Do players decline in production after signing a new contract? Does signing with a new team alter production? vs (after lockout) vs Look at Statistics of all players signing a new contract between the two seasons THE BURNING QUESTIONS
2-Sample T-Test Minutes per Game (MPG) Assists per Game (APG) Rebounds per Game (RPG) Points per Game (PPG) Player Efficiency Rating (PER) Krustkal-Wallis Test Minutes per Game (MPG) Assists per Game (APG) Rebounds per Game (RPG) Points per Game (PPG) Player Efficiency Rating (PER) IS RE-SIGNING A FACTOR?
Minutes per Game (MPG): T=-2.55, P-Value=0.012* Assists per Game (APG) :T=-1.20, P-Value=0.234 Rebounds per Game (RPG): T=-2.75, P-Value=0.007* Points per Game (PPG): T=-2.83, P-Value=0.006* Player Efficiency Rating (PER): T=-0.82, P-Value=0.416 RESULTS
RESULTS VS MPG: T=-0.30, P-Value=0.767 APG: T=-1.29, P-Value=0.199 RPG: T=1.05, P-Value=0.296 PPG: T=0.78. P-Value=0.438 PER: T=1.65, P-Value=0.102
KRUSKAL-WALLIS TEST RESULTS VS MPG: K=4.70, P-Value=0.030* APG: K=3.88, P-Value=0.049* RPG: K=5.38, P-Value=0.020* PPG: K=6.24, P-Value=0.012* PER: K=0.27, P-Value= VS MPG: K=0.19, p-Value=0.662 APG: K=0.96, p-Value=0.327 RPG: K=0.69, p-Value=0.406 PPG: K=0.35, p-Value=0.552 PER: K=2.43, p-Value=0.119
SIGN-TEST RESULTS VS MPG: θ=-1.200, p- Value= APG: θ= , p- Value= RPG: θ= , p- Value= PPG: θ= , p- Value= PER: θ= , p- Value= VS MPG: θ=-2.300, p- Value= APG: θ= , p- Value= RPG: θ= , p- Value=0.0228* PPG: θ= , p- Value= PER: θ= , p- Value=0.1184
CONCLUSIONS VS Re-signing was a factor for every statistics except for PER Not enough evidence for any statistic to say that there was a significant difference in production after signing a new contract VS There wasn’t sufficient evidence to conclude that there was a significant difference because of re- signing or not. Only RPG had enough sufficient evidence to conclude that there was a significant difference in production after signing a new contract