UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation Technologies from Logistics to the Future Internet and Cloud Prof. Egils Ginters Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences State University of Applied Sciences One of the most innovate regional centres for academic education and research Study programmes in social sciences, engineering and computer science in bachelor and master level, doctoral studies in Sociotechnical systems modelling International cooperation: Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, HESP, Fulbright, EC FP7 etc.
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Study Facilities Free Internet access in the dormitories, WiFi in ViA study premises Up-to-date auditorium equipment E-learning facilities Training laboratories: RFID, Simulation, Virtual Reality and other Conference Hall Modern library
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 –Agency was founded in July, 2006 –Logistics Information Systems, RFID, Simulation and Virtual reality laboratories –International annual Proceedings of scientific articles "ICTE in Regional Development" involved in EBSCO Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute (SSII VIA) –Research directions and know-how: Logistics information systems and RFID technologies; Business process modelling and regional planning; Hybrid simulation systems and distributed simulation environments; Policy modelling and simulation; Use of virtual and augmented reality in the training process Technology acceptance and sustainability assessment.
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Why? The decision making in the obstacles of technological and knowledge society is difficult due to complexity of processes The requirements for situations forecasting and transparency of the scenarios are topical due to high losses of possible faults and impact on the society and environment The varied, complex and non-compatible simulation tools can be used for solving the tasks mentioned above
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 The Systems: The Real Systems - Sociotechnical Dual nature Complex structure Oriented to cognition and self-organization Distributed and heterogeneous simulation models Different technologies in the same framework
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, The Systems: Technical, Social and Sociotechnical systems Traffic lights control system Driver (human) behaviour system Weather Pollution Health Sleep Lighting Drugs Spirits Stress Knowledge Sociotechnical
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 PROBLEMS Lack of interdisciplinary knowledge (ICT (technical) + Logistics (social)) for both IT systems adminstrators and logistics managers have influence on quality of logistics services and bothering introduction of intelligent transportation systems Learning is still time-consuming due to high capacity of teaching and training material, and limited time resources for training in classroom or e-learning use LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 INTRODUCTION INCO-Copernicus Programme project AMCAI 0312 ( ) “Application of Modern Concepts in the Automated Information Management in Harbours by Using Advanced IT-Solutions” Aimed to creating a united group of scientists that initiated a research on using experiences of leading European universities and technological institutions in management of logistics systems, e.g., at the biggest European seaports (for example, Rotterdam), in order to evaluate a possibility of using these experiences in Latvia. INCO Copernicus AMCAI countries, 6 partners LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 DESIGNING INCO-Copernicus Programme project DAMAC-HP PL ( ) “Further Development and Practical Application of Harbour Processes Managing and Controlling Models, Methods and Techniques” Dedicated to creation of a simulation model of the Baltic Container Terminal, operating in the Riga seaport. The project also was devoted to investigation of information flows and analysis of business processes in the Ventspils Freeport Authority. INCO Copernicus DAMAC-HP countries, 7 partners LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 e-LEARNING Leonardo da Vinci programme project LOGIS LV-PP ( ) “Long-distance tutorial network in “Logistics Information Systems” based on WEB technologies“. Designing of course content and e-learning tools for training of the specialists for solving problems in analysis, design and exploitation of logistics information processing systems. Leonardo da Vinci LOGIS countries, 9+2 partners LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, th Framework Baltports-IT Baltic Sub-Regional Competence Centre in Logistics, Advanced IT- solutions and Simulation BSRCC LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, th Framework IST programme project eLOGMAR-M ( ) “Web-based and Mobile Solutions for Collaborative Work Environment with Logistics and Maritime Applications“ Investigation and demonstration of mobile logistics solution for the maritime freight route "Baltic Sea feeder ports - Western Europe hub ports (Hamburg) - Mediterranean ports - Chinese ports" 6th Framework eLOGMAR-M countries, 17 partners m-WORK LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 m-CONSULTING Leonardo da Vinci programme project LOGIS MOBILE ( ) LV/04/B/F/PP ( ) “Competence Framework for Mobile On-site Accelerated Vocational Training in Logistics Information Systems” Aimed at development of new mobile m-consulting methods to reduce the time of learning and amount of study material required using mobile communication technologies and Concise Training Dictionary in Logistics Information Systems Leonardo da Vinci LOGIS MOBILE countries, 11 partners LOGISTICS
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 EC Leonardo da Vinci programme project LV/04/B/F/PP ( ) “Competence Network for Introduction of Modern ICTE Technologies in Vocational Learning in Social Systems Simulation and Research [SocSimNet]” SocSimNet GENERALIZATION Aimed at development of new interdisciplinary master study programme “Sociotechnical Systems Modelling” 18 months, 8 partners, LV, DE, ES, UK
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation: New Challenges
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 EC FP7-ICT IP project CHOReOS No ( ) “Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet (IP)”
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 CHOREOS Sustainability assessment of the CHOREOS choreographic approach in the Future Internet using system dynamics simulation methods and tools
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 EC FP7-ICT-2011 IP project FUPOL No ( ) “Future Policy Modelling (IP)” F U P O L Final policy design FUTURE POLICY MODELLING
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 FUPOL The FUPOL proposes a comprehensive new governance model to support the policy design and implementation lifecycle. The innovations are driven to support the policy domains in urban regions. FUPOL policy models simulator design for the priority domains
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation: Problem I: TOOLS Applied simulation technologies and tools are different, complex and non-compatible A few part of them can be used by domain experts without assistance of programmer and/or simulation specialist
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation: Problem II: COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT Communication environments are expensive and difficult (HLA – expensive and overfull; CORBA – for programmers only) Solutions does not fit to new challenges of Future Internet and Cloud Simulation
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation: Problem III: VISUALISATION Request for VR/AR use to enhance clearness and transparency of information input/output and layout design for simulation models Adaptability to available visualisation power resources of the simulator – from mainframes to desktops and from mobile phones to PDA Ability of 3D Future Internet services use for simulation results visualisation
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 SIMULATION HIGHWAY EC FP7-ICT-2011 Call 8 IP project SIMULATION HIGHWAY ( ) “Simulation Technologies on the Future Internet” (in preparation)
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation Highway: Concept Common approach and rules to access, join and exploit the different and heterogeneous simulation models in distributed environment (Future Internet and/or Cloud)
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation Highway: Concepts & Ideas 3D Future Internet; VR/AR Visualisation
UNITE, Riga, RTU, May 20, 2011 Simulation Highway –Simulation on the Future Internet and Cloud Thank you for attention