased sales Reduce time to deliver product *DMR Consulting Group’s Benefits Realization Approach
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The Model-Clash Spider Web: Master Net
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ EasyWinWin OnLine Negotiation Steps
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Red cells indicate lack of consensus. Oral discussion of cell graph reveals unshared information, unnoticed assumptions, hidden issues, constraints, etc.
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Example of Business Case Analysis ROI= (Benefits-Costs)/Costs Time Return on Investment Option B- Rapid Option B Option A
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Architecture Choices F1, F2, F3F4, F5 F6, F7 F8, F9, F10, F11 F12 Intelligent Router … Rigid Hyper-flexible Flexible
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Architecture Flexibility Determination
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) Essential to integration of software and systems engineering –Software increasingly determines system content –Software architecture determines system adaptability 7 key elements of VBSE Implementing VBSE –CeBASE Method and method patterns –Experience factory, GQM, and MBASE elements –Means of achieving CMMI Level 5 benefits
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Initiatives Planning context Progress/Plan/ Goal Mismatches Experience Base Analyzed experience, Updated models Achievables, Opportunities Org. Improvement Goals –Goal-related questions, metrics Org. Improvement Strategies –Goal achievement models Org. Improvement Initiative Planning & Control Initiative Plans –Initiative-related questions, metrics Initiative Monitoring and Control –Experience-Base Analysis Org. Shared Vision & Improvement Strategy Experience Factory Framework - III Project Shared Vision and Strategy Planning Context Models and data Project experience Org. Goals Project Planning and Control Models and data
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ VBSE Experience Factory Example Shared vision: Increased market share, profit via rapid development Improvement goal: Reduce system development time 50% Improvement strategy: Reduce all task durations 50% Pilot project: Rqts, design, code reduced 50%; test delayed –Analysis: Test preparation insufficient, not on critical-path Experience base: OK to increase effort on non- critical-path activities, if it decreases time on critical-path activities
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CeBASE Method Strategic Framework Org. Value Propositions (VP’s) -Stakeholder values Current situation w.r.t. VP’s Improvement Goals, Priorities Global Scope, Results Chain Value/business case models Org-Portfolio Shared Vision Strategy elements Evaluation criteria/questions Improvement plans -Progress metrics -Experience base Org. Strategic Plans Organization/ Portfolio: Experience Factory, GQM Monitor environment -Update models Implement plans Evaluate progress -w.r.t. goals, models Determine, apply corrective actions Update experience base Org. Monitoring & Control Monitoring & Control Context Project Value Propositions -Stakeholder values Current situation w.r.t. VP’s Improvement Goals, Priorities Project Scope, Results Chain Value/business case models Project Shared Vision Project: MBASE Planning context Plan/Goal mismatches Project Plans Planning Context Initiatives Progress/Plan/Goal mismatches -shortfalls, opportunities, risks Project vision, goals Shortfalls, opportunities, risks Scoping context Shortfalls, opportunities, risks Planning Context Monitor environment -Update models Implement plans Evaluate progress -w.r.t. goals, models, plans Determine, apply corrective actions Update experience base Proj. Monitoring & Control Monitoring & Control context Progress/Plan/goal mismatches -Shortfalls, opportunities, risks Plan/goal mismatches Monitoring & Control context Project experience, progress w.r.t. plans, goals LCO: Life Cycle Objectives LCA: Life Cycle Architecture IOC: Initial Operational Capability GMQM: Goal-Model-Question-Metric Paradigm MBASE: Model-Based (System) Architecting and Software Engineering -Applies to organization’s and projects’ people, processes, and products LCO/LCA Package -Ops concept, prototypes, rqts, architecture, LCplan, rationale IOC/Transition/Support Package -Design, increment plans, quality plans, T/S plans Evaluation criteria/questions Progress metrics
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CeBASE Method Coverage of CMMI - I Process Management –Organizational Process Focus: 100+ –Organizational Process Definition: 100+ –Organizational Training: 100- –Organizational Process Performance: 100- –Organizational Innovation and Deployment: 100+ Project Management –Project Planning: 100 –Project Monitoring and Control: 100+ –Supplier Agreement Management: 50- –Integrated Project Management: 100- –Risk Management: 100 –Integrated Teaming: 100 –Quantitative Project Management: 70-
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CeBASE Method Coverage of CMMI - II Engineering –Requirements Management: 100 –Requirements Development: 100 –Technical Solution: 60+ –Product Integration: 70+ –Verification: 70- –Validation: 80+ Support –Configuration Management: 70- –Process and Product Quality Assurance: 70- –Measurement and Analysis: 100- –Decision Analysis and Resolution: 100- –Organizational Environment for Integration: 80- –Causal Analysis and Resolution: 100
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ CeBASE Method Simplified via Method Patterns Schedule as Independent Variable (SAIV) –Also applies for cost, cost/schedule/quality Opportunity Trees –Cost, schedule, defect reduction Agile COCOMO II –Analogy-based estimate adjuster COTS integration method patterns Process model decision table
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ The SAIV Process Model 1. Shared vision and expectations management 2. Feature prioritization 3. Schedule range estimation 4. Architecture and core capabilities determination 5. Incremental development 6. Change and progress monitoring and control
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Shared Vision, Expectations Management, and Feature Prioritization Use stakeholder win-win approach Developer win condition: Don’t overrun fixed 24-week schedule Clients’ win conditions: 56 weeks’ worth of features Win-Win negotiation –Which features are most critical? –COCOMO II: How many features can be built within a 24-week schedule?
