Open Water Data Initiative an Esri perspective Special thanks to Al Rea USGS, and David Maidment University of Texas for reuse of slide content Steve Kopp
Water Data Challenges Access to water data is difficult - Inconsistent creation and collection - Collected by hundreds of organizations - No common place to find it Understanding connections requires a geospatial framework - Landscape to stream - Stream to stream Increasing interest in water data
>60 agencies $10,000,000 value >45,000,000 hourly records >15,000 unique stream sites NorWeST Stream Temperature project Illustrates the need and value of collaboration, coordination, and openness
Technology advances are making this easier Driven by trends toward openness, ease of use, and emerging standards Evolution was paper to digital data files, now data services and information products
Open Water Data Initiative - improves collaboration and use Focal point for water data collection and publishing efforts Improving communication and coordination between agencies Provides a framework and guidance for contributors Simplified, centralized access points Authoritative Information Organized and Accessible for many uses Federal State Local Open Water Data
Goals of the National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) Understand data requirements Close the gap between National Flood Forecasting and Local Emergency Response Demonstrate forecasting of flood impacts at “stream and street level” National Local Weather and Hydrology USGS, National Weather Service, and other federal agencies National Water Center River Flooding and Emergency Response Local, State, Regional Agencies and Citizens
Why local scale flood forecasting? Understanding your risk
National Flood Interoperability Experiment USGS Water Watch Points NHDPlus
Results from NFIE for OWDI 1. We now know clearly what data is needed for a national stream flow prediction system 2. We know that it is possible to forecast flow on 2.7 million stream reaches in 10 minutes, and design work is happening to turn this into a calibrated operational system. Further research and prototyping continues, focused on modeling flood inundation, and sharing of results as targeted information products
Esri interests in the Open Water Data Initiative Technology provider / consultant to agencies creating and publishing water data Technology provider / consultant to consumers of water data Consumer of water data - To construct online maps and analytic services Re-publisher of water data - As online maps and services Open Water Data
Conclusion and looking forward OWDI is filling a crucial role in organizing the nation’s water data Surge in openness and accessibility across all aspects of government and science Sharing data sharing information
Thank you… Steve Kopp
Case study approach to data requirements There are many stakeholders, scientists, disciplines, and domains Case studies focus on 3 primary water resources issues - Not enough - Too much - Too dirty to use – Esri’s primary involvement