Money Introduction Lesson Quiz
Basic information In order to begin this lesson you need to know a few things. One dollar bills=1 Five dollar bills= 5 A quarter=25 cents A dime=10 cents A nickel= 5 cents A penny= 1 cent Now that you know that lets begin!
One dollar bill
5 dollar bill When you have a 5 dollar bill and you are trying to make change out of it, it would be best if you just worked with one dollar bills unless there is a reason to use change. If you decide to use change just treat it like 5 one dollar bills. We just learned how to make change from a one dollar bill. You need 5 one dollar bills to make 5 dollars =5
All about Quarters
Dimes and nickels To make change from a dime you can either use 2 nickels or 10 pennies. The only way you can make change from a nickel is with 5 pennies.
Question 1 How many quarters do you need in order to make a dollar? Hint: each quarter is worth 25 cents. A.33 B.44 C.66 D.22
Correct You got it right. That’s great. Click the right arrow to move on to the next question. Good Job
Try Again Remember that each quarter is 25 cents. You can do it just try again. Click the back arrow for another chance.
Question 2 How many one dollar bills would you need in order to have the same amount as a 5 dollar bill? A.33 B.44 C.77 D.55
Correct Good job!! Way to go!! One question left!!!!
Try Again Just take your time and think about the question there is no rush. Click the back arrow to try again.
Question 3 If you had 2 quarters,3 dimes, and 1 penny how much money would you have? A.6 cents6 cents B.81 cents81 cents C.54 cents54 cents D.92 cents92 cents
Correct YAY!!!!! You got all 3 questions right good job. I knew you would get it. Click the right arrow for the review/homework page or just click the house to go home. Congratulations you have completed the quiz!!!
Try Again Here are a few things to remember A quarter is worth 25 cents A dime is worth 10 cents A penny is worth one cent. Click the back arrow to try again.
Review Here is a video that you can watch which will help you understand more about the topic. Make Change video Here is a worksheet that I would like for you to complete for homework. Counting and Making Change.docx Click the right arrow for the citation page.
Citation Page Images found from google search. df/629/859b5cbd2ce22/Worksheet Works_Counting_and_Making_Chan ge_1.pdf df/629/859b5cbd2ce22/Worksheet Works_Counting_and_Making_Chan ge_1.pdf XWbK9vu877g XWbK9vu877g