Good writing teachers write themselves. They know Journaling Daily is a good place to practice THINKING: - to experiment with ideas, - to clarify ideas, - to store ideas for later recall and use. JOURNALING Daily - 20 min.
Writing and reading the DAILY LOG... The Daily Log is a record of each day’s events. Writing a Daily Log teaches note-taking and note-making strategies as well as creative report writing. Log keepers experiment with genres such as letters, stories, poems, songs, news articles, plays, fairytales, etc.
GOOD WRITING INSTRUCTION ISN’T MAGIC ! It is knowing what works, when it works, and why it works. It comes from being a writing teacher who writes.
Best Practice Demonstrations Coaching and demonstrating best practices are the core of our Leadership Training
Examining Student Work Showing and discussing student work is integral to our best practice demonstrations
Fellows Share their Writing in “Authors Chair”
Fellows wrote and revised 4 essays, 5 pages each. Writing groups learned to respond with praise & clarifying questions. The types of writing included both personal and professional pieces.
Successful Writing Groups Require: Building Trust Being Honest Pointing to what works Reading closely to identify opportunities for development Writers who are willing to consider readers’ needs.
Reading, Writing & Discussing Research in Teaching Writing Fellows read and discussed three books on teaching writing and did a book-talk on a fourth self-selected text.
Congratulations to UC Merced Writing Project’s New Teacher Consultants California Writing Project Teachers- CWP National Writing Project Teachers- NWP GRADUATION DAY!
Leadership Opportunities for our Teacher Consultants Workshop Presenter Inservice Coordinator Writing Group Member Book Study Group Member School Partnership Coach Special Interest Study/Research Group Member— –ELL/Migrant Ed. Network –Embedding State Writing Standards –K-3 Network—Emergent Writers –ISAW Network—Academic Writing –Adopted Texts and Writing Instruction –Technology and Writing Advanced Institute Participant Returning Fellow Young Writers Academy Teacher Summer Seminar Facilitator CWP Statewide Program Participant Photos ©2011 Roger Wyan
Thank you for your support! U C M W P Teachers-Teaching-Teachers We develop teachers’ knowledge-base of composition theory and examine best practices through classroom research and continued study. *authorized agency for NCLB, Title I, ELL, etc. Please contact us: We can meet your professional development needs.