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ COCOMO II Estimate Ranges
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Core Capability Incremental Development, and Coping with Rapid Change Core capability not just top-priority features –Useful end-to-end capability –Architected for ease of adding, dropping marginal features Worst case: Deliver core capability in 24 weeks, with some extra effort Most likely case: Finish core capability in weeks –Add next-priority features Cope with change by monitoring progress –Renegotiate plans as appropriate
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ SAIV Experience I: USC Digital Library Projects Life Cycle Architecture package in fixed 12 weeks –Compatible operational concept, prototypes, requirements, architecture, plans, feasibility rationale Initial Operational Capability in 12 weeks –Including 2-week cold-turkey transition Successful on 24 of 26 projects –Failure 1: too-ambitious core capability Cover 3 image repositories at once –Failure 2: team disbanded Graduation, summer job pressures
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ RAD Opportunity Tree Business process reengineering Eliminating Tasks Reducing Time Per Task Reducing Risks of Single-Point Failures Reducing Backtracking Activity Network Streamlining Increasing Effective Workweek Better People and Incentives Transition to Learning Organization Reusing assets Applications generation Schedule as independent variable (SAIV) Tools and automation Work streamlining (80-20) Increasing parallelism Reducing failures Reducing their effects Early error elimination Process anchor points Improving process maturity Collaboration technology Minimizing task dependencies Avoiding high fan-in, fan-out Reducing task variance Removing tasks from critical path 24x7 development Nightly builds, testing Weekend warriors
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Software Engineering Trends Traditional Standalone systems Mostly source code Requirements-driven Control over evolution Focus on software Stable requirements Premium on cost Staffing workable Future Everything connected-maybe Mostly COTS components Requirements are emergent No control over COTS evolution Focus on systems and software Rapid change Premium on value, speed, quality Scarcity of critical talent
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Understanding, dealing with sources of software value –And associated stakeholders, applications domains Software/systems architecting and engineering –Creating and/or integrating software components –Using risk to balance disciplined and agile processes Ability to continuously learn and adapt Critical Success Factors for Software Careers
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Understanding, dealing with sources of software value –And associated stakeholders, applications domains –CS 510: Software Management and Economics Software/systems architecting and engineering –Creating and/or integrating software components –Using risk to balance disciplined and agile processes –CS 577ab: Software Engineering Principles and Practice –CS 578: Software Architecture Ability to continuously learn and adapt –CS 592: Emerging Best Practices in Software Engineering - USC Software Engineering Certificate Courses Critical Success Factors for Software Careers
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ USC SWE Certificate Program and MS Programs Provide Key Software Talent Strategy Enablers Infusion of latest SWE knowledge and trends Tailorable framework of best practices Continuing education for existing staff - Including education on doing their own lifelong learning Package of career-enhancing perks for new recruits - Career reward for earning Certificate - Option to continue for MS degree - Many CS BA grads want both income and advanced degree Available via USC Distance Education Network
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ Conclusions World of future: Complex adaptive systems –Distribution; mobility; rapid change Need adaptive vs. optimized processes –Don’t be a process dinosaur –Or a change-resistant change agent Marketplace trends favor value/risk-based processes –Software a/the major source of product value –Software the primary enabler of system adaptability Individuals are organizations need pro-active software talent strategies –Consider USC SW Engr. Certificate and MS programs
University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering CSE USC ©USC-CSE 5/10/ References D. Ahern, A.Clouse, & R. Turner, CMMI Distilled, Addison Wesley, C. Baldwin & K. Clark, Design Rules: The Power of Modularity, MIT Press, B. Boehm, D. Port, A. Jain, & V. Basili, “Achieving CMMI Level 5 with MBASE and the CeBASE Method,” Cross Talk, May B. Boehm & K. Sullivan, “Software Economics: A Roadmap,” The Future of Software Economics, A. Finkelstein (ed.), ACM Press, R. Kaplan & D. Norton, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, Harvard Business School Press, D. Reifer, Making the Software Business Case, Addison Wesley, K. Sullivan, Y. Cai, B. Hallen, and W. Griswold, “The Structure and Value of Modularity in Software Design,” Proceedings, ESEC/FSE, 2001, ACM Press, pp J. Thorp and DMR, The Information Paradox, McGraw Hill, Software Engineering Certificate website: CeBASE web site : CMMI web site : MBASE web site :