Social-Emotional Character Development (SECD) Standards Support All! Sue Kidd, Coordinator Kansas Character Education Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

Social-Emotional Character Development (SECD) Standards Support All! Sue Kidd, Coordinator Kansas Character Education Initiative

Within the character of the Citizen lies the welfare of the nation. — Cicero

“…nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth in wisdom and virtue.” Benjamin Franklin

"To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." -Theodore Roosevelt

Comprehensive Character Development Programming in Kansas Guided by: the Legislation of SB68 Section 5, (b) (1.) “Charter development program” means a program which is secular in nature and which stresses character qualities, (2) “Character qualities” means positive character qualities which include, but are not limited to, honesty, responsibility, attentiveness, patience, kindness, respect, self-control, tolerance, cooperation, initiative, patriotism and citizenship.

Identify three skills/competencies you want your students to improve on this year because you know doing so will help them achieve greater academic success.

Destination Social Emotional Learning Character Education Student success and optimal learning environment Dr. Ed Dunkelblau

Social Emotional Competencies Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision-making Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning,

Social Emotional Learning Allows People to Be Successful It can be taught The learning process is lifelong We can model it for our children It is beneficial in school, work and family

Let’s look at your responses to the question: Identify three skills/competencies you want your students to improve on this year because you know doing so will help them achieve greater academic success.

11 Principles of Effective Character Education 1. The school community promotes core ethical and performance values as the foundation of good character. 2. The school defines “character” comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and doing. 3. The school uses a comprehensive, intentional, and proactive approach to character development. 4. The school creates a caring community.

5. The school provides students with opportunities for moral action. 6. The school offers a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners, develops their character, and helps them to succeed. 7. The school fosters students’ self-motivation.. 8. The school staff is an ethical learning community that shares responsibility for character education and adheres to the same core values that guide the students.

9. The school fosters shared leadership and long- range support of the character education initiative 10. The school engages families and community members as partners in the character-building effort. 11. The school regularly assesses its culture and climate, the functioning of its staff as character educators, and the extent to which its students manifest good character. Character Education Partnership, 2010

Why Social Emotional and Character Development ? Emotions affect how and what we learn Relationships provide foundation for learning Relevant skills can be taught Positive effects on academic performance Benefits to physical health (Continued)

Why Social Emotional and Character Development? Demanded by employers Essential for lifelong success Risk of maladjustment, failed relationships, unhappiness reduced A coordinating framework to overcome fragmentation

SECD Development Process Develop Vision for Kansas SECD Standards Develop the Standards, Benchmarks, Indicators using format of other disciplines and integrating and aligning with these disciplines Endorsement by KS Board of Education Sharing with Kansas educators, parents, and communities

For more information or to become involved: Sue Kidd, Coordinator, Kansas Character Education Initiative Phone: Kent Reed, Counseling Consultant, KSDE

As a parent or grandparent how do you define a successful school experience? What do you want your children to know and to do as a result of going to school?